Bibi Dong and his party swept through several streets in a mighty manner, and everyone returned with a full load. Needless to say, Tang San, Bibi Dong would definitely not forget to buy things for him. It's just that the little fat man Ma Hongjun didn't expect that he would still be a part of it.

Looking at the fiery red feathers, Ma Hongjun didn't know what to say for a moment.

The red one, Feather Feather, looks like it was specially selected for him with special efforts. This was also the first time he received a gift from someone else, which made him feel that even if he went shopping, someone was thinking of him.

This feeling of being remembered made him feel sour. Although Dean Flanders was very kind to him, his only direct disciple, he had never done such small details. And he’s also very stubborn.

Ma Hongjun rarely felt embarrassed. He blushed and thanked Bibi Dong. Looking at the smile on Bibi Dong's face, Ma Hongjun was stunned and suddenly felt that he should actually listen to Brother Dong's words more. Brother Dong should not lie. his.

Fanboy Fatty +1

In addition to bringing gifts to these young disciples, Bibi Dong also brought teachers from the academy. Although he was unfamiliar with them, he still went out. Buy whatever you want.

However, the master saw them handing out gifts, pretended to be casual and walked away from them, and then received the gift +1.

Early the next morning, after Tang San climbed up to the roof and finished practicing the Purple Demon Eyes, he went to Bibi Dong's room to wake him up. If Brother Dong didn't have anyone calling him, he would probably be able to sleep until noon.

Bibi Dong yawned and walked out.

Tang San looked at the green and black under his eyes and thought about yesterday's day. It was not the 15th. Why did he feel that Brother Dong didn't sleep well?

"Brother Dong, did you sleep late last night?"

Bibi Dong thought of a certain blacksmith who was silent but silently jealous. She curled her lips and said vaguely, "Well, that's right."

Tang San thought silently: Is it dad?

"It's time to have breakfast, let's go." Bibi Dong walked in front, leaving Tang San behind. Tang San strode up to catch up, and together they came to the cafeteria.

Before entering the cafeteria, Tang San already smelled a tangy aroma, the thick meaty aroma was extremely alluring, and there seemed to be some other smells mixed in it.

Walking into the cafeteria, Tang San was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him, he was definitely the earliest among the students, but there was already a busy figure here.

He kept looking at the pot on the fire, controlling the heat, and busily handling all kinds of food.He wore a white chef's hat on his head, and a few drops of sweat hung on his stiff face.It is indeed the master.He actually made breakfast for everyone with his own hands.

Bibi Dong tilted her head in confusion: "Didn't I hire a chef? Where are the others?"

Master: "He had something to do at home and went back early. I temporarily accepted his job."

Bibi Dong sat on a chair nearby: "Oh, that's it."

"Teacher." Tang San stepped into the cafeteria in one step.

The master looked up and saw it was Tang San, a gentle smile suddenly appeared on his face, "You will never be late."

Tang San walked quickly to the side, washed his hands first, and then came to the master, "I'll help you."

The master smiled and shook his head, "No need, I've already done it. Come, let's have a taste of the master's craftsmanship."

"it is good."

The master picked up a large bowl, filled two large spoons from the pot with the aroma of meat constantly coming out, and handed it to Tang San. Then he grabbed a bun, a steamed bun and two eggs from the side and placed them on a plate in front of him. Then he looked at Bibi Dong who was sitting, and took two large spoons from the pot. They were also one bun and one steamed bun, but there were three eggs.

Tang San:"……"

Something is wrong. Teacher, have you forgotten that I am your disciple? Although the target was Brother Dong, he didn't think it mattered.

"I can't eat so much..." Bibi Dong looked at the eggs and frowned: "But, I don't eat egg yolks."

As soon as this sentence came out, the master looked over with suspicion and surprise. Because Xiaodong doesn’t eat egg yolks either.

Ha, it must be because of the father-son relationship. Why did he think for a moment that Brother Dong was Xiaodong...

Master: "I don't want to eat egg yolks... Why don't you give me the egg yolks, Brother Dong?"

Tang San was very calm: "It's okay, teacher, there will be someone to eat later."


Tang Hao, the blacksmith peeping in the dark: This master is so disgusting, he actually competed with me to eat egg yolks!

Looking at the breakfast cooked by the master, Tang San couldn't help but be moved. The rich broth had obviously been cooked for a long time, and the meat cut into small pieces had been stewed thoroughly. There was also a faint medicinal fragrance in it, but After smelling it, Tang San felt his stomach growling.

The master's cooking skills were even better than expected. The broth was fragrant and delicious, and the overcooked meat almost melted in your mouth. It was served with steamed buns and two eggs. The warm feeling continued to spread from the belly to the whole body, and it was indescribably comfortable.

He praised: "I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good, teacher, and it's even more delicious than the previous chefs."

A flash of nostalgia flashed in the master's eyes, "Because there used to be a person who was very picky and liked to eat delicious food, but there was nothing good to eat at that time. In order to make him eat well, I developed my cooking skills. "

Bibi Dong was choked: "Pfft, cough, cough!"

Tang San quickly rubbed his back: "Brother Dong, are you okay?"

"Ahem, it's okay." Bibi Dong lowered her eyes to hide her guilty look.

The master frowned and looked at him thoughtfully.

As soon as they finished eating, they heard Xiao Wu's voice coming from outside, "It smells so good. It seems like we have something good to eat again today."

Two people walked into the cafeteria. Besides Xiao Wu, there was also Ning Rongrong who was in the same dormitory with her. Others don't know the master's temper, how could Xiao Wu not know it. Tang San is the master's disciple. She and Tang San are from the same academy. They usually don't see each other with their heads down. In addition, she is the boss of the academy, and she knows the master somewhat through the communication from her juniors.

"Master, hello." Xiao Wu saluted the master respectfully.

The master nodded lightly towards her.

Ning Rongrong's nose moved, she was forcibly pulled up by Xiao Wu, she was still a little sleepy at this moment, but the strong smell of meat made her wake up gradually.

The master handed them each a bowl of broth, steamed buns and an egg.Compared with Tang San, it was less than half.After all, girls have smaller appetites.

"Eat quickly, if it's not enough, there will be more."

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were also aroused by the aroma of the broth, and immediately started to eat their breakfast.

Looking at them, Tang San suddenly remembered the master's temper, and then thought about the others, and hurriedly said goodbye to the master. Not only was he going to call Oscar, but he also wanted to call several other people.

Thanks to Tang San's efforts, everyone had this breakfast. If the few people who were called by Tang San were still a little dissatisfied at the beginning, after eating such a delicious breakfast, everyone was full of praise.

Half an hour later, the bell for class rang.It's time to assemble.

The master stood in the middle of the playground with his hands behind his back, looking at the seven students arranged according to age in front of him. He is the only teacher who came to class today. Flanders said that all academy teachers will cooperate with the master in teaching from today on.

Bibi Dong was so full that she still stayed in the canteen. The rule here was to wash the dishes after eating. Bibi Dong was the only one left in the canteen with the leftovers in front of him.

He waited quietly for a while, and the blacksmith man indeed appeared behind him, but instead of eating the remaining egg yolk, he hugged the person in his arms and said viciously: "Don't think that I can't do it before I reach 15." What to do with you!"

Bibi Dong: "..."

He thought of his thigh that was almost skinned yesterday.


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