Fine dust fell, forming a layer of gray under the blazing sun. In the venue designated for the competition, Lu Sui stood far away, his eyes lowered, and his thick eyelashes cast a shallow shadow under his eyes.

The people onlookers seemed to react, and they were either excited or surprised and gathered together to say something. Lu Sui didn't hear a word, maybe he heard it but didn't pay attention.

Time seems to be stretched out. Everything around us is clearly alive but so unreal, as if there is something invisible that separates and smears the two.

The light and shadow reflected in the black eyes covered by long eyelashes are slowly fading, as calm as the deep sea, and the deep pupils are filled with cold gray.

At this moment, Lu Sui suddenly felt a little bored and bored.

Want to leave.

Falsehood is ultimately falsehood. Even if he is no different from a human being standing here, he is still incompatible with this world.

Just like two incompatible liquids, even if they are shaken together hard, time will separate them again. For him, this world has no origin and no return, no cause and no result, and he is always a passerby.

"Lu Sui!" A urgent shout penetrated all barriers and reached Lu Sui's ears. There seemed to be a subtle cracking sound that was rapid and abrupt, and the stagnant time slowly flowed like a cold spring breaking through the ice.

Lu Sui was startled suddenly and turned his head to meet Wen Jingle's worried eyes.

Wen Jinngle didn't know what had just happened. While others were paying attention to Tailong who had suffered a huge stumble, he saw Lu Suiwu hanging his head and standing there indifferently. There was an aura of loneliness and deepness all over his body, and his somewhat vacant eyes became increasingly empty and cold. It seemed that looking into those dark, dark pupils, one could see the eternity of time and face the abyss of the universe. The oppressive feeling as heavy as the sea is heart-stopping.

Although they were standing not far away, he felt that the distance between the two of them was getting farther and farther, even out of reach. Unreasonable panic and fear instantly overwhelmed his heart, and he shouted out before he could think about the voice in his throat.

Lu Sui looked at the eager footsteps in front of him, and the doubts that flashed in his heart were buried deep in his heart. He looked around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Jingle saw that he had returned to normal, with a doubtful look on his face that didn't seem to be fake, and he vaguely felt that everything just now was just his illusion. Such a change of thought will also stop my panic and impulse. I want to hold the other person's hand and lower it unnaturally. I still can't hide my worry in my words, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? It's okay." Lu Sui didn't know what he noticed. He just thought that he was more sensitive to emotions and saw that he was not in the right mood.

"Then what were you...thinking about just now?" The previous scene appeared in his mind, and Wen Jingle felt that his heart was still beating wildly. .seven

What are you thinking? His question reminded Lu Sui of the loneliness and irritability that had just arisen in his heart for no reason.

Lu Sui frowned fiercely. He admitted that in a strange world, there would always be times when he would be eroded by the loneliness of having only a few bodies in the world, but it would never be so sudden and inexplicable that he would even be dominated by his emotions and leave. idea.

leave? Where to go? No matter where he is in the world, it makes no difference to him. To be honest, he has no obsession with whether he can return to the previous world. Maybe his memory is faded or he just doesn't have any deep nostalgia for it. As for the truth, there are too many unknowns, so we just have to wait and see. As for that vague premonition...

Lu Sui looked deeply at the person in front of him, "Why do you ask?"

"Something felt wrong just now." Wen Jingle said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't explain clearly, I just feel... you are in a bad mood?" Wen Jingle felt that Lu Sui seemed to be a different person just now, but while he was frightened, the noise in his chest became even louder.

"No, you probably feel wrong." Lu Suiwei narrowed his eyes and thought deeply.

In any case, his purpose has not been achieved, so how can he leave.

Another space.

A slender figure leans facelessly on the back of a wide chair. Under his hands, various delicate, palm-sized figures are performing silent dramas. The lazy people on the seats looked down at them with amusement, and when they got excited, they flipped through it casually, and there was something more in the mini scene.

Regardless of whether the villain was happy or frightened by the sudden change, the corners of his lips slowly curved into a beguiling arc.

Suddenly his expression changed, the chuckle at the corner of his lips receded like a mirror, his eyebrows were deeply condensed, and the two bright red curses under his eyes became more and more narrow. Then he felt something again. He chuckled and wiped away the lively drama with his hand, and his long snow-white hair was swayed by invisible power.

"Just stay still."

On the other side, under the staggered and extending light wheels, a small child was staring at the void. Although the night remained unchanged, his eyes became brighter and brighter. But in the next moment, the excitement that had just risen solidified on his delicate face. He curled up the corner of his mouth, and tears suddenly flowed from the corners of his eyes. He burst into tears: "Wow, bad guys, they are all big bad guys, and they all take turns to bully. I finally... burp~, master, why don't you come back yet, woo woo woo~"

Lu Sui knew nothing about this.

Everything that happened seemed long, but in fact it was only a moment, and even Tai Lung had not yet struggled out of the pit.

Tai Lung's strength is pretty good, but with only three rings, he cannot fully utilize the advantages of the force clan, especially when facing the agility and control systems. Moreover, Lu Sui's power was not comparable to that of ordinary agility attack type soul masters.

Lu Sui glanced at Tai Lung who was half-climbing out of the pit, and tugged on his hand. The chain was instantly tightened and retracted. Tai Lung was lifted up by this unexpected force, and one end of the restraint suddenly loosened. He had no time to adjust his posture. He fell back to the ground with a thud.

Lu Sui swung the slender golden chain in his hand, and with the screams breaking through the air, his soul power was washed away, and all the dirt fell away. The gold chain was put back around his waist, as if it had become an exquisite decoration again, but looking at Tai Lung who was still moaning in pain and covering his waist, no one here thought so.

"Let's go." Lu Sui said to Wen Jingle who was still standing beside him.

Wen Jingle nodded, but her eyes swept over him. I can't help but wonder if those sharp-looking pendants can also be used as weapons...

Of course, if he asked, Sui Lu would tell him that some were true and some were not. After all, if those things were all weapons, he would be the first to be stabbed to death.

The two walked towards the outside, and the onlookers subconsciously made way for them. At this time, a familiar deep voice shouted from behind: "Hey, wait a moment, Lu Sui!"

Tai Lung had already stood up from the ground, with a gray face. There were a few scratches on his dark face, oozing blood, and there were scratches on his thick arms. There must also be bruises on the invisible back.

"If you win, you will be the chief of our academy from now on." He was quite open about winning or losing. Of course, he might have been woken up by the beating.

"I said there's no need for it." Such troublesome stuff.

But Tai Lung accepted death and said, "No, according to the rules, if you win, I should be the chief of the academy."

Lu Sui glanced at the stubborn Tai Long and ignored him. He couldn't tell clearly with such a person.

When Tailong saw that he didn't recognize him and wanted to chase him out again, Wen Jingle stepped forward and stopped him first. "Tailong, I see you are injured a lot. Let me treat you first."

"It's no use for such a small injury!" Tailong refused without thinking about other things.

Wen Jingle said, "Hey, I am an auxiliary soul master and I can't participate in the battle. If I don't treat you, the results will be very ugly. Can you help me?"

Although teachers from the supporting department were on hand to look after them, they were only there to deal with emergencies, and students had to deal with general injuries on their own. The academy can be regarded as paving the way for the auxiliary soul masters in the class. After all, we are all civilian soul masters. No matter whether we join major families or form groups in the future, our classmates will know the basics better.

Wen Jingle had no intention of treating Tai Long before. After all, Jiang Zhu, who had the highest soul power in the auxiliary system, was not here today, leaving only him and another thirty-level soul master.

He is afraid that when the time comes...

As for the performance of the assistant department, there are only two people, how can we start talking about it?

Tai Lung somehow couldn't say no. He glanced up and down, and he was right. Although Wen Jingle was a boy, he looked fair and delicate like a girl, and he was an auxiliary soul master. Thinking of this, Tai Lung nodded hesitantly.

Fortunately, Wen Jingle didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise it would be weird to treat him if he didn't want to kill him.

While treating Tai Long, he said: "To be honest, I think you are more suitable to be the chief of the academy." You've been taken advantage of. The so-called chief of the college is just a title disputed among students. It is useless and causes a lot of trouble. It’s okay for a hot-blooded guy like Su Linlang, Lu Sui, haha~

"It's because my skills are inferior to others." Tailong said in a loud voice.

"Who stipulates that the chief must be the strongest? I remember that wasn't it because everyone was not convinced at the beginning and elected a representative? In this case, shouldn't someone like you who can convince the crowd and be responsible should be in charge? Lu Sui doesn't care. Seriously, it doesn't seem to make any difference if you have it or not, right?" Wen Jingle continued.

"Ah? Really?" Tai Lung was a little hesitant. He really couldn't remember how the chief came.

Wen Jingle said nothing and smiled sincerely.

After he left, Tai Long realized that he could not find Lu Sui's shadow, so he could only sit there and frown and think.

When Wen Jingle found Lu Sui, he was leaning in the shade of a tree. He was obviously an eye-catching person, but he had no magical presence.

Wen Jingle didn't know how he noticed him, but when he noticed, the man was looking at him meaningfully. She seemed to have heard what he said, even though she was far away and the surroundings were very noisy.

So he looked back innocently, but failed to notice that not only was his smile not as gentle and distant as usual, but he could even taste a bit of sweetness when he tasted it carefully.

Looking at his clear and innocent crescent-like eyes, a smile appeared on Lu Sui's lips, as if he was infected. Just then, a piece of broken light penetrated the leaves and jumped into his eyes, like stars falling into the deep sea, mysteriously and deeply touching. Wen Jingle's heart beat spinelessly faster, as if he was urging something.

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