"Teacher Zeng is so dedicated. He helped me correct my pronunciation word for word and taught me where to express my emotions! I really regret it. I should be teaching video homework like you. I didn't realize it until now. It turns out that Teacher Zeng is a national first-class drama actor!"

Mian's face was full of remorse. She had done this homework for Gu Jiuci's approval before. There were indeed some lapses and lack of seriousness in it, but now Teacher Zeng discovered all of them and pointed them out.

Where could she find someone from the expert field who could provide such dedicated guidance? She even began to worry that Teacher Zeng would not reply to her later because of her attitude.

"It's not too late for you to know now. 20 years ago, Mr. Zeng was equivalent to a top-tier actor now. You see, as long as you take the course seriously, he will be serious and responsible for you. Now you know why I have to pay Have you done your homework?"

Gu Jiuci explained at this time and looked at Mian with a smile.

"I know, those seniors and sisters have really missed a huge treasure over the years! But we two found the treasure!"

Mian said with emotion and quickly patted his head.

"I have to hurry up and do today's homework. I must be serious this time!"

"Go quickly!"

After talking to Mian, Gu Jiuci called Lu Xiaosang again and asked how to get to Shanghai Film Drama Club.

Coincidentally, Lu Xiaosang happened to have homework for his screenwriting major, so he could bring Gu Jiuci with him tomorrow.

Gu Jiuci hung up the phone, couldn't hold it anymore, and jumped up excitedly.

That was the legendary Shanghai Film Drama Club!Today, when drama is in such a slump, Shanghai Film Drama Club is the only drama club that can make a profit and support itself.

Every member of this club has a glorious resume. Thinking of seeing such a high-level performance, Gu Jiuci was a little excited.

After breakfast the next morning, Gu Jiuci urged Lu Xiaosang to go to the Shanghai Film Drama Club with her.

"You are really good at timing. It just so happens that the teachers of the drama club are rehearsing at school today, and tomorrow they will go on tour, and you won't be able to see them then!"

Lu Xiaosang introduced as they walked. When the two rushed to the auditorium, they saw only three or four spectators sitting under the stage, which seemed a little deserted.

"Alas, the students in our school are becoming more and more impetuous, and drama is not very popular in our school."

Lu Xiaosang sighed.

"It doesn't matter. Since Shanghai Film has made a profit, it means that the teachers have saved some of the market."

Gu Jiuci found a seat at random and sat down. She planned to wait for Teacher Zeng to finish the rehearsal before communicating with the teacher. Yesterday, she carefully studied Teacher Zeng's reply, but she still didn't understand some of it.

"Act [-], start!"

The teacher announcing the curtain shouted, and Gu Jiuci quickly took out his notebook and stared at the stage seriously.As soon as several teachers appeared, Gu Jiuci's eyes widened. Zeng Chong, Yu Shujin, Xiang Nan... these ancient gods, weren't they all the main actors in the Legend of Langya in the previous life?Gu Jiuci counted them carefully and found that more than half of them were there!

Gu Jiuci's eyes immediately shone with excitement, she seemed to have found a treasure!

Today, the teachers performed a murder suspense play. During the rehearsal, there was no suitable lighting and insufficient atmosphere.

However, Gu Jiuci was brought into the weird atmosphere of Bo Yun by the teachers' superb acting skills.

When the performance ended an hour later, Gu Jiuci immediately applauded the teachers from the bottom of his heart. However, there were only a few people in the audience, and she was the only one applauding, which made it particularly awkward.

The teachers on the stage all looked at her. Zeng Chong was the first to see Gu Jiuci and waved to her.Then explain it to your companions.

"This is the student I mentioned to you before, the Gu Jiuci who showed you his homework.

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