Transcendence in the comic world

Chapter 77: Howard is completely shattered

Chen Yuange, Charles, and the two of them were assigned a separate laboratory, and they quickly devoted themselves to laboratory research without eating or sleeping.

"Ruiwen, look, your X gene is showing signs of suppression!"

Charles looked at the samples under the electron microscope and quickly called Raven to come over and take a look.

"It's true, Charles, you read that right. I didn't expect that Chen Yuange is so good. Why is he willing to help us?"

Charles was silent for a while and said: "It doesn't matter now, we have to seize this opportunity."

Because there is a genetic theorist like Chen Yuange, Chen Yuange seems to answer all questions, and Charles is not polite when he asks. In just one week, the research on x gene suppression has made rapid progress, which greatly encouraged Charles and the others.


New York Central Park.

"Howard, I have a proposal."

Chen Yuange and Howard were sitting on the bench, with the warm winter sun shining on them, making people feel warm.

Chen Yuange scattered the bread crumbs casually, and the birds in the sky rushed to chase the bread crumbs he scattered.

"Isn't the name of your Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency too long?"

Howard squinted and leaned on the chair to enjoy the rare sunshine. After hearing Chen Yuange's words, he sat up straight and then lay down again: "You know?"

"This is not a top-secret matter. We know it from Captain America's investigation."

Howard tapped his thigh lightly: "I won't be surprised by this. Chen, if you came to me today, you wouldn't tell me that the serum has made progress, right?"

"How is that possible? Oh, by the way, let's call you S.H.I.E.L.D. How about that, let's make this a catchy name!"


Howard tasted the name, and it turned out to be surprisingly appropriate.

"Have you learned anything after studying the computer in the laboratory?"

Chen Yuange's words interrupted Howard's contemplation. Howard coughed slightly and said calmly: "Isn't it just a matter of learning from scientists? I'm just a little curious. Besides, we have better ones."

"Better? It's from aliens, right?"

Howard stood up suddenly and looked at Chen Yuange condescendingly: "Who are you? Why do you know such secret things?"

"Please excuse me, you are blocking my sunlight."

"Chen, I ask you very seriously, this is the top secret of the United States. How did you know?"

Howard looked at the young man in front of him in amazement. Four months ago, he was a dementia. In just three months, he had become the chairman of a large company. I believe that in less than two years, he would be the helmsman of a consortium.

But his current foundation should be almost non-existent. From the contact between Captain America and him, SHIELD can still understand. After all, this is no longer top secret.

But knowing the top secrets in their cutting-edge SHIELD laboratory, this couldn't help but arouse his vigilance.

"Howard, you are so arrogant. Do you think this world belongs to ordinary people?"

Chen Yuange raised his finger, and flames, flowing water, thunder and lightning, and storms appeared one after another on his fingers.

Howard curiously picked up a branch and tested it, and there happened to be a mini storm on Chen Yuange's fingertips.


The first half of the branch was smashed into pieces.

"This is actually true, isn't it scientific?"

"Howard, this planet and the universe are wider than you think, and there are many dangers. You protect the lives of ordinary people, and we protect the world."

"Your country's history is too short!"

Howard saw Chen Yuange put away his fingers and grabbed Chen Yuange's shoulders excitedly: "Tell me, that was magic just now, right?"

"You actually believe me. Come on, I'll show you something else."

A finger was placed between Howard's eyebrows, temporarily opening his spiritual orifice.

Howard's eyes were sore, and after blinking hard a few times, he suddenly froze in place, his neck turning slowly like a rusty shaft.

What a colorful world this is. Some of them are spectra that he has seen with borrowed instruments in the past, and some are new spectra that he has never seen before. The instinct of a scientist tells him that these are the reality of the world.

Howard looked at all this greedily, and suddenly said: "Look at the sky!"

He couldn't help but raise his head, and saw that the sky was covered by a golden mask, with light flowing all over it, and countless patterns that he couldn't understand.

"Why can't I see it? What was that just now?"

"Do you understand now? Magic belongs to magic, and ordinary people belong to ordinary people. There are always people protecting this world, and it's not just you!"

After a long time, Howard, who was immersed in what he just saw, remembered something.

"So, some of the files in the bureau are true. We have always suspected that in addition to aliens, there are other hidden forces in this world. It turns out that myths and legends are actually true!"

Seeing that Howard was eager to go back and check the files, this was not his original intention. Since the intelligence industry was too big, it was most appropriate to cooperate with the World Security Council. After searching around, the only one around who could contact the Council was Howard.

But this guy is a very proud person, so I wanted to give him a blow, but he seemed to have used too much force today?

Why does this guy look like his outlook is completely ruined?

"Hey, don't leave, I have other things to do."

Chen Yuange had to hold Howard back as he was about to leave. He took a few deep breaths and finally sat down again.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"You must have been able to crack the alien's computer, but for my computer, I can authorize technical data!"

"What did you say? You mean, you have complete technical information, a computer that can be produced on our planet?"

Maybe it was because he had already ruined his three views just now. Although Howard was surprised this time, he was not unbelievable. He really felt that Chen Yuange would have such technical information this time, which was not surprising. Now it seems that this guy Not an ordinary person at all.

Maybe his dementia over the past 18 years was an illusion?

Various thoughts kept popping up in Howard's mind. Chen Yuange's file must be upgraded to top secret if he goes back and mentions it to Carter.

"You mean, authorize us?"

"No, it's the World Security Council!"


Chen Yuange waved his hand and said matter-of-factly: "You are just a messenger today. Go ahead and talk to the person who can make the decision."

Howard pointed his finger at Chen Yuange, wanting to pick something up and smash his head to see what was going on in this guy's mind. He, Howard, was shameless. He had been making trouble for a long time and just asked him to give him a message!

"Okay, I promise you!"

Howard walked directly to the car parked not far away, got in and closed the door forcefully.

"Jarvis, go to the bureau!"

Chen Yuange was left sitting alone on the chair, throwing bread crumbs comfortably.


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