Chapter 1590

"Who is it?"

Gillian stared at her precious son on the stage and asked nonchalantly and perfunctorily.

Sister Li Waner clicked her tongue and said in a deliberately loud voice.

"Gu Qian!"

"What did you say?"

Gillian's clapping movements were completely stiff, and she suddenly turned around to look at her sister, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"I'm talking about a special coincidence today. The World Emerging Architectural Designers Competition is held in the exhibition hall next door. There are two competitions in this exhibition hall today. And I just found out that Gu is the organizer of this competition because it is the first This year's competition, so Gu Qian not only served as a judge, but also attended the speech as a guest.

I estimate that he will stay all morning. Don't you want to go and see him? "

When she said the last sentence, her sister Li Waner deliberately emphasized her tone.


There was a flash of hesitation in the arrogant eyes.

"I dont go."

"Why? I really don't understand. You have never been in love. Why did you have to make it so complicated back then?"

My elder sister, Li Waner, had a look of hatred on her face.

"You even made us go to great lengths to create news that you had faked your death. My second uncle was so angry that he almost kicked you out of the Li family."

"Oh, sister, I was wrong."

Gillian quickly held her sister's arm and acted coquettishly. Back then, she was afraid that Gu Qian would find her, so she specifically canceled the ticket to Paris and bought a ticket to Africa instead. She also deliberately chose the kind of ticket that was simply unavailable. Second flight ticket.

In fact, she quietly boarded Li's private jet, flew directly to Paris, and quickly changed her name.Originally, she didn't plan to create any drama of fake death, but she didn't expect...

Gillian looked at her son on the stage and her baby daughter who was sleeping in her arms next to her, and subconsciously smiled with happiness on her face.

"I didn't expect that I would win the prize in one shot. If he knew that not only had he raped me, but he also ran away with his two children, he wouldn't have killed me!"

"Oh, you, isn't this just enough for Gu Qian to marry you?"

Sister Li Wan'er rolled her eyes angrily. What a good way to force a marriage after giving birth to a child. It would be better for her, a silly sister, not only not to use it as a means to force a marriage, but also to hide quietly and raise the child alone.

"I don't want to kidnap brother Aqian morally in that way. He has done nothing wrong. Why should he have to suffer this? I have already sorry for him, and I can't sorry for him anymore."

Aojiao shook her head, obviously disapproving of her sister's words.

When she found out she was pregnant, she jumped for joy and even took out her cell phone, wanting to tell Gu Qian the good news right away, but the number was already dialed, but she didn't dial it.

Because this news is not good news for Gu Qian.

At this point, she came up with a way to have Li announce that he had faked his death, while she remained anonymous and lived with her children.

Maybe when God closes his window, he will open a door.

After having two children, Gillian lived a very happy life.

"I don't ask for anything more from him now. He left me two lovely babies. I have nothing more to ask for."

At this point, Gillian smiled, but her sister Li Waner sighed.

"But the paper can't contain the fire. You are not dead. This is a fact. It will be exposed one day. Do you want the family to come to Paris for reunion every year? If something happens to my second uncle, will you not care about the entire Li family?

And Paris is not a small city. The two children, like their parents, are getting better and better day by day. Sooner or later they will become famous. What if Gu Qian sees them?

Just like today's scene, what if you meet at the gate? "


Hearing her sister's words, Gillian's expression suddenly changed.

"You mean the two games end at the same time?!!"


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