Chapter 1556

"Is there anyone! Help me!"

Gillian knocked on the door forcefully, but there was no sound at all outside. The flames around her were scorching her, and the air nearby quickly became thin.

She staggered back, and finally fell to the ground exhausted.

"Am I really going to die here today?"

Gillian felt panicked and felt confused. She knew she shouldn't have drank so much today. Now the world was spinning and she couldn't move.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang. Gillian was shocked and quickly climbed to the table and connected the mobile phone.

"Hey! Miss, thank God! You finally answered the phone!"

Assistant Xiao Ming's voice came immediately on the phone.

"Xiao Ming, there's a fire here. The door can't be opened and I can't rush out. The fire is very strong!"

After all, she is just a 20-year-old girl. When life and death are at stake, she has no sense at all.

"Miss, don't panic. Mr. Gu has rushed to save you. Find something to wet yourself first and stay away from the fire. I have called the branch and our own fire department is on the way! Miss, you Don’t hang up the phone, we’ll stay on the phone at any time!”

Xiao Ming downstairs was actually confused and could only tell Gillian one by one according to the instructions in the textbook.

But Gillian didn't hear anything, only one key word.

"What did you say? Gu Qian is here? He is here to save me? How can you let him rush up in such danger?"

At this moment, she completely forgot about her own safety, and did not think about why Gu Qian came to save her. She only thought about Gu Qian's life and death.

"I can't stop Mr. Gu at all, Miss, the most important thing now is..."

Before Xiao Ming could finish his words, the ceiling suddenly fell.It happened to be where Gillian was.


She screamed in fright and hung up the phone with a trembling hand.

"Miss Miss!!!"

Xiao Ming was holding the phone and sweating anxiously.

In the room, the fire spread faster than Gillian imagined. The blanket she had just wetted with a little mineral water dried almost instantly under the scorching heat.

Gillian struggled to push away the debris on her body, and her feet were dripping with blood!

It’s over!She can't move even more now!

At this time, the fire in the suite next door spread quickly, and the fire surrounded everything. Gillian collapsed on the ground, like a fish stranded on the shore, and it was difficult to even breathe.

Is she going to die here today?What a pity, I haven’t apologized to that man yet, and there are still many things that have not been completed...

Life seems to be coming to an end, and Gillian seems to have hallucinations in front of her eyes, and every scene is the past with Gu Qian.

During the meteor shower that night, they watched the miracle come together. In that thousand-year-old temple, she secretly asked for a fortune to give him luck.

Doesn’t it mean that if you wish on a shooting star, your wish will definitely come true?

But why was she about to die before her wish came true?

Gillian smiled bitterly, but her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and her consciousness slowly became blurred.

What a pity that Gu Qian was not seen at the end.


With a violent sound, the door fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

In Gillian's blurred vision, she saw a person rushing toward her anxiously.

"Jiaojiao! Wake up!"

The moment he saw the girl fall to the ground, Gu Qian's heart felt like he had been stabbed hard by a sword, and blood was dripping from his eyes!

He stumbled towards her, held her in his arms, and looked at her nervously

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