[Douluo] Bibi Dong is the King of the Sea

Chapter 69 Meeting with Neptune

Tang San liked this place very much. There are so many peerless medicinal materials, but Dugu Bo has not completely healed his body. He has a treasure trove without even realizing it.

Tang San couldn't help but walk towards the two hot springs in the middle.

Dugu Bo stood up, stood in front of him, and said coldly: "Boy, for Xiaodong's sake, I remind you, remember, don't touch those two hot springs. Even I can't bear the blazing heat and extreme cold there. You can't bear it for too long. If you come into contact, you will die."

Tang San glanced at his mouth, "Do you still need to say it?" I'm not committing suicide, so how could I let myself go to the spring water in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes easily? You know, it is the most cold and hot place between heaven and earth.

Bibi Dong said to Dugu Bo: "Don't worry about him, he has his own sense of proportion."

When Dugu Bo heard what Bibi Dong said, he moved away.

It can be said that he is very obedient.

Tang San and Bibi Dong approached the hot spring. As they got closer and closer to the spring, Bibi Dong felt the changes in her body more and more. It was also the first time for Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo to know that there was such a Xuantian treasure land on the mainland. They were also very curious for a while and watched around.

Tang San's crystal purple meaning condensed in his eyes. Under the full force of the Xuantian Technique, everything in front of him became extremely clear. Although the words were hazy in the mist, with the help of the light of the stars and the moon in the sky, Tang San could still basically See everything around you clearly.

He saw a lot of medicinal materials that shocked him, especially the 'Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product', which is the bane of hundreds of poisons.

"It's actually the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade!" Tang San couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

Although this Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Plant looks a little immature and may not have matured for a long time, when it is taken out, it is enough to make people on the mainland go crazy.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on another immortal product.

Cockscomb phoenix.

The effect of this fairy medicine is to filter out the impurities of the martial soul, which is just suitable for Ma Hongjun, allowing Ma Hongjun to transform. The fat man no longer has to endure the pain and harm caused by evil fire.

If Tang San discovers anything, he will naturally tell Bibi Dong immediately.

In this world, except for his father Tang Hao. The person he trusted the most was Bibi Dong.

"Brother Dong!" Tang San said excitedly into Bibi Dong's ear, and Bibi Dong's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened. He smiled and said: "It seems that my decision to bring you here was right. Fatty will be very happy."

Fatty's reaction to hearing the news came to Tang San's mind. I couldn't help but laugh.

Dugu Bo heard their laughter from the side and felt sour in his heart. He said right in the middle of the two of them: "If you have something to say, you can't say it out loud for everyone to hear. You have to gather together and whisper."

Bibi Dong's eyes flashed and she said with a smile: "Xiaosan said that it can cure the remaining toxins caused by your martial spirit."

Dugu Bo was stunned. He looked at Tang San fiercely, with a pair of sharp eyes that were astonishingly bright: "Is what Xiaodong said true? Boy, you'd better not lie to me, otherwise even if Xiaodong is protecting you, I won't let you off easily. .”

Tang San didn't understand what kind of medicine Dong Ge was selling in the gourd, but usually he wouldn't refute Dong Ge at this time. After calming down his agitated mood, he nodded and said, "Yes, the toxins in your body are originally due to the contract. The soul beast shares part of the toxins of the martial soul equally with your soul beast. Although it does not need to be gradually corroded by the toxins, your body that has been corroded before signing the soul beast still has some toxins left in the body. With me There is also the theory of ice and fire, and I am 80% sure that I can completely cure you."

As for why it is 80%, there is no absolute, and if something unexpected happens midway, no one can guarantee it.

Dugu Bo's eyes changed when he looked at Tang San, becoming more eager.

He looked at Bibi Dong complicatedly. He knew Bibi Dong's character just as Bibi Dong knew him. This made him happy and sad at the same time.

Dugu Bo: "Xiaodong, tell me what you need from me."

Bibi Dong smiled slightly: "It's very simple. You let Xiaosan study medicinal materials here and provide him with help."

Dugu Bo said without hesitation: "Okay."

In his heart, the original owner of this place was Bibi Dong, and he was just a lucky man.

"This is your place, and whoever you want can stay here."

Bibi Dong: "It's different. There are many top-quality medicinal materials here that you transplanted."

Dugu Bo smiled bitterly: "You still tell me clearly."

Bibi Dong said nothing.

Bone Douluo walked over with a look of disdain on his face: "Huh, no matter what, it's better to figure it out clearly, otherwise someone will pick you up and go to the Wuhun Palace to look for Xiaodong with a shy face."

Dugu Bo had a very low attitude towards Bibi Dong, but that didn't mean he had the same attitude towards Bone Douluo. He responded unceremoniously, "Isn't this the normal state of your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? Don't think I don't know you. How many times have I gone to Wuhun Hall to find Xiaodong on official business, haha."

Sword Douluo: "The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will always belong to the Wuhun Palace. We are the elders of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Naturally, we can see His Majesty the Pope at any time."

Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo joined forces at this time and said: "Unlike you, you are from Tiandou Royal Academy. Who doesn't know that Wuhun Palace and Royal Academy have different positions and have a bad relationship. You come to us Your Majesty the Pope, do you want to inquire into internal affairs?"

Dugu Bo was furious: "You!"

Bibi Dong: "..." It's really noisy.

Tang San on the side: "..." 6666.

It turns out that this is the jealousy among the big guys. It's a pity that his father is the only one missing.


Bibi Dong, who automatically blocked the three people from quarreling and was very bored, lazily raised his eyes. He thought it was one of the three people, Bone Douluo, Sword Douluo and Poison Douluo, calling him, but when he raised his eyes, he saw a tall and handsome man standing on the mountainside.

The man was extraordinarily tall. When he stood there, he looked like an eagle in the dark night. He was cold, aloof and solemn, yet powerful. His loneliness and independence exuded a strength that arrogated the world.

He was not wearing his usual gray robe and cloak. He seemed to have been carefully dressed. He was dressed in a black outfit, with a black trench coat that was windless, and his black hair was scattered around his ears.

Is this Tang Hao? ? ?

Three small question marks appeared above the heads of Tang San and Bibi Dong.

Why has dad\Tang Hao become so handsome? Is this really the same person? ?

"Tang Hao..." Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo frowned in unison.

Compared to the threat that Haotian Douluo posed to them, the threat that Dugu Bo posed to them was simply nothing. And the most important thing is that Xiaodong was probably missing with Tang Hao for such a long time.

Thinking of this, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at Tang Hao with even more unkind eyes, wishing they could practice their skills to destroy Haotian Douluo.

Tang Hao strode over.

He walked directly past them, ignoring them arrogantly, walked up to Bibi Dong, and then bent down.

Bibi Dong:?

other people:?

Tang Hao's big hands passed through Bibi Dong's armpits and leg sockets, and hugged her directly.


Everyone: "!!!"

Dog thief! Bold

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