Chapter 1927

Gu Jiuci rushed to the computer immediately, her fingers flying. This time, she must catch that person!

In fact, this anonymous number has sent her this kind of girl-catching text message more than once.

Gu Jiuci didn't really care about the content of the message, but what she did care about was that the owner of this number was very cunning.

Every time she couldn't pinpoint the person's location accurately.

This time, she can't let go of this villain hiding in the darkness!

Lines of code jumped rapidly on the computer screen, and finally the screen settled on the coordinates of a city.

"V City?"

The address on the screen made Gu Jiuci a little dumbfounded.

Obviously the last address located was the Imperial Capital, so her technique should be correct.

The next second, Gu Jiuci suddenly opened his phone and looked at the photo again. Suddenly he understood something and slowly raised the corners of his lips.

" turns out to be you..."

After getting the information he wanted, Gu Jiuci made a backup of the message on his phone, then turned off the computer and went downstairs to drink Aunt Fu's milk.

At this time, a piece of news on TV attracted her attention.

"According to the latest news from this station, the Hawaii Maritime Administration discovered a sunken ship 30 years ago on the east coast. Based on the signs salvaged from the scene, it can be preliminarily judged that this sunken ship is the Hope!"

Hope number!

Gu Jiuci's face darkened, and he immediately picked up the remote control to amplify the sound.

She vaguely remembered the big news of the Hope. At that time, China was still developing, and its conditions were far less good than those in developed countries such as the United States. Many young people tried their best to go abroad and stay in developed countries. But at this time, a sudden A batch of aspiring young people are willing to return to the motherland and build the country.

And this large group of aspiring young people secretly took the Hope back to China. Unexpectedly, not long after the ship sailed out, it suddenly disappeared on the sea. Many young geniuses lost their lives forever and were buried in the sea!

On the TV, the host continued to report the news in a sad tone.

"Based on the bones recovered from the cabin, it can be confirmed that these bones are the aspiring young people who returned to serve the country 30 years ago. Unexpectedly, these young lives disappeared forever in the cold before they had time to display their talents. in the sea.

The Hawaii police are currently actively recovering relics and confirming further information about the victims. "

At this moment, the scene flashed by, and the camera captured the Hawaii police sorting out the deceased's belongings one by one. Suddenly, a handwritten document suddenly attracted Gu Jiuci's attention.

This handwriting looks very, very familiar to her!

At exactly this time, the camera showed a close-up, and Gu Jiuci's hair suddenly stood up!

This is my mother's handwriting!Why did he appear on the Hope ship!


Before Gu Jiuci could react, a rapid ringtone from her cell phone immediately interrupted her thoughts. She quickly picked up her phone and it showed that it was a call from Sister Hong of the National Security Bureau.

"Hey, Sister Hong, what happened?"

"Aci, please quickly turn on the news channel. There is a news about a shipwreck. I think you must read it."

Sister Hong didn't bother to say hello and said bluntly.

"I've seen it. Is there any connection between the Hope and my mother? Why can't I find my mother's files when she was 20 to 25 years old?"

Sister Hong was silent on the phone for a few seconds, and then said.

"This matter comes to Huacheng. I couldn't explain it to you for a while on the phone, but the Hawaii police have arrived at the National Security Bureau. If you come to the headquarters tomorrow, you will know everything."


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