Chapter 1586

"You're progressing too fast, right? You just confessed your love last night, and today you guys are just...Where's Gillian?"

Gu Jiuci asked with an ambiguous expression. She thought the two got together smoothly, but in fact...

Gu Qian did not answer his sister's words. He reached out and picked up the letter on the bedside. It was indeed the girl's handwriting, but it was very sloppy and messy. It was obviously written on the fly.

Gu Jiuci also noticed at this time that Gillian had clearly just left a letter and ran away!

"Brother, didn't you explain it clearly last night?"

Gu Qian quickly read the letter, his deep eyes filled with sadness.

"Brother Aqian, please forgive me for being willful this time. After all, I will never appear in your world again and disturb you. Thank you for teaching me the growth of self-confidence. Now that I am leaving you, I will never let you feel that Embarrassed, I have been to the grave of Sister Shangguan. She was a beautiful woman. You are the best man in the world. I also wish you good health for the rest of your life. Stay with Gillian."

Gu Jiuci came over to take a look, and his expression gradually became meaningful.

"Brother, you have rejected her too many times before, and now Gillian has completely misunderstood you! What should I do?"

However, Gu Qian stared at the letter in a daze and didn't even notice what his sister Gu Jiuci said.

"Oh, don't be in a daze. If the misunderstanding is not explained clearly, it will only become more misunderstood. Come up with a solution!"

Gu Jiuci pushed him anxiously, and Gu Qian came to his senses and immediately took out his cell phone to call Ziwei.

"Hurry up and check Gillian's whereabouts. Also, come here right away, I want to go to the airport!"

After saying that, Gu Qian turned around and rushed out of the door, holding the letter tightly in his hand!

"Hey, why do you two have so much trouble?"

Gu Jiuci looked at his brother's back and sighed, then ran to his second brother's room to report the news.

Dijing International Airport,

Gillian was carrying a backpack and tied into a high ponytail. The crows under her eyes revealed her fatigue. Although she was still a young girl, she had obviously changed a lot.

Her elder sister, Li Waner, held her hand and kept giving her instructions, never wanting to let go.

"Call me right away when you get there. You can disappear with the whole world, but you can't torture your own sister, do you hear me?"

"Okay, okay, I promise you. I am indeed willful this time. Thank you for your hard work, sister."

Gillian hugged her sister apologetically, when the flight announcement started urging her to board the plane.

"It's almost time, then I'll leave. Take care of yourself and your second uncle."

Gillian reluctantly picked up her luggage, not forgetting to tell her sister.

"Remember to call me!"

"it is good."

As Gillian responded, she still stood on tiptoes a little unwillingly, looking at the entrance of the airport, eager to see that familiar figure flying towards her.

What a pity, she should have known that he would not come.

Li Waner and her husband stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the plane carrying Gillian take off.

"I really didn't expect that in the end, my sister ended up with nothing."

"This is not the worst ending. Gu Qian is a good man, and Gillian will also find her Mr. Right."

The man patted her shoulder comfortingly and said warmly.

"Let's go back."

"Well, there are still a lot of things to deal with in Dijing."

Li Waner pinched her brows tiredly and nodded.As soon as the two of them turned around, they saw Gu Qian running towards them. At this time, he was in a state of panic, and he was not as calm as usual.

"Isn't this Mr. Gu? What are you doing here?"

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