There is nothing to hide, not to mention that he will need his help later. Knowing that it will be a matter of time, Chu Moli said: "One of my uncles, a titled Douluo, is also the owner of that treasure place."

Lu Sui almost laughed angrily when she heard this. She has the treasure of a master and a titled Douluo. How dare she.

Chu Moli noticed the cold aura directed at him, laughed awkwardly, and tried to change the subject: "Then... in this case, we will be fifty-fifty by then?"

"Did I promise you?" Lu Sui glanced at her coldly.

Chu Moli knew that he was just talking. He must be sure to get the so-called extremely flaming water, but he also knew that he was wrong, "No, boss, I was wrong! It's not that everyone knows the basics, I reserve a little bit. , it’s understandable.”

Lu Sui didn't argue with her here, he just said, "Qi San."

Chu Moli's eyes widened, "You can just kill me! Didn't you say you're not short of money?"

Lu Sui Leng sneered: "Who would think it's too much money?"

Isn't it you who I disliked before? Chu Moli shouted in his heart.

"No! Maximum six.four!"

"Qisan, you won't lose either."

Chu Moli shook his head crazily. It would not be a loss, but she felt distressed! She takes care of all the sources of materials, who has such a sense?

Only the killer weapon! She raised her hand, revealing the... watch on her wrist, and pointed at it. Looking like a scoundrel, he said, "Boss, are you sure you want to argue with me here? If nothing else, I have been involved in the aristocracy and business circles for many years. If nothing else, I have learned 100% of my skills in making false claims and talking nonsense. "

Lu Sui looked away from the exquisitely crafted dial and glanced at her, which was quite speechless.

He suddenly raised his lower lip and said, "It's up to you." He turned around and left.

Before Chu Moli had time to show a victorious smile, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a small object flying towards her, and she subconsciously caught it. It was a narrow-mouthed glass bottle, containing a clear and beautiful light purple potion.

"What is this?" Chu Moli shook the thing that looked a bit like soapy water.

"Condensation Pill, something to improve the martial soul." Lu Sui said without looking back.

"!!Improve the martial spirit? Is that what I thought?" Chu Moli immediately stopped and tightened his grip, for fear that he would accidentally drop it. Well, don't hold it too tightly, what if it breaks.

In a blink of an eye, she wanted to ask more questions but saw that Lu Sui had already left. She hurried out of the room but found that no one was there.

...It must be intentional! It must be intentional!

Dropping such a bomb but running away without saying anything clearly, she always felt that this person was cheating on her. But thinking about it, it's impossible. Chu Moli hasn't taken off his boss filter yet, and it seems that such a shocking thing is something that a boss can come up with.

Whether it was true or false, it was hard for her to verify it.

Ahhhh, I deliberately let her get entangled here!

He is indeed a small-minded person!


"So soon? Has the matter been discussed?" Wen Jingle noticed Lu Sui's figure as soon as he appeared, and said a little surprised when he came forward. He originally thought that such a cooperation involving elixirs would take a lot of time.

"Well, it's not a complicated matter, but there are some unexpected gains." Lu Suidao.

Although it was not obvious, Wen Jingle could still tell from his expression and language that he seemed to be in a good mood.

He pointed to the seat next to him, and after Lu Sui sat down, he handed over the cup at hand, and asked curiously: "Harvest? What is it?"

Lu Sui took it and raised an eyebrow when he smelled the familiar smell, "Coffee?"

"Eh? You know."

Douluo's daily drink is tea. Of course Lu Sui knows who made these things that are novel to the locals, and secretly thinks that she is really leisurely.

After taking a sip, Lu Sui frowned slightly, "Do you like to drink this kind of thing?"

Wen Jingle looked at him doubtfully at first, and seemed to realize something was wrong, "Ah, this seems to be mine." Then he said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't pay attention just now and took the wrong one. You drink this, it has sugar in it. "As he said this, he gave him another cup that looked exactly the same.

Lu Sui looked between the three.

Wen Jingle didn't seem to pay attention to his gaze. He took a sip and continued: "Although this is more bitter, the aroma is very strong, and the bitter taste is very unique. I think it's pretty good. By the way, you haven't said what the harvest is. what."

Lu Sui turned the porcelain cup in his hand and ran his fingertips across the rim of the cup, "Well, it's a necessary thing. You'll know when the time comes."

"...Thank you." Hearing this, Wen Jingle knew that it had something to do with him.

Lu Sui leaned back on the sofa and said nonchalantly: "Thank you for anything, it's not like I don't get paid."

Wen Jingle didn't like his words very much. It sounded like he was just dealing. He said: "It seems that your efforts and my efforts are not equal. This is a bit unfair. Don't you want to ask for something else? I can give it."

Lu Sui lowered his eyes slightly, then raised his eyes and said, "For example?"

Wen Jingle looked at Lu Sui's fair and even pale face, his deep and sharp facial features, and his green eyes full of temptation. "for example……"


"I'm back! Oh my god, there are so many people there." The door was violently opened, and Su Linlang's forthright voice followed, instantly interrupting the weird atmosphere.

Wen Jingle was shocked, and her mind suddenly cleared, and she realized what she had wanted to say before. It’s so fascinating! Definitely influenced by "it".

He must have noticed it. Regardless of whether it was his own intention or not, Wen Jingle didn't want to admit that it was his own idea. Absolutely not.

"Lu Sui is back too? So soon?" Su Linlang looked at the two of them doubtfully, feeling a little strange. "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." Wen Jingle said hurriedly, while carefully glancing at Lu Sui's expression, and saw that he frowned, but didn't show anything else after that.

Wen Jingle was a little disappointed, but he also knew what he was disappointed about.

"What did you buy?" he asked, looking at the big box Su Linlang brought back.

Su Linlang stopped mentioning what happened just now and said with a proud smile: "Didn't I go out for a walk just now? I saw a line of people in front of a store. I squeezed in and found that it was a seafood store. It is said that a new batch of thousand-year-old sea soul beasts have arrived. , not only tastes great, but it can also increase soul power. But they actually limited the purchase, so I bought these."

These words suddenly sounded familiar to Lu Sui.

Wen Jingle was stunned and said helplessly: "It's not like you haven't eaten soul beast meat before. Can soul beasts increase their soul power without using sea soul beasts?"

When he said this, Su Linlang also realized it, but still said stubbornly: "Maybe this kind of sea soul beast can have this effect, and after all, it is a thousand-year soul beast, and it is also a rare sea product."

To put it bluntly, I just don’t want to admit that I was cheated.

"Quick, help me put it on."

Knowing his temperament, Wen Jinngle didn't preach much. He was about to put the things into the soul tool but was stopped by Lu Sui.

"This is for you." Lu Sui threw a small blue bag to Su Linlang.

"What is this?" Su Linlang took it and looked at it, not sure.

"Storage type soul guide." Well, that should be said.

Even though there were some guesses, Su Linlang was still a little surprised, "It's true! No, this is too expensive." The production of soul guides was lost, and now one is used less than the other.

"Take it for you, I still have it." Lu Sui said, and gave Wen Jingle a purple soul tool that looked more delicate and looked like a small sachet.

What Lu Sui gave them were packages like pear velvet and silk bags, which were soul guides here.

Su Linlang saw that he really took out another one. It was really not an excuse. Shocked and a little moved, he no longer shied away, "Are you doing wholesale of soul guidance devices? In this case, I will accept it shamelessly, thank you brother."

Wen Jingle looked at the delicate little bag in her hand and touched the smooth fabric. It didn’t say that I already had such words.

"Didn't you say you have something to buy? Let's go." Lu Sui said to Wen Jingle.

"What?" Su Linlang asked, completely forgetting that they heard it together.

Wen Jingle rolled her eyes at him and took Lu Sui's hand, "Let's go and leave him alone."

Lu Sui looked at the hand holding his wrist and followed the force.

Wen Jingle felt his acquiescence and felt a little relieved. Realizing that his thoughts might have been noticed, he simply broke the jar and tried it for a while.

The results seem to be on the good side, let’s try again?

Wen Jingle had a clear purpose and led the two of them straight to a store.

Seeing this, Su Linlang's face became enlightened.

As soon as they entered the door, the three of them were surrounded by a strong crowd. This was because most of the customers in this shop, which was doing well, were girls. A few men were also accompanied by their female companions, with expressions of helplessness on their faces.

Seeing the three handsome guys with different styles coming in, they looked over with some surprise. Several girls blushed and talked in low voices.

The direct and probing gaze made Lu Sui frown in displeasure. He glanced over with an indifferent gaze, and his sight disappeared in an instant. However, the rest was even more scorching.

"I knew it." Su Linlang sighed softly. It was obviously not the first time.

Wen Jinngle was also somewhat familiar with the road. He ignored those people, pulled Lu Sui and walked straight in to see the exquisite and shining baubles that caught his eye. This was a jewelry or gift shop.

"Lu Sui, help me choose?" Wen Jingle asked.

Lu Sui's eyes darkened, he glanced at the things he pointed at, shook his head and said, "I don't understand these."

"Hahaha, don't you think it's my problem? I used to always say there was something wrong with my aesthetics. How could I, a grown man, know what girls like?" Su Linlang instantly felt confident because of Lu Sui's answer.

Wen Jingle ignored him, took off a necklace and asked, "What do you think of this?"

Lu Sui stared at him silently for a moment. Wen Jingle seemed unaware of the danger and stubbornly waited for his answer. "good."

"Oh, what about this."


"Not good-looking? This?"



It seems that Lu Sui won't give up until Wen Jingle is good-looking.

Su Linlang on the side couldn't help but swallowed. He didn't believe that Wen Jingle didn't notice the increasingly severe low pressure. Didn't you see that Lu Sui was impatient with being asked? What's going on?


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