Chapter 1602

"Why did you stress that your mother must sign? What kind of company is that?"

On the phone, Amy answered in a normal tone.

"Perhaps the other company is afraid of financial disputes. In the children's modeling industry in recent years, agencies often sign agreements without the permission of the children's guardians, making the children overloaded with work. There have been many lawsuits.

The other party is a big company in this industry, so they probably want to be more formal and sign a contract with the child's guardian to avoid disputes.Besides, Tuantuan’s father is always elusive, so I only left your contact information. "

"So it is."

After hearing Amy's explanation, Gillian breathed a sigh of relief, but too many things happened today, and she had no intention of letting Tuantuan start making money at such a young age.

Can such a big Li family not be able to raise a baby?

"Amy, listen, although I am honored that the advertising company has chosen Tuantuan, Tuantuan's childhood only needs to grow up healthy and happy, not for work, so thank that company for me. For this endorsement job, we will No more answering.”

Gillian politely refused Amy, but to her surprise, Amy on the other end of the phone exclaimed.

"No, Gillian, you must save me!"

When Gillian heard this, she immediately frowned.

"What do you mean by that?"

On the phone, Amy was very embarrassed.

"In fact, this advertising company has acquired our magazine and is now my boss. Moreover, this competition has been held for a long time. Out of 1 children, they picked Xiao Tuantuan at a glance. If this If things get messed up in my hands, I'm afraid I'm going to lose this job.

You know, I finally gained a foothold in Paris. If I am fired from this magazine, then my future..."

As Amy spoke, her voice became choked with sobs, and Gillian couldn't bear it.

"Hey, how about I help you find another job?"

"No, I want to keep this job stable with my strength. In fact, I just informed you to sign the contract. As for whether you go to sign or not, it is your freedom. Can I ask you to agree first?

I'm really sorry, Gillian, I will never cause you any trouble again. "

Amy was on the other end of the phone, almost kneeling down for Gillian.

There was no other way, so Gillian had no choice but to agree.Amy, a carefree foreigner, was also the first good friend she made when she first arrived in Paris, so she was willing to help Amy within her principles and bottom line.

"Well, I will go there in person, but whether to sign or not is my decision."

"Okay, okay, anyway, I just need to make sure that you will go. The rest is not something I can decide. I will treat you to dinner tomorrow."

"Forget it, use your salary to buy lenses."

Gillian chuckled and hung up the phone. Her sister observed her from the side and asked casually.

"How about it, you don't plan to run away?"

"Well, I won't leave for now. You're right. After all, the two little darlings are used to the environment in Paris. I should also remain unchanged in response to all changes."

Gillian nodded, but actually she still felt a little uneasy.

"This is our Gillian, she is not afraid of anyone!"

Sister Li Waner patted her shoulder with satisfaction.

Gillian smiled and said nothing more.

Early the next morning, Gillian drove to the advertising company named Joy according to the address given by Amy. It was a coincidence that the name of this advertising company was the same as her English name.

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