
Chapter 507

Fei Ming answered without hesitation, making everyone present take a breath.

"You say you're not gay, but you still sleep with others? Then you're even more disgusting than a gay!"

Lu Xingyi couldn't help but curse.

Gu Jiuci glanced at Lu Xingyi coldly: "Let him finish what he said."

Fei Ming's hands on his knees clenched tightly into fists, and a tear fell on the back of his hands.

“That was when we first debuted, and Hengxing was still just a small studio. Apart from a few sporadic advertisements, I had no other income at all, and I often went to bars to do odd jobs.

The agent said that I had to maintain my image and couldn't live in the dormitory, but as a poor student I couldn't afford to rent a house, so he let me live in his house and sleep in the same bed with him. At first... At first I thought he was really like a buddy and was just kind to me, but who knew..."

At this point, Fei Ming could no longer speak.

"Damn! Your manager is the disgusting pervert! He molested you!!! Then why didn't you run away?!"

Lu Xingyi's eyes widened. He grew up abroad and lived a privileged life. He couldn't understand Fei Ming.

"I guess you have signed a contract with sky-high liquidated damages. If you dared to run away at that time, the compensation would not be a small amount, right?"

Gu Jiuci helped Fei Ming complete the last sentence.

Fei Ming nodded and continued.

"I've always avoided him whenever I could. He probably wanted me to completely submit to him, so he didn't use force on me. It wasn't until last year that I made money and moved out."

"So you've been being eaten by that pervert these past few years?!!"

Du Fanghua asked in shock, and other people at the scene also showed shocked expressions.Fortunately, everyone present was trustworthy, and Gu Jiuci was sure not to let them spread the news at will.

Fei Ming lowered his head silently, apparently acquiescing to Du Fanghua's words.

"Damn it, this pervert! So you managed to escape from his clutches, but he bites you back. If he doesn't get you, he will throw dirty water on you and completely destroy you?!"

Lu Xingyi analyzed angrily, reaching out to pat Fei Ming on the shoulder, but in the end he was afraid that he would mind, so he took it back in embarrassment.

"Brother, how about I find a few people to deal with him!"

"You're still a top student, so you don't use your brain when doing things?"

Gu Jiuci glanced at Lu Xingyi with disgust, then stood up and looked around at everyone.

"The reason why I am in front of everyone is to let everyone see the person involved personally telling what happened. As for whether the truth is true or not, leave it to me to investigate. For the rest of the time, I hope everyone will still film according to the schedule and don't think too much. many."

"But just because we know what happened, doesn't mean that the major TV stations believe it. Our TV series has nowhere to be broadcast. What should we do?"

Zeng Chong frowned and said, he also expressed everyone's thoughts.

"I can resolve the issue of the broadcast platform today, so everyone can rest assured. Tang Yu, please go out with me now. Director, I will leave the matters here to you."

Gu Jiuci made arrangements calmly.

"Aci, don't worry."

Pu Jingzhi made the promise seriously.

After Gu Jiuci and Tang Yu got into the car, Tang Yu asked.

"Aci, China Entertainment is very powerful. Yang Xiuwen will definitely find a way to make the matter even bigger. The news has spread to various TV stations in the past ten minutes. No one will want our TV series. Are you still planning to go? Which one?"

"Who said I'm going to the TV station? Let's go to Penguin Video."

Gu Jiuci raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously he had a plan.

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