Chapter 1534

Gillian herself was actually just joking with Gu Qian. She didn't expect that God would be so generous and actually let her see five meteors streaking across the sky at the same time.

She quickly put her hands together and made a wish to the sky.

God, please protect me!Let Gu Qian and I be together!

Gillian frowned seriously and muttered silently in her heart.

After a while, she opened her eyes and turned sideways to look at the man beside her. To her surprise, the usually serious man also put his hands together on his chest and made a wish to the sky.

Gillian looked at Gu Qian's face for a while, and then looked at the sky where meteors flew from time to time. She just felt that the night was so beautiful tonight.

Gu Qian slowly opened his eyes and met the little girl's cunning gaze.

"Brother Aqian, five meteors just flew by. Do you think there are any miracles in this world?"


At this moment, the girl's bright eyes seemed to him far better than the shooting stars in the sky.He could clearly feel the heart in his chest beating harder and harder with the girl's smile.

"Meteor shower! Everyone, wake up! Come out and watch the meteor shower!!"

Someone in the tent shouted, and colleagues rushed out of the tent. Some picked up telescopes, and some made wishes on the shooting stars without even having time to put on their slippers.

The crowd was bustling, and the quiet mountain suddenly became extremely lively. Gu Qian and Gillian looked at each other, and all the noise had nothing to do with them.

"Brother Aqian."

Gillian looked around carefully and found that everyone was busy looking at the sky, so she lowered her voice and called him with relief.

"Tell me what wish you just made, please?"

"If you say your wish, it won't work."

Gu Qian raised his eyebrows lightly and rejected the girl in one sentence.

"It's not fair. I told you all my wishes, but you didn't tell me yours!"

Gillian pouted angrily. In fact, his wish was easy to guess. It was nothing more than a wish for his family to be safe and related to Gu Jiuci.

"It's cold at night, so go to bed early after watching the shooting stars."

Gu Qian couldn't comment, but gently took the little girl's coat that had fallen to the ground and gently put it on her body.

His wish is actually just one sentence.

"The sky is high, I hope this girl beside me can make her dreams come true."

So this wish cannot be expressed, he hopes it will come true.


Gillian pulled on her clothes without interest. At this time, the HR director came out with a SLR camera and shouted to everyone.

"Let's take some photos together, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

After Director Zhang finished speaking, everyone responded and stood together one by one.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Li, what are you doing standing still? Come here quickly!"

Gillian and Gu Qian looked at each other and stood in the queue obediently.

"Everyone shout to me, Eggplant!"

I don’t know if it was intentional or a coincidence, but Gillian and Gu Qian were pushed to the center of the crowd. At the moment when the photo was taken, Gillian accidentally stepped on a pebble and lost her balance. She was stunned. It fell on Gu Qian's body.

Gu Qian's instinctive reaction happened to catch her steadily, and this scene was recorded in the tour guide's lens by great coincidence.

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