Transcendence in the comic world

Chapter 40 Unworthy of Sympathy

"This technique is so skillful. It seems that Phillips is a skilled worker."

Charlie started the car and drove all the way towards the seaside.

There was still some distance from the seaside, and the vehicle could no longer drive past. Charlie stopped the car, opened the trunk, and carried a person in one hand.

At this moment, he was obsessed with his strong body, carrying two adults so easily, how wonderful it felt!

The moonlight is beautiful tonight!

In New York in October, strong winds blew from the sea, and the leaves rustled one after another.

"Well, where am I?"

Russell opened his eyes drowsily. It was so cold. Shouldn't he be on his big bed, hugging his lover Ally?


It turned out that Charlie threw the two of them into the sea water. The cold sea water not only woke Russell up, but also woke up Ellie.

The two of them twisted their bodies desperately. At this moment, fear filled their hearts.

Phillips greedily inhaled the smell of fear. What a beautiful smell. Unlike the souls in hell, they have no thoughts after countless tortures.

How can the human soul be so fresh and delicious!

Hell is above, I must eat slowly and gently, and try my best to hide in the human world.

It wasn't until the two of them were about to drown that Charlie reached out and pulled them out and dragged them to the sandy shore.

Their bodies were constantly rubbed by the gravel, and the two of them twisted in pain.

Phew, the cloth ball in the mouth was taken out.


Ellie shouted in fear and despair, while Russell endured the pain on his skin, carefully looked at the man in front of him, and asked tremblingly: "Who are you?"

bang, bang...

Charlie kicked Russell one after another and kept scolding: "You son of a bitch, you still ask me who I am, who I am..."

"Oh, Charlie, be gentle, don't kick my delicious food. He's not afraid enough."

Charlie sat down, grabbed Russell's hair, lifted it up, and looked at his painful and twisted face.

"Look, isn't this my good assistant Russell? Why does he look like this?"


Russell tried his best to open his eyes wide in surprise. He looked at the strong man in front of him when he saw the familiar Mediterranean Sea.

"Charlie? This is impossible?"

"Wow, you actually recognized me, I should reward you well!"

Charlie's fist smashed into Russell's eye socket, punching him one after another, and soon the handsome face that he hated was so beaten that even his own mother could not recognize it.

Ellie suddenly let out a scream, her hair was pulled up by Charlie, and she suddenly saw Russell, who looked like a pig head.

"No, stay away from me!"

"Look, my Ellie, this is your Russell!"

"Charlie? Are you really Charlie? Please, let me go!"

Russell's painful moans, Ellie's desperate pleas, and Charlie's silent response, only the waves still lapped the beach tirelessly.

"My Ellie, you have lost my love!"

Charlie's cold tone froze Ellie. She stopped begging and stared blankly at Charlie, who looked greatly changed.

Regret, pain, despair!

"Yes, that's it. I really can't wait to taste this delicious soul!"

The voice of Devil Phillips sounded in Charlie's mind, telling him to be gentle and not to ruin his delicious food.

"Go to hell Charlie, you fat guy, you look so sanctimonious in class, it makes me feel sick. Do you think I love you? I just like your money!"

Perhaps realizing her fate, Ai Li simply broke the jar and cursed angrily. At this moment, her disheveled hair looked as ugly as a ghost.

"I curse you, Charlie, you will burn in hellfire for eternity!"

The aria of exclamation from the Devil Phillips rang out: "Hell above, what a perfect delicacy this is!"

He finally couldn't help it any longer, and Charlie's shadow began to deform and lengthen, extending towards Ellie and the others.

clap, clap, clap...

"What a wonderful show. As a reward, I will let you, um, live on my experimental bench for a few more days."

Charlie's shadow changed for a moment, and then Phillips discovered that an Asian man was slowly landing in the sky.

"I can't move my body!"

A mountain of momentum pressed down on him, and now he could only move with his mind.

"How could I be so unlucky that I met such a terrible human being on my first day in the world?"

"Dear Sir, Philips greets you, I am the great Lord Mephisto..."

"Stop dreaming, what are you talking about with me?"

Chen Yuange's voice rang in Phillips' consciousness. He would not fall for this guy's trick. If this guy took the opportunity to speak, he would say Mephisto's name.

We don’t know what will happen to Phillips, but he may face the gaze of Mephisto, the ancient god.

Although the possibility is very low, we must try our best to avoid it. Many newcomers who embark on the extraordinary road die in this way.

After waving his hands to create runes one after another, Chen Yuange reached out and grabbed a palm-sized puppet from Charlie's shadow. This was to ban Phillips to prevent his breath from contaminating mortals.

If they see the true form of the devil, they will be demonized by the breath of hell.

Although Phillips is just a low-level devil, his life level is already one level higher than that of humans.

Charlie watched helplessly as his strongest assistant was easily subdued, and took a few steps back in fear.

But when he saw the surprised Ellie, anger rushed into his mind again.

"Why? Why did you stop me?"

"Why? I have been very merciful and allowed you to vent your anger. But you want to kill them. I'm sorry. Although you are not good people, I think it is better to leave it to the police."

Charlie used his mentor's power to seduce his student Ellie and abandon his original wife and children.As for Ai Li, she simply accepted your temptation just for the sake of enjoyment.

Are you worthy of being a colleague in the same school as me?

Do you have such a good appetite if you line your own pockets in the project, abandon your wife and children, and let the old cow eat the young grass?

Chen Yuange glanced at Russell, whose lower body was blurred, and Aili, who was covered in bruises.

Tsk tsk, you two are better off dead than alive!

None of them deserve sympathy!

Chen Yuange reached out and grabbed them. The three people were restrained and had their memories of him and Phillips wiped away. They soared into the air and flew towards the New York Police Department.


Detective Tom, who was on duty, suddenly noticed three people appearing on the floor. He quickly drew his pistol and sounded the alarm.

"Hey, Jimmy, I've got some great news, three hundred dollars!"

"Fake, I'll be here right away, Tom. I bought this exclusive news. If it's not exciting enough, I'll kick your balls out!"

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