Xiuwu Niang on Douluo Continent

Chapter 94 King of the Earth (Part )

Yixuan quickly grabbed Su Xiu, who was about to rush forward, and said, "Sometimes he looks like a cat, but usually he looks like a hamster."


Su Xiu changed the target of her glare and glared at the innocent-looking Yixuan: "It's okay to get smaller and smaller. Why do each one look more like a pet than the other?!!"

"Well, that seems to be it."


Sun Xiong called to Chu Muge and Gongsun Yi and said, "Okay, ignore those two showing off their affection. Just find a place near here and get ready to rest. It's the same night as the first shift for you."

Sun Xiong and Wuji also took turns to participate in the vigil. With the purpose of honing their experience and accumulating experience, they naturally had to bring the four people except Yun Youli to the vigil together.

After nightfall, Su Xiu and Yixuan, who were responsible for the second round of vigil, sat on the tree trunk and looked at the moonlight.

The gardenia zither was placed on both knees, and a few simple notes were played gently, not in a tune, to prevent the music from attracting the attention of the soul beasts and soul masters, but also to soothe the body and mind, and create a unique mood.

Su Xiu swung her legs and said, "I feel that the starry sky here is brighter than what I saw in Yecheng and Yangcheng. It's a bit like what I saw on the top of Poseidon Village." She raised her hand and pointed at the Milky Way in the sky.

"Are you homesick?" Yixuan stopped playing the piano and asked.

"I miss my father."

Yixuan lowered his eyelashes and changed the subject: "Are you happy with Xiuxiu during this journey?"

Su Xiu swept away her low mood and spoke with bright eyes: "I am happy. Although there are times when I am unhappy, I am with everyone every day. It feels good that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, we can solve it together."

“Especially I got to meet a lot of people I’d never seen before, Ah Xuan, and I felt very rewarded.”

Facing the young man's doubtful gaze, Su Xiu smiled and said: "For example, Yixuan, who beat up Yang Gao student with Muge in the hotel without saying a word, has a young and frivolous chivalrous spirit; he challenged the soul with Brother Yi and the others. Wang Shi's Yixuan had a heroic spirit of surrendering to his friends life and death, regardless of the way forward; finally, during the day today, Yixuan challenged the Meng family's big cat. The hero did not ask where he came from, and tried his sword in the world. No one dared to compete. Domineering."

Looking at Yixuan, whose cheeks turned reddish and a little uncomfortable after being praised by him, Su Xiu teased her without giving any face, "Oh my, look at our majestic Yida gentleman, he still modestly expresses his love for his little fan girl. Are you sorry for the kind words?"

Yixuan coughed lightly to cover up that he was praised by Su Xiu, but he was so happy that it was difficult to express his emotions. He said with a little anxiety: "So what do I usually look like in Xiu Xiu's eyes?"

"Usually? The spring breeze is warm. He is a good brother who is neither humble nor overbearing and takes good care of his sister. Occasionally he is a little dull." Su Xiu replied without any thought or hesitation, and then said curiously: "Probably just a short meeting." Isn't it like Yixuan is so angry that he is a beauty?"

Yixuan was stunned for a while, then smiled, and seemed to have adjusted his mood slightly because of these words. He waved a few strings with his fingers and said, "Maybe I don't want Xiuxiu to see me like that. After all, if it really happens I see, maybe my most important person has been hurt."

Su Xiu nodded softly and said, "It seems true."

Wuji, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up and looked to the southeast; Su Xiu stood up on the tree trunk and stared in the same direction. A series of giant trees were collapsing, as if something was moving forward in the land without stopping. The ground crossed the border lighthouse building and came in this direction, and a very powerful soul power aura made people tremble; then Gongsun Yi discovered the situation, reached out and grabbed the back wall of Yun Youli beside him and pulled him into his arms.

After a short period of silence of only three breaths, Wuji's pupils shrank and he roared: "No! Get out of here quickly!" As soon as he finished speaking, the hundred thousand year soul ring lit up, and directly transformed into the true form of the martial soul to bombard the place.

Taking the big tree where Su Xiu and Yixuan were as the center of the circle, a place with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly collapsed instantly. The place where the martial soul of Sanshengyuan Mother Cauldron hit the ground suddenly sprang out from the place covered with mud and scales. I don't know what it was. The tail of the soul beast.

The Sanshengyuan Mother Cauldron was like a large fly to Scale Tail. After two or three touches, the round turtle was swatted away and turned into a shooting star.

Centered on this scaly tail, the surrounding ground began to swallow downwards like quicksand.

Sun Xiong has always been guarding Yun Youli, but now something like this suddenly happened. The martial soul of the powerful Vajra Bear appeared. The bear only had time to throw Chu Muge into the sky with one palm, and the soul skill Immovable King Ming launched. , the light shield covered himself, Yun Youli and Gongsun Yi together, and fell into the ground vortex that turned into quicksand.

The giant tree fell, and when Wuji hit the ground, Yixuan's arm stretched out towards Su Xiu was caught by her. Taking this as an opportunity, it seemed that there was some force. Although Yixuan's whole body was weak, he knew it was Su Xiu's acupuncture. Fixed points.

Su Xiu pulled Yixuan's arm, placed her other hand on his abdomen, broke the tree trunk with her legs, and threw Yixuan out.

Because Su Xiu threw too hard with her soft skills, her feet were in the air and her body fell straight down.

The soul ring appeared, and the first soul skill Qiansi and the iron flying claws in the moon spirit ring simultaneously grabbed the surrounding places where they could rest.

The impact of the air wave from the collision between the Three Living Origin Mother Cauldron and Scale Tail hit, and the thousand threads were directly broken, and the foothold grasped by the iron flying claws was shattered in the stormy sand waves.

Just when Su Xiu was about to use her strength to throw the flying claw again, she noticed from the corner of her eye that Scale Tail started to move in the direction where she threw Yixuan. At the same time, the collapse of the quicksand accelerated and the range expanded in the same direction.

There was a cruel look in the girl's eyes. This was the first time that she and Yixuan were in an irreversible crisis at the same time. Therefore, her first reaction was to save her brother. She must not let him die here, but she also knew that Yixuan was a person. So she made him unable to resist first and then sent him out of the danger zone first.

What is happening now is that the danger circle will be wider than expected.

Su Xiu knew very well the distance of her throw. After all, she had to take into account the time when the acupoint fixing effect was released to prevent Yixuan from being unable to use his soul power and get injured when he landed.

When the second soul ring, Dragon Beard, was activated, five dragon whisker needles were shot out, but none of them broke through Scale Tail's defense. The retracted flying claws wrapped around Scale Tail, and the left hand that controlled the iron chain of the flying claws used force to drive the body straight. Thinking about Scale Tail and leaving, at the same time the spirit sword spirit was summoned and inserted directly into Scale Tail.

Su Xiu, who had great trust in the sharpness of the spiritual sword, felt his heart sink when he saw that the sword was only halfway inserted into the scale tail.

Faced with such an absolute power of defense and a race against the seconds, she was not allowed time to use any sword skills to increase the power of the spiritual sword, so she could only infuse it with soul power.

If the scope of the ground collapse expands, it is likely that Yixuan, who has been away from the battlefield, will be re-involved. Then Su Xiu's previous efforts will be in vain. She knows very well that when the boy lands, his soul power will resume operation, so it will be impossible to let him She is in crisis all by herself.

The only way now is to inject all the existing soul power into the spirit sword, use the most primitive and stupidest method to open the wound, and use severe pain to attract the soul beast's brief attention, thereby stopping its movement, thus ensuring escape. Xuan escaped from the quicksand collapse area to ensure that the young man could not re-enter the danger to save her.

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