Chapter 1514

"Mrs. Smith, this is Mr. Shi's wish. You'd better accept it."

Gillian suddenly spoke with a smile. Mr. Shi raised his eyebrows and looked at Gillian in surprise, wondering why this little girl suddenly spoke for him?

Could it be that he clearly knows that he can't win, so he assists him as a favor?

"Why are you so embarrassed? Miss Li doesn't know much about purple clay teapots. This is not an ordinary purple clay teapot."

Mrs. Smith said with restraint, but she was also quietly reminding Gillian that once she accepted this valuable gift, Smith would definitely be biased towards Mr. Shi, and it would be even more difficult for the Gu family and the Li family to get this cooperation. Difficult.

Gillian didn't seem to understand Mrs. Smith's reminder and continued to speak.

"Mrs. Smith, I am also from Jiangnan, and I know Mr. Shi very well. He is very generous and hospitable. Even if you give me this valuable gift, Mr. Shi will not use it as a threat to discuss new materials with you. It’s a business deal.”

When Gillian said the first half of the sentence, Mr. Shi still had a smile on his face, but when she said the second half of the sentence, Mr. Shi's face suddenly turned green!

He spent such a high price to get this purple clay pot, of course it was for this business.

But this little girl is now making it difficult for him to step down. Businessmen also want to save face, so how can they directly admit his thoughts.

"Mr. Shi, what do you think?"

After Gillian finished speaking, she deliberately turned her head to look at Mr. Shi and asked in a particularly bad manner.


Mr. Shi's forehead was sweating anxiously. The advantage he had finally established was broken by Gillian in just three attempts.

"We historians are very powerful, so we naturally rely on our strength to win cooperation."

Mr. Shi said with a sarcastic smile, turning his head to look at Gillian, ready to glare at him. Unexpectedly, Gu Qian, who had been silent, suddenly changed his posture, blocking Mr. Shi's sight for Gillian.

Gillian happily hid behind Gu Qian and stuck out her tongue quickly.

In response to what Shi just said sarcastically, even if she couldn't get the cooperation today, she wouldn't let him get it!

"In this case, I can't refuse anymore. Thank you, Mr. Shi, for your generosity."

Mrs. Smith was also a very observant person and immediately seized the opportunity to accept the gift.

Mr. Shi looked at the purple clay teapot that he had spent a lot of money on, and his heart began to bleed. He almost couldn't hold on to the disobedient smile on his face.

In the end, he reluctantly went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Smith, I think you should be very clear about the purpose of my visit today, which is for your company and the latest building materials. I don't think I need to introduce too much about our historians. You should also understand.

I won't say anything else, but in terms of funds, Shijia has the most cash among all real estate companies in China. I believe no one can offer a higher price than me. "

When he said the last sentence, Mr. Shi's face immediately showed a hint of pride, and then he glanced at Gu Qian disdainfully.

So what if it’s the four major families in Dijing?In the real estate industry, he has nothing to fear.

Satisfaction clearly flashed across Smith's face, and Gillian's heart couldn't help but lift.

She subconsciously looked at the man next to her, and saw the man's handsome features. There was no trace of nervousness at all, as if everything was under his control.

"Mr. Smith, businessmen make huge profits, but not all profits fall entirely on a contract price."

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