Chapter 1747

"Sorry, I dislike you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the fat man's face immediately turned ugly.

"What do you mean"

"I mean, take a good look in the mirror! Don't think that I don't know what you and Si Xiangwen are plotting! Get out of the way!"

Si Chen said impatiently and coldly, she didn't want to get entangled with this fat man here anymore.

"Humph! You really take yourself seriously to show your face!"

Being exposed by Si Chen on the spot like this, Fatty suddenly lost his dignity. No matter what, he would become the son-in-law of the Si family today, and everything in the Si family must belong to him!

"What do you want to do?"

Si Chen immediately stared at the fat man warily.

"What?! Of course it's raw rice and cooked rice!"

Zhang Bao sneered obscenely and immediately rushed towards Si Chen under the dim light!

Oops!She finally understood why Si Xiangwen found such a gangster!

But in the next second, before the fat man could pounce, a tall figure flashed beside Si Chen like a gust of wind, and he kicked the fat man hard in the face!


The fat man screamed in pain and then fell to the ground.He opened his mouth and spit out a tooth, which was full of blood.


Si Chen looked sideways and saw that the blond man had a stern face and a bloodthirsty aura all over his body. This was probably his true face, right?

"Are you OK?"

Vincent looked away and immediately looked at Si Chen with concern.

"I'm fine, thank you."

Si Chen nodded lightly, his tone extremely calm.

"'s okay."

Vincent's eyes flashed, and he felt a little disappointed. Was this his reaction to his hero saving the beauty?

"Where's the security guard? He killed someone! Don't you care?"

The fat man on the ground howled loudly, clearly trying to make things worse. Soon a dozen bodyguards in black rushed in and surrounded the place. Seeing this, Vincent subconsciously blocked Si Chen's way. .

"You go first, I'll handle it here!"

Si Chen's expression remained calm and he shook his head.

"They're mine."

In fact, she is one of the shareholders of Ginza. Even if Vincent does not show up, the situation is still under her control. She is just too lazy to move.

But now, she is very angry.

Si Chen raised his hand and made a gesture lazily, and the men in black surrounded the fat man and beat him hard. Others in the hall also cheered.

"Hit me hard! I don't even urinate to look at myself. What kind of family is the Si family? How could a Phoenix man like you have such delusions!"

"You still want to take over the Si family's property? The toad wants to eat swan meat and deserves to be beaten!"

Soon the fat man was completely swollen into a pig's head, and he could only whimper and beg for mercy.

"Auntie! I was wrong! I was wrong! Please let me go! Your uncle Si Xiangwen asked me to do this! It's all his fault!"

Vincent stood aside, looking at Si Chen who was as powerful as a queen at the moment, quite surprised.

"It turns out you are even more powerful than before."

"What did you say?"

Si Chen happened to hear this sentence...

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :m.bqkan

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