Chapter 1967

Ever since she and Huo Mingche entered the secret passage, she always felt that there was a pair of eyes following them behind them, but when she looked back, she saw nothing.

"David, do you know what your flaw is?"

"What is it?"

The Earl frowned. He was a person who loved perfection, and there should be no errors in his plan.

"It's a wireless signal!"

Gu Jiuci sneered. When they arrived in the second room, they ran out of torches and had to take out their mobile phones to light up the room. At this time, she suddenly saw a sign of signal flashing through the mobile phone quickly.

Her mobile phone was specially modified and customized by her second brother. It could capture any weak signal from a digital product, which made her even more convinced that there must be some kind of surveillance nearby.

Sure enough, when she arrived at the last stone room, she finally captured the tiny drone.

As the world's second-largest hacker, it only takes her one minute to decipher the code, find David's location, and block all their signals at the same time.

"Now, we have contacted the local police, David, this time, you have nowhere to escape."

Gu Jiuci calmly concluded his speech for this evil man.

After so many years of hard work, we have finally reached the end, right?

"is it?"

After Gu Jiuci finished speaking, the man in front of him didn't panic at all, but laughed calmly.

"Huo Mingche, this is the first time we meet in this capacity. I think it is necessary for me to give you and your wife a gift."

"What other tricks are you trying to do?!"

Gu Jiuci immediately stood in front of Huo Mingche vigilantly.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a small video."

David showed a weird smile and motioned to the housekeeper with a relaxed expression.

The butler took out the remote control and immediately played a video on the screen in front of him.

The location was the Huo family's old house. A group of men in black rushed in and opened the hall door with one kick.

"Who are you! What are you going to do!"

By coincidence, Grandpa Huo and Huo Zheng's family of four happened to be together.

"Hmph! The person who wants your life!"

In the picture, the men in black sneered strangely, and those men in black immediately tied them all up arbitrarily, and even tied time bombs on their bodies!

The scene stopped here, Gu Jiuci's face turned pale instantly, the world was spinning for a while, and he couldn't even stand still.

"Little Jiu'er!"

Huo Mingche frowned fiercely, quickly held her waist, and the next second his eyes were as cold as a knife directed at David.

"It seems you don't want to live anymore!"

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

David shrugged, unexpectedly took out a gun... and threw it directly in front of Huo Mingche!


Now the housekeeper and Gu Jiuci were both shocked.

"Huo Mingche, let's play a game. The choice is in your hands now. If you kill me, everything will be over. From now on, you will only have peace and beauty.

How about it, is it a good deal? "

David stared at Huo Mingche with interest. He was not afraid of death at all, but showed a hint of enjoyment.

"Master, are you crazy?"

Even the housekeeper looked puzzled!

Why did David do this?

:. :

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