Chapter 1484

"Fu Sinian! Be gentle!"

"Yo? That's strange. Aren't you someone who never cares about women?"

As a surgical expert in this hospital and Gu Qian's best friend, Fu Sinian looked at his good friend in surprise, and then relaxed his hand a little.

"She is a girl after all."

Gu Qian's eyes flashed unnaturally quickly, but he quickly returned to normal, so quickly that Gillian didn't even have time to notice.

But hearing these words from his mouth, she was so happy that she couldn't find Bei.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, there's a situation."

Fu Sinian glanced at Gu Qian ambiguously, and teased in a deliberately long voice.

"Do your thing!"

Rarely, Gu Qian, who never showed his emotions, had a hint of impatience in his tone.

"Okay, okay, I'll do what my doctor should do."

Fu Sinian looked away, but that didn't mean he would really listen to Gu Qian's words.

"Little Gillian, what's the matter with the injury on your arm?"

"Um, I..."

After Fu Sinian mentioned this, Gillian recalled the scene during the car accident. She had no time to think about anything at that time and just wanted to protect Gu Qian, so she stretched out her hand to protect his head, but was bruised in the impact.

Gu Qian stared at the girl with complicated eyes, and a complex of emotions surged in his heart. He clearly remembered every scene during the car accident. It was she who reached out to protect him regardless of her own safety, otherwise he would not be so safe and sound.

She actually... liked him so much.

"Okay, it's just some skin injuries. I've taken care of the wounds. You can rest here for a while and then leave."

Fu Sinian took off his plastic gloves while looking back and forth between the two of them, and suddenly he said to Zi Wei with a heartfelt feeling.

"Ziwei, let me do another check-up for you."

"Ah? Didn't you just say that I was very good?"

Ziwei was suddenly cueed and looked confused.

"I suddenly remembered that there are areas on your body that I forgot to check. Come with me!"

Fu Sinian rolled his eyes at Ziwei. Wasn't this little guy quite discerning before?Why did you become so stupid today?

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but put his arm around Ziwei's shoulders and forcefully led him out of the ward. The door closed with a click, leaving only Gillian and Gu Qian.

Gillian's hands hidden under the quilt gripped the quilt tightly. Now that she thought about the scene just now, she suddenly panicked.

She didn't know what to say when suddenly Gu Qian's cell phone rang.

The man took out the phone, glanced at her lightly, and Gillian said quickly.

"You can answer it in the room, I don't plan to sleep."


Gu Qian nodded slightly, but still got up and walked to the window.

Gillian couldn't hear clearly what the person on the phone said, and could only see Gu Qian's expression getting darker and darker.

It seems that the person he sent to investigate the accident came to report the situation to him.

A few minutes later, Gu Qian hung up the phone and looked at her solemnly.

"Today's accident was no accident."


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