Transcendence in the comic world

Chapter 63 Stairway to the Sun 1

Now Chen Yuange can at least prove that it is impossible for Howard and others to master direct manipulation technology at the genetic level.

Their current medical theories are still at the macromolecular level, and they have not even understood the functions of most enzymes in the human body.

According to Howard's statement, the serum developed by Dr. Erskine can mass-produce super soldiers.

Even if Dr. Erskine is gone and the research materials are destroyed, logically speaking, he should still have a theory left behind.

As a scientist, after having such a result, he must summarize the theory, but Howard and the others know nothing about it, which is obviously unreasonable.

Is it?

Chen Yuange subconsciously placed his suspicion on the supernatural realm. Is Erskine a mage?Or is he just a lucky guy who accidentally came into contact with the supernatural realm?

The technology currently mastered by Chen Yuange is limited to tinkering in the genetic field, such as changing hair color or skin color.

All kinds of congenital physical defects can be cured through genetic repair, because there are ready-made references for the genes that need to be modified.

For example, if a person with black hair wants to become a blond, it is directly modified according to the genetic template of blond hair.

In the Hundong Taiwuyuan Sutra, there are also spells such as rejuvenation, which use energy to stimulate cell division, thereby achieving the result of restoring health.

The enhanced version he developed based on the rejuvenation technique, the Taiyi Immortal Body, allows even a few cells in the body to be split and copied into a complete body.

Because there is a ready-made human template in the genes of human cells. As long as energy is given, the cells will continue to replicate until the end, which is the template.

Whether it's genetic repair or Taiyi's immortal body, it's not something created from scratch.

As the result of the super soldier project, Captain America's significance is that he came from scratch and broke through his innate genetic template.

This will be of great help to him in further understanding human genes.

"The key here is not the blood, but Dr. Erkin. Only by figuring out the formula of the serum can we repeatedly observe the gene optimization process and grasp the rules."

Howard and he are currently only in a cooperative relationship, not friends yet, and it is not appropriate to directly ask him about Dr. Erskine's life.

The two sides are not hostile, and it is not easy for him to directly read Howard's memory.It is a very perverted behavior to randomly probe someone's privacy.

Chen Yuange had no choice but to follow Howard, and soon found a photo of Dr. Erskine in an archives room and calculated his gravesite.

"I never thought that one day I would dig someone's grave myself!"

Chen Yuange could only comfort himself that he had dedicated his life to the cause of science.

"This is the doctor's skeleton. Fortunately, it's an ordinary person. That's easy."

"Abraham Erskine, command, the soul is back!"


A dark wind whipped up and swirled around the skeleton.

Chen Yuange held the magic formula and waited for Erskine's thoughts scattered in the void to gather together.

There was no way, he didn't want to directly summon Erskine's soul. Whether it was Heaven Mountain or Hell, it was not something he could mess with now.

The flying geese leave traces. As long as ordinary people are still alive, their thoughts will continue to be scattered in the void.As long as this person is not forgotten, there is a chance to find his thoughts.

I believe that the formula of the Super Soldier Serum must be Erskine's most profound memory. Such thoughts are difficult to disappear into the void.


The skeleton suddenly sat up from the coffin. In the dead of night and the north wind blowing in the cemetery, this scene was scary enough.

Chen Yuange turned a blind eye and asked directly: "Dr. Erskine, what is the formula of the super soldier serum?"

The skull of the skeleton made a clicking sound.

"That's not the idea."

Chen Yuange continued to ask patiently. These thoughts were like bubbles, bursting at the first touch. He could only wait for the thoughts to attach to the bones, and then he could ask about the memories in the thoughts.

"The recipe is..."

"It's finally here!"

Chen Yuange perked up and wasted two hours before getting this answer.

"Doctor, excuse me!"

Chen Yuange restored Erskine's grave to its original state and added insect-repellent and waterproof runes to the coffin, which was a little compensation for him.

"The main source of the formula is the Stairway of the Sun? I've never heard of such a thing!"

The other materials in the formula are all artificially synthesized compounds, but the main ingredient is extracted from the flowers of the Sun Staircase.

The Staircase of the Sun is a poisonous flower obtained by Hydra from the ruins of the Dibai tribe in western Africa.

According to file records, Dr. Erskine was once a member of the terrorist organization destroyed by Captain America.

It's just that after he witnessed Hydra's large-scale cruel human experiments, he jumped directly to the Allied Forces.

"I don't know if there is such a sun staircase in that place. It's troublesome!"

In Erskine's memory, when the Sun Staircase was discovered at the ruins of the Dibai tribe, it was only a small area, and Captain America used the last material for his experiment.

"Come on, no wonder he didn't sum up any theory. He was just a porter of nature after making trouble for a long time."

Chen Yuange felt like peeling an onion. After peeling off one layer, there was another layer. After finally getting the formula, he actually had to go to the ruins of the Dibai tribe in West Africa to find the damn staircase of the sun.

Things were so shocking at the end that Chen Yuange didn't want to give up anymore. He just wanted to find flowers and treat it as a trip.

“Let’s take a trip that comes and goes!”

Since I don’t know the specific address, I can’t send it directly.

The shape of the big piece carries me, the shape of the big piece can travel thousands of miles, and the shape of the big piece can ride the wind and waves!

With the help of the planet's magnetic field, there is no movement when flying at extremely high speeds, and it cuts through the sky like a ray of light.

Mach one, mach two...

Speed ​​up, speed up!

Suddenly, a huge blazing fireball jumped out of the sky and appeared in front of his eyes.

Flying from New York to Africa, this is towards the east, where the sun has already risen.

Chen Yuange stopped and stood on the boundless sea. The sky and the sea met each other, making it impossible to distinguish up and down. The light of the sun dispelled the fog between the sky and the sea.

Such a sunrise only brings emotion to people, rather than the terrifying power of the great sun in the supreme dimension.

After watching the spectacular sunrise, Chen Yuange continued to fly forward and soon saw the land in the distance.

At the ruins of the Dibai tribe, Chen Yuange fell gently, stepping on the water, and looking at it, he saw a lush jungle swamp.

The vicissitudes of life and the wanton growth of plants have long covered the footprints of humans.

"How did Hydra find such a ghost place? It has become a swamp. No wonder it has become a ruin."

Chen Yuange's body rose and fell, shattering the poisonous insects that fell from the tree.

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