Chapter 967

Gu Jiuci smiled proudly and replied immediately.

"Nine: How about it? You didn't embarrass Master, did you? By the way, Master, your attacks are so proficient that I still can't resist them."

"King: Stop flattering me. You are only at the top five level now. That company has not given up on tracking you. This time they invited everyone they could except me!"

From those cold mechanical codes, Gu Jiuci saw the master's worry.

In the world of hackers, there is actually a huge gap between No. 5 and No. 4. Master is worried that she will be found.


"Nine: Master, don't worry, I won't give Lin Shujing another chance this time! Just let them come here!"

"King: Don't say you are my apprentice if your vest explodes."

Soon a piece of code from Master popped up on the screen, followed by a huge email package.

This was the encrypted information she obtained after hacking Lin Shujing's laboratory last time. At that time, she was not able to decipher it, so she had to spend a lot of money to ask her master for help.

Now it seems that everything has been solved.

Gu Jiuci first forwarded it all to Dr. Yi Deng, then saved it to his own network drive, and then sent the master a coded smiley face applet.

Then the phone recording of Lin Shujing just came to her mind. Lin Shujing actually wanted to sell this terrible medicine to the whole world?

She immediately picked up the phone and called Sister Hong.

No matter how late it is, Sister Hong is always online, and the call is connected in less than 1 minute.

"Aci, thank you for helping us decipher the top-secret files last time. That guy has been on the run for three years, and we finally caught him!"

"You're welcome. Am I not a non-staff member of our national security team? Sister Hong, I have taken on a new job for you. Check your email."

There was a rustling voice on the other end of the phone, followed by Sister Hong's exclamation.

"This Dr. Zhang has always been our most wanted criminal. I didn't expect you to find him!"

"We haven't found him yet. He moves very quickly every time. But these information and clues are enough for you to dig him out, right?"

"Of course, I didn't expect that he is still doing human experiments and selling such horrific illegal drugs all over the world!"

"It is said that the US authorities are also involved. I'm afraid it has something to do with the regional war. I once heard that the US is preparing to carry out a biological and chemical attack. This is a big case. Sister Hong, if you can handle it well, you will be directly promoted."

Gu Jiuci said this deliberately.

"Yes, yes, I owe you a favor."

On the phone, Sister Hong said this smoothly.

Gu Jiuci curled her lips and smiled. She was waiting for Sister Hong's words.

"Really, I've written it down in my notebook. I really have something that I need your help with when the time comes. You can't shirk it."

"What's going on? Tell me."

"Secret for now."

Before Sister Hong could ask further questions, Gu Jiuci hung up the phone.

She didn't know why, but she had a hunch. She always believed that her second brother was still alive, but why didn't he show up?

If even Big Brother and the Big Devil can't solve it, it means that the matter is serious... beyond their capabilities.

The only power she could think of that could surpass the Great Demon King was Guoan.

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