Chapter 810

In this photo, she and the big devil fell into a deep pit. Both the boy and the baby were in a very embarrassed state. There was still a lot of dirt on her face, but she was particularly brave and hugged the big devil and let his His head rested on Xiao Xiao's arms.

This scene is particularly funny. It is not the big devil who is protecting her, but she is protecting the big devil.

"At that time, the Huo family had just become the head of the four major families. When he was young, Lao Huo offended many people. Poor Ache suffered from the disease. He had claustrophobia since he was a child. Fortunately, he fell into this place with him. It’s you, the skinny monkey, who’s in the deep end.”

Lao Gu said jokingly, and Gu Jiuci reached out and pulled the photo out of the album.

Although she could never remember the kidnapping incident that year, her elders had mentioned it one after another.

But she vaguely felt that maybe her fate with the big devil didn't just start from the kidnapping.

On this day, Gu Jiuci flipped through the photo album, trying hard to recall something, but life was like planting flowers without intention, and planting willows with willows. She couldn't remember a single fragment of the past, and finally fell asleep in a daze. On fire.

She didn't know whether it was because she was too tired these past few days or because she used her brain too much before going to bed. She fell into a deep sleep, unable to move as if a ghost was on the bed, and even had that terrible dream again.

It was still the cold ward, but this time the noise outside the door was even more intense, and people outside were even ready to rush in!

"Ye Kan! You can't go in, are you crazy!"

"You're the one who's crazy, right? You know that the boss can't survive for a few more days! If you stop this ridiculous experiment now, the boss can still be saved! Zhan Ying, isn't the boss your master? Are you watching helplessly? Do you want him to die?!!"

Ye Kan's irritable voice sounded, and Gu Jiuci frowned fiercely. She really wanted to open her eyes, she really wanted to get up from the hospital bed, and she really wanted to ask Ye Kan, why did the big devil die?Was she really in a dream? !

"For the master, maybe now is the happiest time. He can live in peace with Gu Jiuci in the dream, and maybe even have a happy ending. This is what he wants most in this life. Even if it means death, he There are no regrets anymore. I can understand Master."

Zhan Ying's tone was full of vicissitudes of life and loneliness, and Gu Jiuci's heart sank suddenly as he listened to every word.

"Why is it that a scumbag like Gu Jiuci has such a good life? The boss took care of the big trouble she caused, and the boss avenged her revenge! Even in the boss's will, she is the heir to the property. This This bad woman has taken advantage of all the benefits in the world. Even if she is always a vegetable, she can live in a sweet dream. Even if she wakes up, she will be the richest person in the entire country of China. But the boss died for her. Life, this is not fair!”

Gu Jiuci heard Ye Kan's particularly mocking and angry tone. Did the Demon King avenge her?Why make a will to give her the property?Was he already prepared to die? ! !

At this time, Zhan Ying's faint voice sounded outside the door.

"What do you think is unfair? Our master is good at everything, but he is blind and blind, but he has deep roots in human kindness like Gu Jiuci! Before knowing this experiment, when the master signed the life and death certificate, how did he interact with hypnosis Did the teacher say that?

He said that since Gu Jiuci hated Huo Mingche, let there be no more Huo Mingche in this world! "

Zhan Ying's words were like sharp knives, piercing Gu Jiuci's heart. Countless guilt and heartache made it difficult for her to breathe. She had never been worthy of his deep affection... .

"Speaking of this, what else can I do to persuade him? If you pull out Gu Jiuci's oxygen tube now, even if the boss comes back alive, the first thing he will do is to kill you!"


The door made a violent banging sound, as if Ye Kan had hit the door hard.

Gu Jiuci struggled hard. She couldn't just watch the big devil die. She had to wake up!

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