Transcendence in the comic world

Chapter 80 x Gene Activator

When Raven's whole body twitched due to the injection of inhibitors, Charles unleashed his psychic powers at full power.

The powerful mental fluctuations not only made Chen Yuange arrive in time, but the soaring mental fluctuations also attracted the attention of some people in New York City.

Late at night, in the Biological Research Institute, Charles and his lab.

A man covered in red suddenly appeared in the room.

He looked around the laboratory environment and took pictures of the documents with a miniature camera when he saw them. Finally, he noticed an injection with only half of the liquid left on the experimental table.

He took out half of the remaining liquid in the injection and mixed it with the same amount of water. Before leaving, he checked all the furnishings again. When he saw the computer, his eyes only lingered for a moment and then shifted.

Then he disappeared quietly without disturbing any security, just like a ghost.

"Xiao, I brought everything."

"Well done, Azir."

This was a man with a smile that was both good and evil. He took what Azir was holding and handed it to the person next to him. Soon the data in the film was developed and delivered to him.

"Let me take a look. This is a surprise. I just came back from the other side to New York and got such a useful thing."

Xiao turned his head and handed the information in his hand to a girl with big golden waves, flaming red lips, and a charming temperament.

"Emma, ​​it seems that the psychic you sensed this afternoon is an outstanding talent."

Emma took the information, her eyes flickered, and she smiled softly: "Oh, really?"

"So Xiao, what are you going to do with this so-called X-gene inhibitor? It will turn you into a mortal."

Xiao stretched out his hand to lift Emma's chin, with a smile on his face and a dangerous light in his eyes.

Emma blinked her charming big eyes and looked directly into this man's aggressive gaze.

"Reversing it and activating more ability users is exactly what I want. With it, we will have an endless supply of soldiers, right?"

"It will be my weapon to rule this world!"

As an outstanding scientist, with detailed information and the finished product of the inhibitor in hand, Xiao had already opened his mind and quickly conceived of the development path for the x-gene activator.

Xiao raised his hands and looked at the three people in front of him: "Soon, my friends, we will be the kings of this world!"

Emma kept smiling, and Genos and Azir applauded to show their support for the leader.

"Well, as I said in the past, there should be a lot of mutants in this world, especially in the past ten years."

"Ten years ago, among millions of people, I only saw one mutant. That was an interesting little guy!"

Xiao recalled that scene that year. Wasn't it with his help that the boy had that extraordinary talent?

"It's such a pity that he got away!"

Xiao shook his head regretfully and said: "But since 45 years, there have been obviously more mutants in the world, but unfortunately, the abilities they have are really not worth mentioning."

"If you can control your farts freely, is he worthy of being one of us mutants?"

Emma opposite showed a disgusted expression, and Xiao saw it.

He pointed at Emma and said: "This is the expression, friends, we are the elite, the elite destined to rule the Lamb!"

The three of them applauded gently again!

"But there are too many lambs, my friend, and we need more sheepdogs!"

Emma asked at the right time: "What kind of sheepdog?"

Xiao gave an appreciative look, and Genos and Azir looked at each other, what a couple!

"Emma's question is good, we need a shepherd dog that can bite and protect its owner!"

"Where can we find such a shepherd dog? This is the meaning of the X-gene activator. As long as there are countless mutants, we can select the shepherd dog we want."

Xiao Yi pointed at the three of them one by one: "You will all have your own shepherd dog guard team!"

Pop, pop, pop!

The three people applauded again, this time the applause was more enthusiastic than the previous two times. Xiao was right, the purpose of the Hellfire Club is to only accept the elite.

Although they have a group of ordinary people as their subordinates, ordinary people are not as useful as mutants, right?

We are not fools. If the pyramidal governance structure has lambs at the bottom and them at the top, and now there are shepherd dogs in the middle, this is the most stable structure.

"So, what do we need to do next?"

"According to my estimate, it will only take me three days to develop the Their gift."

Xiao looked at Azir and saw him raising his hand: "I know, this is my job!"

Then he looked at Emma.

"Emma, ​​you need to find all the mutants in New York City with energy levels above level three."

"Then it's time for us to tame the sheepdogs!"



Before dawn, Zhang Mansion was in a panic, and everyone was woken up by Zhang Xinlan's frightened scream.

"Xinlan, open the door quickly, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Qingwei patted the door anxiously, and the couple heard faint crying inside.

The expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and Zhang Yude suddenly had a bad association.

Is it difficult?

Which wild boar bit his little cabbage and made him pregnant unexpectedly?

The more Zhang Yude thought about it, the more frightened he became. Resisting the urge to cut the wild boar into pieces, he asked tremblingly: "Xinlan, daddy is here. Open the door quickly, daddy will protect you!"

Zhang Yude's trembling voice suddenly aroused Zhou Qingwei's sideways gaze. What's going on with a grown man like you? It's so inexplicable so early in the morning.

Zhou Qing calmed down slightly and said calmly: "Xinlan, if you are unhappy, my mother said, please open the door!"

"Don't come in, I can't see anyone anymore, woohoo!"

"What? Can't see people anymore?"

Zhang Yude felt that what he feared most had happened, and he became furious and almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

"Xinlan, you..."

Zhang Yude quickly looked at the corridor and waved his hand: "You all get out!"

"Qingwei, Xinlan might..."

Zhang Yude leaned close to Zhou Qingwei's ear and whispered.

"What did you say? Ade, this is impossible. I'm sure Xinlan..."

As someone who has been there, Zhou Qingwei clearly remembers that her daughter was still untouched last night. She couldn't get pregnant overnight, her belly would get bigger, right?

Besides, what kind of serious person are you, Zhang Yude? You were also a libertine when you were young. Can't you tell what's going on with your daughter?

You're really playing the piano randomly. My daughter doesn't know what's going on here, and you're still here causing trouble!

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