Chapter 1469


Ziwei scratched his scalp in confusion, what kind of wording should he use to avoid making Gillian too sad?

"Well, actually, our boss doesn't want you to misunderstand too much about the gift. It's just a business gift. And about the matter of rescuing you today, the boss said that if it were someone else today, he would also come to the rescue. .”

Every word was directly like a knife, stabbing accurately into Gillian's heart.

" turns out that he doesn't hate me, but hates me very much..."

Gillian smiled sadly.

She is so ridiculous, Gu Qian already hates her for cutting off all ties with her in this way.

"You said that in his eyes, am I more troublesome than other women, just like a piece of chewing gum that can't be shaken off?"

Gillian looked at Ziwei and silently shed tears.


Ziwei silently complained to Gu Qian in his heart that he was actually given the task of hurting a girl's heart.

"Miss Li, the problem is not with you, but with our boss."

Gillian's face was startled, and she looked at Ziwei blankly.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ziwei scratched his head frantically.

"Originally, this was a big secret that I shouldn't have revealed to anyone outside the Gu family. The boss said that he would never marry and have children in his life. As for the reason behind it, I don't know much about it.

In short, you just need to know that it's not your fault. Our boss is not as good as the rumors say, so don't waste your time on him. "

Ziwei made a big circle and finally finished his words. Seeing that Gillian stopped crying, he let out a long sigh of relief.

However, a bigger problem came. Gillian was not convinced by his words, but became even more motivated!

"That is to say, it's not that he doesn't like me, but he has a last resort, right? According to what you said, I can't give up even more!"

Ziwei covered his face with a headache.

"How on earth did you come to this shocking conclusion?"

"Don't worry, I will never let Brother Aqian know about your snitch. As for why he refuses to get married, I will investigate it myself! Thank you for sending me back tonight, Brother Ziwei!"

Gillian returned to the energetic Gillian in a second and said to Ziwei with a smile.

Ziwei originally thought it was a bit troublesome, but when he saw Gillian being as tenacious as a grass that cannot be blown, he suddenly felt a hint of appreciation in his heart.

It would be a good thing if Gillian can really chase the boss.

"You're welcome. It would be nice if Miss Gillian wasn't so sad."

"Well, I won't give up easily!"

Gillian repeated it in a low voice, leaned on the car seat and closed her eyes.

She had to think of a good way to get closer to Gu Qian...

Gu's top-level CEO office,

There was only one light on in the huge office. Gu Qian sat at the table and stared at the computer in front of him, but now, he couldn't read a word.

The door creaked open from the outside, and Ziwei strode in to report.

"Boss, as per your instructions, I have sent Ms. Li to the hotel safely."

"Did she...cry?"

After a few seconds, the man couldn't help it anymore, frowned and spoke.

Ziwei had an "I knew it" expression on his face, and then said with an exaggerated expression...

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