On the way back to the dormitory.

For some reason, Qin Ming felt a little uneasy. I always feel like something is going to happen.

‘Qin Ming, what’s wrong with you? ’ After walking a long way, Long Li turned his head and realized that Qin Ming was still behind him, so he asked.

'Oh it's all right. ’ Although Qin Ming said this, a strong feeling of uneasiness lingered in his heart. Moreover, as he walked, Qin Ming's uneasiness became more intense.

‘Qin Ming, I suddenly feel that we don’t need to go back to the dormitory. ’ While walking, Long Li suddenly said.

‘Ah, why. ’ Qin Ming was very curious.

‘Think about it, my brother’s weapons shop has several floors, we can definitely rest there. ’ Long Li pretended to have just remembered it and said with sudden realization.

‘That seems to be the case, then why didn’t you tell me earlier. ’ Qin Ming thought about it and found that it was indeed the case.

‘You didn’t even ask. ’

‘I’m going, do we want to go back now? ’

‘Forget it, we’ve come so far, it’s almost as good to go back, so let’s go back to the dormitory. ’ Xu Hao said at this time.

'good. ’ Qin Ming and Long Li had just finished speaking. Qin Ming suddenly felt that the sense of crisis had reached its peak. But there was no movement around.

Stealth, assassin. These two words appeared in Qin Ming's consciousness.

‘Elite troll. ridicule. ’ Qin Ming immediately summoned the elite trolls.

"Dang Dang" sound of two metal collisions. Qin Ming only saw that the elite troll he had just summoned was killed.

Several people took a few steps back when they looked at the assassin who suddenly appeared. Look at the assassin carefully.

He was tall and thin, and his hair was disheveled. It looked like he hadn't tidied it up for many days. He is probably the only assassin who is so bad at it. But when they saw the assassin's eyes, several people were frightened. It was an extremely crazy look, as if he wanted to kill everyone in sight.

However, instead of just standing there waiting to die, several people summoned their own follower cards. Elite knights, elite warriors.

The assassin doesn't care what a few people are doing. His eyes were fixed on Qin Ming. This was the man who had caused him to lose everything, so he had to die. However, although he is a little crazy now, he still knows how to use his advantages. With speed, he returned to the darkness again. Waiting for the next opportunity to attack. The appearance of that troll made him a little incredible, and he actually directly changed the target of his attack.

‘What’s going on with that guy? ’ Xu Hao asked puzzledly. It was unbelievable no matter how you thought about it, that there would be an assassin attack outside in the middle of the night, and this was still inside the school.

‘I don’t know, let’s inform the security department first. That assassin can instantly kill elite trolls, and it seems that he should be a level 2 professional. However, I don’t know why he didn’t summon the card. ’ Long Li briefly analyzed the situation and prepared to send a message to the Security Department.

The assassin saw that something was not good, but if he escaped this time, he didn't know when he would have a chance next time. Qin Ming must die. Having made up his mind, he rushed out while several people were sending messages. This time he could not continue to sneak and could only use disguise.

When they entered school, Qin Ming and the others heard the explanation. They only needed to press the distress button three times, and someone from the security department would arrive within ten minutes. However, there are three of them here, and they can send messages directly if they press them at the same time. It saves you the trouble of pressing three times and waiting for a few seconds.

‘Trolls. ’ When Qin Ming pressed it, he summoned the sprayer again. There was nothing he could do, the assassin's nasty murderous aura always enveloped him. Qin Ming couldn't understand why he provoked such a killer when he clearly didn't do anything. Even if you don't pick up a girl, you can still get killed. This is a big mistake.

However, although this person is of a higher level than them, they are not without the strength to fight. After all, they have many people and can summon followers.

The charge of the knight, the blow of the warrior. All the attacks were directed at the assassin who had exposed himself because of the trolls. The dizziness and the impact of the charge made the assassin very injured. He didn't understand how he was exposed without knowing why.

After being stunned, the assassin had no chance to stand up. He was attacked continuously by several people until he had very little life left.

‘Fortunately they are here. ’ Qin Ming finally relaxed when he saw the tied up assassin. I glanced at the two people next to me and felt very grateful. If it weren't for them, I would probably be in trouble, and there's no telling when he would be discovered even if he died.

‘Tell me why you want to kill us. ’ Xu Hao said and kicked the assassin.

‘Hmph, if you want to kill, just kill, there’s so much nonsense. ’ The assassin was very stubborn and didn’t intend to say anything.

Just like that, several people were in a stalemate.

Until the people from the security department arrive.

‘Uncle Hua, why are you here? ’ The person leading the team was surprisingly Hua Sheng, the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

‘After receiving your message, I happened to be at the security office, so I came over with them. what's up. ’ Hua Sheng said, looking at a few people, there was nothing particularly dangerous.

‘It’s this person. He doesn’t know why he wanted to assassinate Qin Ming. ’ Several people pointed at the tied assassin and said.

'assassin. ’ Hearing this, Hua Sheng was a little confused and looked up.

'It's you? ’ After hearing this, Qin Ming felt a little bad in his heart, fearing that this Hua Sheng had something to do with this assassin.

‘Don’t worry, he was recently found guilty by the Ka Temple and was deprived of his status as a card master, so I only found out. ’ Hua Sheng saw Qin Ming’s performance, so he explained.

‘That’s right. ’ Only then did Qin Ming relax. Being deprived of his card master status also explains why this person does not use cards. However, why he was deprived and why he wanted to kill Qin Ming are still unknown.

Next, Qin Ming and the others carefully explained what happened to the people in the security office, and then they were sent back to the dormitory.

'It's exciting. ’ Xu Hao sat on the bed, thinking about what had just happened, and couldn’t fall asleep. There was no way, how could he, who had never even seen an animal being killed, imagine that one day he would be assassinated.

'well. ’ Only Qin Ming sighed alone. This feeling of not knowing who the person is is really unpleasant. He clenched his fists. -I am still too weak. Qin Ming thought so.

Seeing the 800 shown in the experience value, you can upgrade in a few days. I don’t know if I can successfully advance with my current quality. With Level 2, it won't be so easy to be assassinated.

‘We will get the answer tomorrow. For now, let’s go to sleep. ’ Recalling Hua Sheng’s words to tell him the results of the interrogation tomorrow, Qin Ming fell into a deep sleep.

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