Chapter 1734

What are your plans, Si Chen?

I try to give you all Vincent.

The bad relationship between her and him started from that ordinary party.

Originally, Si Chen thought it was just a relaxing trip to the countryside, where she wanted to see her best friend Gu Jiuci.

As soon as the car arrived outside the small courtyard, Si Chen saw a limited edition Maybach next door, also parked at the door of the small courtyard.

With a car that shows off its spiritual power, one can tell at a glance that the owner of the car is no ordinary person.

"Who is that?"

Gillian asked curiously in the car. Si Chen glanced at the closed window of the driver's seat. No one could be seen inside the black glass.

"Maybe it's Huo Mingche's friends."

"Well, maybe Huo Mingche's friend is also a handsome guy! Chenchen, you should seize the opportunity to get out of singles."

Gillian joked meaningfully, and Si Chen pinched the little girl's fleshy cheeks angrily.

"Solve your own life-long affairs first, and then worry about me."

"Oh, you abused me, I won't help you get anything!"

Gillian pretended to be angry and ran away, which gave Si Chen a headache. She got out of the car, looked at the violin and easel in the trunk, and sighed leisurely.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have brought so many things.

"Do you need help?"

There was a sound of footsteps approaching from far away, and then a voice full of sunshine and vitality came to her ears. Even though she had heard so many beautiful voices, this voice was still so special.

Si Chen subconsciously raised his head and met a pair of dark blue eyes. Such beautiful eyes!Although he had seen countless handsome men, Si Chen's eyes still lit up.

The man has a typical Western Caucasian physique, tall and straight, probably due to years of exercise. Even though his seemingly ordinary casual clothes can't hide his lean and muscular figure.

He has blond hair, an almost glowing white face, delicate and deep facial features, and a pair of dark blue eyes, typical peach blossom eyes. He just looks at you simply, but seems to be habitually full of passion.

When he smiles, he seems to be a big boy, born with qualities that attract women.

"Vincent, Boss Huo's life and death friend."

The man was the first to extend his hand and introduce himself cheerfully.

"Si Chen, A Ci's best friend."

The big boy had already taken the initiative to extend his hand, and Si Chen couldn't refuse, so he simply shook his hand, but... the big boy didn't let her go immediately, but squeezed her slightly.

"I didn't expect you to be born more beautiful."

Vincent murmured softly, and Si Chen looked at him doubtfully.


"No, I mean we are really destined. Have we met before?"

"I don't think so."

What an old-fashioned way to pick up a conversation...

Si Chen frowned slightly, immediately withdrew his hand, and replied coldly, taking a step back while speaking, keeping a polite distance from Vincent.

"Is it?"

The man didn't know why, but his beautiful eyes dimmed quickly, and there was something Si Chen couldn't understand.

Have they really met before?Si Chen began to have self-doubt.

"Si Chen, this person is not a good person. You must not be deceived by this man."


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