
‘Qin Ming, can you speak now? How did you react? ’ Long Li was very curious about this. However, how could Qin Ming tell him that his sixth sense was better. Of course, this is what Qin Ming himself calls crisis awareness.

‘I don’t know if you have ever heard that people who are not from my race must have a different mindset. ’ Qin Ming did not answer directly, but said this.

'Non-my family, its heart must be different? ’ After chewing this sentence carefully, Long Li was shocked, even though the words were simple. But the truth behind it is not simple. He was surprised how Qin Ming suddenly said such a sentence.

'That's right. Okay, it's time to go back to bed. This jazz circus actually had such a performance accident, which made them feel better. ’ After Qin Ming finished saying that, he was not going to say any more.

‘If we talk about an accident, this is not the first time. ’ After hearing Qin Ming’s words, Xu Hao, who had been looking at the information, suddenly said.

‘Xu Hao, what did you say? ’ It’s not the first time. What do you mean? Could it be that this jazz circus has had such an accident before? Qin Ming suddenly became interested.

‘According to the information I found, among the hundreds of performances at the Jazz Circus, the most recent accident occurred. Something is a little abnormal. In the recent accidents, more than a dozen civilians and several card masters died, but the card masters were able to be resurrected, so they did not suffer any damage. ’

‘There are so many accidents? Didn't they receive any punishment? ’ Qin Ming didn’t understand very much. Could it be that this jazz circus has become so rampant that it kills people at will and no one cares about it?

‘I don’t know about that. After the recent accidents, they only show up every ten days or so. ’

This matter is over.

The next day, the Jazz Circus withdrew from the business district, leaving no trace behind, as if they had never appeared. The reward they talked about didn't seem to be fulfilled.

‘In the end, I still don’t have the strength. ’ Qin Ming saw the 1 experience bar in his card reader and didn’t know when it would be filled.


Time soon came to Monday again, and the atmosphere in the school took on a new look.

For no other reason than the freshmen game has begun. The entire freshmen competition is divided into individual competitions, and all freshmen can participate. There is also a doubles competition, which requires two freshmen to team up to participate. Finally, there is the class team competition. Each class can have three teams participating.

The rewards of the competition are naturally not ordinary. The first place in the individual competition will be rewarded with a level 5 card, the 2-5th place will be rewarded with a level 4 card, and the 6th-20th place will be rewarded with a level 3 card. The remaining 21 to 100 people will be rewarded with level 2 cards. There are several level 4 cards, so Qin Ming doesn't care much. What he cares about is this level card. Silver Swordsman - Velen. This card was different from other cards. It was a ranked swordsman with its own name, which made Qin Ming very curious. But you can't see the specific information without getting first.

The rewards for the two-player competition are very ordinary, as long as the emphasis is on cooperation. So even if you are in first place, you can only get 2 level 3 cards. Seeing this reward, Qin Ming knew that not many people would participate in this mode.

Qin Ming's class is naturally their group, and there are two other groups. However, as the training continues, apart from the two groups that are all knights, the other group has been removed and replaced by other students, including a Level 2 freshman.

If it weren't for his family connections, then this new student would be considered very talented. Can be called a genius.

‘Do you want to sign up for the doubles competition? ’ Although he thought that no one would participate in the doubles competition, Qin Ming still wanted to ask. The target of this question was the entire class.

I don’t know why, but since the Dragon Knight’s identity was exposed, Teacher Cheng Mu has given him very ‘preferential treatment’. All matters in the class, big and small, are left to Qin Ming. As for the position of squad leader, due to Cheng Mu's acquiescence, Qin Ming will take over for the time being.

‘Okay, no one signed up for the team competition. ’ Qin Ming recorded it. Then, he asked: ‘Next, registration for the individual competition. ’

The registration for the individual competition is in sharp contrast to the double competition. Everyone who was originally listless raised their hands after hearing what Qin Ming said about registering for the individual competition.

'I want to sign up! ’

‘Add me one. ’

Shouting loudly, it suddenly became very lively. However, some people don’t like competitions and naturally won’t participate. Therefore, in the end, there were only more than 20 people registered for the individual competition.

‘Long Li, Xu Hao, you don’t want to participate in the individual competition? ’ Qin Ming returned to his position and asked a little strangely!

‘With a pervert like you, we still dare to participate. It’s better to practice the competition mode of the class team competition honestly. ’

‘Yes, you are so powerful and you are already at level 2, so we won’t fight with you. ’

'Too. Oh well. I put my name up. ’ I don’t know why, even though there is high technology, the school insists on using these paper files to register.


‘Okay, everyone, get ready, let’s go to the gym. ’ Just after submitting the list, Qin Ming received a notice saying that all participants should gather at the stadium.

Of the tens of thousands of freshmen, there are probably only ten thousand participating. Most of them feel that they cannot get any good rankings, so they are not ready to participate. Of course, there are people who don’t have much strength and are willing to show off their strength to compete. Only when you are beaten will you know what the gap is.

When they arrived at the stadium, Qin Ming found that the area was divided into more than a hundred large and small areas.

‘Participant No. 23, xxx, please come to the personal platform No. 45 as soon as possible to compete. ’

Since all the games have to be completed within this week, time is very tight. All we can do is race against time. If there is no admission within the stipulated time, either both parties will lose their qualifications, or the person who is late will lose the qualification, and the person who arrives on time will advance directly. Therefore, many people will be promoted inexplicably.

In one afternoon, Qin Ming participated in three competitions, two individual competitions. As for the outcome, there is nothing to say. He met two crappy fighters and won the competition in a few strokes. Not difficult at all.

As for the individual competition, it was even more overwhelming. With Qin Ming's extra 12 lives and strong blood consumption, all the opponent's lives were cleared in three rounds. Qin Ming and his team successfully advanced.

‘I’m so tired, the competition is finally over. 'At seven o'clock in the evening, today's game is over.

‘It should be easier tomorrow, after all, there are fewer people. ’

‘I don’t know for sure, maybe there will be more people watching tomorrow. ’

‘Ah, don’t scare me. I almost got lost like that today. ’

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