
Chapter 976

"Um...what do you two want to do?"

Gu Jiuci looked at Ji Weiran and Shen Jianxing's meaningful expressions and asked politely with a dry smile.

Reality is not a dream after all. She and Ji Weiran are not that familiar at the moment.

"Gu Jiuci, I didn't expect you to be very clever."

Ji Weiran crossed his arms across his chest and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I heard before that you were such a waste of money that you cost the whole Gu family money, but why do I think you are a terrible person now?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Gu Jiuci's expression gradually became serious, and Shen Jianxing on the side immediately spoke.

"Aran always speaks like this. She has no other ill intentions. We have all seen the news about Mr. Gu's forced abortion by the Jiang family. It turns out that your speech in the last class was foreshadowed. I admire it very much."

Shen Jianxing's tone was very polite, as if he was afraid that she would hold a grudge against Ji Weiran.

Gu Jiuci gave Shen Jianxing a thumbs up in his heart. This man was really smart. He connected the cause and effect from just one piece of news. At this time, other rich second-generation children also gathered. It seemed that after Shen Jianxing's actions, Said, most people have reacted.

"Yes, I said that on purpose in the last class, but what I said is also true. Although everyone sold their stocks, they did not suffer any losses, isn't it right?

It's just that when you stopped your losses in time, you happened to do me a big favor. If you are willing to appreciate it, I will treat you to dinner. "

Now that Shen Jianxing had already told the truth, she might as well admit it openly.

"I don't think it's necessary to eat. We now know how powerful the Gu family is. I just hope that the next time Mr. Gu makes a big move, he will inform the Shen family and the Ji family. Our two families will never stand in the way of the Gu family. I have no intention of being a stepping stone for others."

Ji Weiran spoke harshly. Although his words were a bit rough, Gu Jiuci had already heard the underlying meaning.

The Shen family and the Ji family are planning to team up with the Gu family and give up on the Jiang family.

Once a so-called wealthy family develops to a certain scale, making friends is much more important than making enemies, and taking a long-term view and choosing the right true partner is the top priority.

"The Jiang family who just cooperated with the Li family are ready to drive me out of the Jiang family. Do you really intend to make such a choice?"

Gu Jiuci asked tentatively, and the rich second generation people watching were also slightly surprised. However, after all, these people had taken financial classes with their elder brother for so long, and their ability to deal with things without being surprised or changing their expressions was still honed.

"What is so difficult about this choice? The Gu family and the Li family have a deep connection. The reason why the Li family chose the Jiang family is invisible to ordinary people, but we can still see it clearly. From now on, the Shen family and the Ji family will both be friends of the Gu family. Just don’t worry, classmates.”

After Shen Jianxing finished speaking, several children from aristocratic families around him also spoke immediately.

"Yes, we are also the teacher's friends and we don't want to be enemies with the teacher."

Gu Jiuci knew in his heart that Shen Jianxing had seen through the whole thing, while others thought it was his elder brother who was playing a big game of chess.The people who can take classes here are all the upper-class children of the upper class, and their knowledge and education are far beyond those of the ordinary nouveau riche.

Jiang Yutang's family background was very ordinary, and his nouveau riche background coupled with the means he used to obtain the Gu family, all these people could see that in fact, he would not be able to get far at all.

"Jiang's stock price has soared recently. I hope that since you have said these words, you will not regret it and go all the way to the end. Of course, I, Gu Jiuci, can also put my words here. Gu is definitely a friend you can trust. "

Gu Jiuci stood up, with a serious expression on her face, and said her promise sonorously. At this moment, she exuded an aura of innate nobility, and her tone had a convincing power.

At this time, the eldest brother Gu Qian walked into the classroom from another door. They stopped chatting and concentrated on preparing for class.

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