Three days passed by in a flash, and soon it was time for the opening ceremony. Oh, I forgot to mention, the registration time for freshmen is the 1st.

‘Hurry up, why are you two so slow? ’ In high school, Qin Ming admired him very much. Now that I have finally entered high school, I have to spend it seriously.

‘Why are you so anxious? Do you need to be so excited? ’ Long Li said to Qin Ming in a daze.

‘It’s not because of you. If you hadn’t said it, why would I be so excited. ’

‘Well, blame me. ’

‘Hurry up, Long Li, it’s seven o’clock now. It’ll be almost eight o’clock after you clean up. ’ Said Xu Hao, who was also up on the side.

‘Okay, okay, I’ve convinced you. ’ Long Li should arrive.


The first stadium is also called Tianwu Stadium. It can accommodate up to 100,000 people. Every year's freshman ceremony is held here.

This year's freshman ceremony is no different. The difference may be that the principal speaks in person. In the past, it was the vice principal who spoke.

It was eight o'clock sharp, and the principal's speech did not start on time. Because the principal has not come yet, some senior school officials have not arrived either. After procrastinating, the time arrived at nine o'clock, and the opening ceremony began on time. . .

‘Hello, I am the principal of Tianwu Card High School: Zhou Cang. Today, I will teach you the first lesson of the school year. ’

‘I know you all have many questions in your mind. It doesn’t matter. In my next speech, you will know that those questions you have are not problems. ’

The principal is a middle-aged man who looks very imposing. Not only does he have the temperament of a high position, but also the strength of his own strength. Some of the leaders near the podium looked very uncomfortable. Obviously, they couldn't stand the principal. This momentum.

‘Today is the day when you officially enter high school, and it’s time to tell you some things. ' At this point, a huge map suddenly appeared behind Principal Zhou Cang. Up there, there is only a small part of the entire land of China. And this is a map of the entire world.

‘Oh my God, is this fake? There are hundreds of cities in China with hundreds of millions of people, but it’s just such a small place? ’

'It's incredible. ’

Suddenly, the students below were talking about it. This was simply unbelievable.

‘Yes, this is the map of the entire world, and you are the future of China. Therefore, from now on, you will have a heavy list on your shoulders. ’

‘In ancient times, spiritual storms struck, and many intelligent species awakened and started their own civilizations. ’

'As the possessors of powerful power, the orcs have created a huge orc empire. Look, the yellow area on the map is the territory of the orcs. ’ Following the principal’s instructions, everyone saw that one-third of the yellow area was occupied on the map. Orcs, are they so powerful? Then why, there has never been such news. . .

This map? Qin Ming was stunned when he saw the map. It was completely different from the one on Earth. It has expanded more than a hundred times. He had checked that China's current territory was 10 million square kilometers, but he never expected that there was such a large world outside of China.

‘The green place is the territory of the natural people. They love peace and use the power of nature. However, they are not afraid of war. At present, the orcs and the natural family are in the same situation. Therefore, mankind has a chance to survive. ’ After saying this, the principal sighed slightly. Although God Ka is blessing him, all intelligent species are blessed by God Ka. Perhaps it is because the human race is more intelligent and more card masters are born, so it can continue to this day.

It must be said that the principal's speech greatly expanded the worldview of many students and also made some people feel pessimistic. If the enemy is so strong, when will humanity be wiped out?

‘Do you think the beast tribe is the most powerful? No, beyond the land is the eternal sea. No matter how the world changes, the eternal sea will never change. The human race occupies one-tenth of the land, which seems like a lot. However, compared with the Eternal Sea, the entire landmass is just a slightly larger island. ’ Since the beginning of the spiritual storm, people of all races have begun to explore the Eternal Sea. However, after so many years, people still have not understood how big the Eternal Sea is.

As soon as the Eternal Sea emerged, Qin Ming became even more confused. With the emergence of the Sea Clan, he felt even more that the future of the human race was very uncertain.

In more than a thousand years, one-tenth of the human race's territory has been lost. It is not known how long the human race can survive. However, the current situation seems to be maintaining peace, and I don't know what is going on. In short, when the principal talked about the current peace situation, something was wrong.

‘Currently, there are ten human kingdoms in total, and Huaxia is among the top ones. ’ From the background of the world, to the human race itself, and the development of the ten kingdoms, everyone now knows how powerful the human race is.

In other species, only one card master can be found in a thousand people, but among humans, there may be only one card master out of ten. This gap is obvious. However, there are many human card masters, and other species can get good resources, but human card masters can only get template-produced cards. Rare cards can only be awarded to some outstanding people.

‘Although the card master is powerful, his own strength is also the key. Therefore, I don’t want you to just be able to do virtual duels. You must also be proficient in real battles. ’

‘From now on, please remember your identity, warriors of the human race. Unless you fall, the human race will never be destroyed. ’ No matter how powerful the words are, no matter how grand the background, there is a time when they are finished. Principal Zhou Cang finished speaking and stepped down. The aliens in the south are starting to make moves again, and they are still the first step in resisting the aliens for the time being. We can only hope that these children will grow up quickly and become qualified warriors.


The principal left, completely leaving behind only a group of confused people.

‘The future of mankind depends on us? 'Many people are not confident in themselves. The enemy is so powerful. Can they protect it all?

‘That’s how the world is, you know. ’ Long Li said with a sigh.

‘I know, what’s the big deal. ’ Although Qin Ming is also a little pessimistic, he has absolute confidence in his position as a card player. ‘What kind of alien race? The cards in my hand will teach them how to become intelligent species. ’

'Good luck. ’ Long Li glanced at Qin Ming.

'Oh, thank you, we should go get something to eat now. ’ After Qin Ming finished speaking, he took the lead to walk out of the gymnasium. After listening to the speech this morning, he was almost starving to death.

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