That night, he showed his true self as a profiteer.

In the Silvis Grand Soul Fighting Arena, the unknown Golden Soul Fighting Team is about to face off against the notorious Level 40 Silver Fighting Soul Team - the Fierce God Team!

"Hey, is it so lively today?" The young man sighed as he looked at the long queue at the betting point opposite.

The staff member who was sitting with him said boredly: "There's a level-up challenge, so I'd better pick the Fierce God's group."

"Hey! Is that news true? Who is he? I'm afraid he's not here to die."

"For outsiders, if you win a few more games elsewhere, you won't be able to find the answer. If you stay for a long time, you will see too many things." The man said it as a matter of course. He had seen too many people who were arrogant and lost their lives.


The sudden impact caused the two people who were speaking to freeze up. One person's eyes were panicked, and in a flash he saw that a large bag of gold coins was thrown on the table.

The other person calmly sat up straight and said, "Guest, do you want to place a bet?"

Flanders, who had listened to their conversation for a while, snorted coldly and said loudly, "Thirty thousand gold soul coins to beat Team Shrek!"

A loud shout instantly caused an uproar in the noisy crowd.

"Suppressing Shrek? Are you crazy!"

"Thirty thousand! Did I hear correctly?"

"It's 30,000 yuan, yes, but if you have money, you don't have to throw it away like this. It's just a splash~"

"Don't worry about him, don't worry about him. If the one in front of you doesn't vote, get out of the way!"

"That's the Fierce God! Is there anyone who doesn't know about the Fierce God?"

"Hey, wouldn't it be nice to vote for Shrek!"


Hearing their shocked discussion, Flanders straightened his neck and curled his lips in disdain. What is the Fierce God Team? It's just a stepping stone to Shrek's success. The levels of the little monsters are a bit lower, but they have secret weapons in their hands.

Then thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little proud. Come on, bet, the money you bet will be mine later.

That's ten times the loss, thirty thousand, ten times. Although there is still a handling fee, there are still more than 200,000 gold soul coins! Get rich! It's a pity that it has to be divided among ten people.

"Dear guest, it seems that there are not enough 30,000 gold soul coins in this." Under the pressure on his body, the staff pointed at the money bag. Although it looked like a lot, it could not exceed 3,000 at most.

"Here it is." He said. Flanders took out several gold coin stored value cards.

Seeing this, the staff member moved his eyes without any trace, but his expression changed drastically in the next second. The professional smile on his face instantly became sincere and complimentary. "Okay, do you want to invest 30,000? I will help you with it right away."

Looking at the cards in the pile, he felt a little puzzled: "Which card do you want to use?"

Flanders looked at it and said in turn: "This is two thousand, this is five thousand and four, this is three thousand..."

The staff couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, hesitantly pointed to one of the cards with a black vine pattern and said: "This one, three thousand?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Flanders asked, pressing the frame on the bridge of his nose.

"...No, no problem."

The betting time was over, and the bustling crowd rushed to watch the game.

"Tch, why show off if you don't have money?" the young man spat. Don't think that he can't see it, just look at the dozen or so stored-value cards and it's all pieced together.

Isn't it just a few words? He didn't say anything too harsh, and he used the coercion of a high-level soul master to overwhelm others.

"Huh, no money? It's true that you're stupid." The staff member shook his head.

"What's wrong, brother, am I right?"

"Do you know that there are at least 600,000 gold soul coins in that black card alone?"

"Six, six hundred thousand!" the young man said in surprise, "No, then he..."

The staff member shrugged, "Who knows, maybe it's a quirk of rich people?"

"Here, your cards." Flanders sent back a dozen cards, and gave a black card to Lu Sui.

As soon as Lu Sui turned around, he was stared at by a cat. He raised an eyebrow.

"You invested three thousand?" Zhu Zhuqing said with a strange expression.

"I want to show my support to you." Lu Sui raised his lower lip.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the black card that had not yet been confiscated, "So you invested three thousand?" The point is three thousand!

Lu Sui looked at the Shrek Seven Devils, then turned his gaze back as if thinking: "Maybe the opposite side is only worth three thousand?"


The much-anticipated leapfrog challenge ended very quickly in an unexpected way for all the viewers, and the ending was also beyond their expectations.

The Fierce God Team lost and died.

"No way! They cheated!"

"There must be something shady, give us back our money!"


Some people cannot accept it, and some people protest, but unfortunately the rules of the Soul Fighting Competition do not stipulate that foreign objects cannot be used.

And the seven people who caused this chaos were vomiting in a corner they didn't know about. The bloody crime of killing someone with their own hands impacts their minds, waiting for others to explain or to figure it out on their own.

After glancing at it from a distance, Lu casually turned around to avoid being polluted both mentally and physically.

As a soul master, killing is the only way to go. Killing is killing, and killing soul beasts is also killing.

I am not evil, how can I know that people are not evil. It is difficult not to be stained with the blood of the same clan.

The past suddenly came to mind. It was also his first time to kill someone. I can’t remember how I felt at that time. It should be the feeling of resentment plus the feeling of getting revenge? After all, his "parents" and fellow disciples died at the hands of those bandits.

Maybe there is fear? Or guilt? More probably not, because there is no time to think about those irrelevant things.

It was a brutal desert training. Probably due to bad luck, these young cubs who had never left the army were robbed by sand bandits.

Mingjiao disciples often strangle bandits in surrounding areas and protect residents and businessmen coming and going. But those criminals are like desert gerbils, hiding and reproducing rapidly. Endless destruction. Therefore, both parties have a life-and-death feud.

What's more, let these desperadoes who lick blood at the tip of their swords meet these little kittens who haven't grown up yet.

It was a bloody battle, but they still won. Although they paid a huge price, the disciples in white, large and small, returned to Mingzun forever.

It seems that he saved Saye's life that time, and the two people who had nothing to do with each other became friends because of Saye's entanglement.

Perhaps because of his experience at that time, Saye was disgusted with bloody killings, so he entered the Glory and took charge of preaching. But he was valued and returned to Shadow Moon, where he was responsible for assassinations.

Saye didn't want his friend to walk on such a thin ice road. If he refused to persuade him, he thought it was because he didn't care about him, and he devoted himself to finding a partner for him from then on.

But he was fundamentally looking in the wrong direction.

Somehow Lu Sui suddenly thought of Wen Jingle and his dark green eyes. As clear as ink jade, it reflects the pure soul. If possible, he hoped he would never come into contact with these filthy things.

Occasionally, Lu Sui sensed a hint of inconsistency in him, but a closer look found no results.

A rustling sound attracted Lu Sui's attention.

A civet climbed up nimbly.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhu Zhuqing still had a cold face, "The atmosphere over there is too depressing, I'm hiding."

After speaking, he pursed his lips and pointed to his eyes with curiosity, "You seemed a little... gentle just now?"

Lu Sui glanced at her, "Have you vomited yet? Or have you forgotten?"

Zhu Zhuqing paused, with a bit of resentment on his face, and the nauseating feeling in his throat seemed to come back. He said stubbornly and refused to admit defeat: "I'm not that useless!"

She murmured: "It's not like we haven't seen dead people before." The Zhu family, like the royal family, believed in the cruel laws of the jungle, although they would not watch her being simply eliminated without the strength to resist. But she will not be kind to those who follow her or fall into her hands.

Her dear sister preferred to destroy her mentally rather than let her die. Zhu Zhuqing clenched her fists and couldn't remember how many people close to her died in front of her.

"I just didn't expect that the first time I would kill someone with my own hands would be in this situation." Still in such a brutal and bloody way.

The flesh and blood body was penetrated by countless sharp arrows, and the sound of metal breaking bones seemed to explode in his ears. Someone's crossbow was tilted upward, and the arrow hit the skull and cheek, leaving a series of holes and bloody flesh.

Hot blood flowed over the countertop and soaked the floor. Maybe they are guilty, but it is undeniable that they are living lives.

The feeling of life withering away in one's own hands can only be described as terrible.

Looking at the person beside him who was in a slump again, Lu Sui said lightly, "Hey."

"Huh?" Zhu Zhuqing looked up in confusion, but saw a bright object flying over, and she subconsciously caught it. It's a round orange.

After being surprised, a warmth suddenly surged in my heart. A layer of fog suddenly appeared in his eyes, but it dissipated in the next second. She smiled, with a certain tenacity on her face, "Thank you."

The moment the orange peel bursts, a unique fragrance is sprayed out, which is refreshing to smell. The slightly sour sweetness soothes the churning discomfort in the stomach.

"I just don't want to be ruined by a mess of darkness." Lu Sui said casually.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't care when being said like this. She suddenly sighed: "You are different from before. Well, you are a little more humane."

Lu Sui glanced at her and let out a cold sneer in his throat, "Are you saying that I was unkind before?"

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhuqing nodded simply, "The kind that doesn't take people seriously."


"So have you met someone? Someone you like?" Zhu Zhuqing stared at him quietly, with a cat-like curious light in her eyes.

Lu Sui paused, narrowed his eyes and looked at her: "When did you talk so much?"

"Yes, I have changed too." Zhu Zi held the tiles in his hands and tilted his head back, looking at the dim sky and sighed, "After leaving that Colosseum, my mentality and ideas have changed, and people will naturally change."

Who was born cold and world-weary, she was innocent and happy, but later she was hurt and was afraid to reach out again. But now, she sees a new future.

"You are different from me. I am just afraid of getting hurt, but you seem to have no connection with the world, and everything is invisible to your eyes."

Lu was silent, noncommittal.

In my heart, I was sighing at her keenness.

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