Transcendence in the comic world

Chapter 58 The end of the powder dealer

Deckert held the Bull drink in his hand. He was the first to get this drink today, and he felt a little dizzy after drinking it.

It seemed that he got up too early. He would have known that he would sleep until dark before getting up again. Decker rubbed his stomach, and he was almost full after drinking water. Forget it, he went to buy a hamburger and then slept again. Go back to sleep.

As night falls, the orange lights on the roadside shine on Decker's face.

Decker got up unsteadily, got dressed, went downstairs, got on his beloved chariot, and went straight to the Night Rose Bar.

As he staggered into the venue, deafening music entered his ears. Deckert's spirit was shaken, and he came to life.

"Decker, are you still the same?"

Decker took the small glass and drank it all in one gulp. The young man at the nightclub, Decker, appeared.

"Here, the new goods have just arrived. They are definitely powerful enough to make you feel happy!"

Luke, the powder dealer, happily collected the money, handed a small bag of powder to Decker, and continued to look for the next customer.

"Girls, would you like to enjoy the joy of heaven with me?"

Decker squeezed in next to several girls with hot bodies and heavy makeup. He leaned against one girl's face, blew on her ears, and showed off the goods in his hand.

The girl's eyes lit up, and she was even more moved when she saw that Decker had a decadent temperament and was a bit melancholy and handsome.

Several people twisted their waists and found a booth to sit down.

Decker divided the powder skillfully, took out the straw, lowered his head, inserted it into his nose, and inhaled hard, waiting for the arrival of the paradise.


Decker smelled a strong odor. The smell was so strong and overbearing that it rushed directly into his brain without giving him any time to react.

He vomited, his whole body collapsed on the ground, and he even vomited out the gall water.

"Luke, you, a son of Bichi, sold so many fakes in my shop?"

Luke knelt on the ground with a sad face.

The Night Rose Bar is the territory of the Wild Wolf Gang. Watching the scene today happens to be the Wild Wolf Gang's top thug, Blood Wolf Ducan. This guy has always been ruthless and kills without blinking an eye.

"How do I know what's going on? Which Bichi raised him and wants to kill me, Luke?"

Luke lowered his head, rolled his eyes, and thought crazily. Could it be that those colleagues wanted to kill him because they knew the blood wolf would be here today?

"Boss Blood Wolf, I swear to God, I'm definitely not selling fakes! Please check."

Luke took out the powder from his pocket and handed it over painfully. A boy snatched it away, dipped a little in his mouth and tasted it.


The boy bent over and vomited out his dinner, and the rancid smell quickly spread throughout the office.


The blood wolf's face froze, he rushed over, grabbed Luke's hair, and kneed Luke in the face.


Red and white, Luke's face looked like a dye shop, blood mixed with snot and tears, and his whole body was twisted in pain.

Pulling Luke's hair, the blood wolf looked at him with a gloomy face.

"Tell me, who told you to do this?"

Luke's nose was collapsed and his face was twisted in pain, but the fear of death made him barely hear the blood wolf's voice.

"No, no one, absolutely no one!"

The blood wolf grinned, and his cold teeth seemed to eat Luke, and he slammed him to the ground.

Turning around, he picked up the powder bag that the boy had dropped on the ground. He was a little curious, how powerful is this fake?

"Come and have a taste!"

Another boy took the powder packet without hesitation, dipped a little in it and tasted it.

"Hey, boss, this purity is great!"

The boy then handed it to the person next to him, and finally the blood wolf took a bite himself. It was the real thing. Did he blame Luke wrongly?


In the next two days, everyone in Hell's Kitchen has become familiar with Chen Yan and others.

They began to enter the community, holding Bull drinks and Muse perfume to clear the way, and successfully interviewed what they wanted.

These students who have not entered the society, even if they come from ordinary families, belong to the middle class.

They went deep into the community of Hell's Kitchen today and really saw what hell is. Most of the children here did not have the innocence they should have on their faces.

“Why would God allow such a hell to exist?”

After experiencing what happened in Silent Hill, Hannah saw the scene of Hell's Kitchen today, and her soul was greatly shocked again.

Although her father was a well-known lawyer, he protected her very well and did not let her face the dark side of society.

"Chen Yan, is it because of those gangs?"

"The reason is very complex. Gang control is on the one hand, and on the other hand, they lack vocational skills and cannot find jobs to support their families. This is a vicious cycle."

"Chen Yan, you are so amazing, you understand all this!"

"It's trivial!"

Chen Yan touched the back of her head and laughed. Chen Yuange said this casually while eating!


"Boss, our profits have dropped by [-]% this week!"

Blood Wolf Duken, sitting opposite Johnny, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, was restless. Ever since the drug dealer Luke was beaten to death by him that night, there have been people who snorted powder and vomited every night, even if they were all him. Personally verified.

"It's not just us, all gangs are like this. Boss, is there really something else mixed in the goods?"

Johnny's expression changed and he smashed the cigar in his hand on the blood wolf's head.

"Fake, this is Shouhui's product. Do you dare to go to them to question it?"

The blood wolf, who was always ruthless outside, actually trembled.

"But boss, if this continues, our brothers will starve to death!"

Johnny stood up and walked back and forth in the office, his face changing again and again. When he thought that the profit was [-]% less, his wild wolf gang was about to collapse, and he finally made up his mind.

I picked up the phone on the table and made several calls in succession. In the end, I felt like I had just been fished out of the water, and my clothes were soaked.


In a manor on Long Island, a ninja knelt in front of an old woman.

"Master, the gangs below suspect that there is something wrong with our goods."

"They have the guts? What's going on?"

The old woman repaired her nails slowly without raising her head, but her calm tone made the ninja more respectful.

"Master, it's like this..."

Ninja told the gang bosses their questions, and then he went to Hell's Kitchen to investigate. The situation was indeed incredible. There was nothing wrong with their products, but most addicts just couldn't smoke it.

The old woman stopped repairing her nails in surprise and said softly: "Could it be that someone has cast a curse?"

The old woman's first reaction was that it was a curse. This was her favorite trick. Cursing was so convenient and she didn't have to fight head-on.

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