Chapter 1604

In the conference room, Gillian turned off the news and sent a message to her sister to investigate the details of the Joy advertising company.

Not long after, my sister Li Waner called.

"Oh my God, Gillian, you really hit it right. This advertising company is the industry in the name of the story. Because this advertising company has always been operating abroad and has no domestic business, I have never noticed it.

It seems that Gu Qian really recognized you yesterday, and he is inviting you to the urn today! "

Gillian immediately panicked. When she thought about Gu Qian appearing in front of her later and asking questions, she suddenly felt that she couldn't say anything.

"Then what should I do? No, mine, run away!"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll come to you right away!"

Her sister Li Waner quickly warned her on the phone. Gillian hung up the phone and decisively stood up and walked towards the door. She must get out of the way before Gu Qian showed up!


The moment she walked towards the door, the door was suddenly opened from the outside. Gillian looked up subconsciously. The familiar man was standing outside the door, their eyes facing each other. She could not escape.

Gillian opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound for a long time. No matter how many times she lied to herself, she could never lie to herself. She loved the man in front of her so much.

Five years of suppressed longing, like a volcanic eruption or a tsunami, surged silently between the two.

The man's eyes were a little red. He tried hard to control his violent breathing due to running, for fear that the slightest movement would scare the girl in front of him away again.

This was probably the most embarrassing moment in his life. She would never know how ecstatic he was when he saw her photo and heard Ziwei say that she was still alive in his conference room. What a blessing.

It was as if he was resurrected at this moment.

Looking at each other in silence, the two of them stood at the door for several minutes, but Gillian reacted first.

"Um...Aqian...Mr. Gu, long time no see."

The words passed her lips several times, but in the end she changed her words bitterly.Gillian didn't dare to look at Gu Qian anymore. No matter how many times she hypnotized herself in the past five years, she still couldn't hide her love for Gu Qian when she saw him again.

But this love is a burden to him.

Gu Qian frowned slightly when he heard the word "Mr. Gu". He calmly closed the door behind him and said warmly.


Gillian was startled for a moment and glanced at the closed door. It was obvious that her escape plan had failed.

She paused for a while, and finally sat back on the sofa obediently. What would Gu Qian say next?

Probably to question her about her shameless behavior back then?In his eyes, his impression must have been extremely bad, right?

Gillian laughed to herself in her heart, lowered her head and said nothing.Although she didn't look at Gu Qian, she still couldn't escape from that overly hot gaze.

The more Gu Qian remained silent, the more nervous she became. For a long time, just when she was about to apologize first, a gentle voice slowly sounded in front of her.

"How have you been all these years?"

No blame, no insult?

Gillian was stunned. All the bad things she imagined didn't happen. What she heard was a caring greeting from him?

"That's all you ask?"

She looked up in disbelief. There were emotions in the man's deep eyes that she couldn't understand.

No, it's not that she can't understand, it's that she can't believe it.

Why are his eyes so sad and cautious?As if you are afraid that you will get hurt?

"Well, have you ever been bullied over the years? Have you ever..."

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