Chapter 1414

"You think it's just luck?"

Gu Qijue said into the headset with a somewhat sympathetic tone, "These people really don't know anything about Xia Cha's strength."

"Hmph! If you have the guts to fight us head-on! Don't evade and engage in sneak attacks!"

The red-haired boy taunted loudly and rudely. It was obvious that the battle just now had made him anxious, and his next move immediately rushed towards Gu Qijue!

"Kid! Then we will do as you wish!"

Gu Qijue shouted in a low voice. At that moment, there was a clear light in his eyes. The speed of his hands increased to another level, and his fingering was as brilliant as playing the piano on the keyboard.

Listening to Gu Qijue's voice in the headset, Xia Cha seemed to have returned to those lively and glorious summers. She also jumped down from a high place, and as a gunner, she had a close confrontation with her opponent.

Everyone couldn't understand her operation and thought she was just here to die.

"Is this aunt okay? She came here with a long-range hero to fight her opponent hand-to-hand?"

"Sure enough, that blow just now was the legendary woman's luck!"


Before everyone's ridicule ended, Gu Qijue and Xia Cha were already blooming at two o'clock!

With the "bang" sound of the cannon, the opponent's forward steps immediately stopped, the screen went gray, and he was sent back to his hometown!

The owner of the Internet cafe immediately explained excitedly.

"It's amazing. It turns out that the gunner is not for close combat, but deliberately moves her position to confuse the enemy, making the enemy forget that she is also a ranged player. They only want to come to the midfield to catch her. In fact, she is just waiting for the big move. cd, before the other party could react, it was sent directly to the sky!

Such bold and confident skills are rarely seen in professional leagues in the past two years! "

As soon as the boss finished speaking, Gu Qijue's results were quickly achieved. The red-haired boy thought that he had the upper hand and chased Gu Qijue, but in fact he fell into the trap that Gu Qijue had arranged for him early.

Everyone thought that if the half-blooded red-haired boy faced off against the bloodied Gu Qijue, then Gu Qijue would definitely die. However, at that moment, Gu Jiuci's individual body suddenly jumped into the air, and more than a dozen skills were directed towards the red boy one after another. Send a boy's precise greeting!

"That's right! Although Sanren's skills don't do much damage, if the operator's skills are mature enough, there will be almost no CD between the skills!"

The Internet cafe owner suddenly realized, and everyone immediately stretched their necks to watch the battle between Gu Qijue and the red-haired boy. Just as the Internet cafe owner said, the red-haired boy seemed to stand there and let Gu Qijue crush him without fighting back at all. room!

In just a few tens of seconds, the red-haired boy's blood bar was quickly consumed until there was only a trace of blood left. Finally, the red-haired boy was able to move. At this time, Sanren's own healing function had restored Gu Qijue to half of his health. Guan Xue, Xia Cha's gunnery division arrived in time again.


The screen in front of the red-haired boy turned gray.

In the computer, the character controlled by Xia Cha even blew the smoke from his gun in a particularly handsome manner.

"No more fighting! We admit defeat!"

Before the game was over, the red-haired boy stood up with a cold face, took off his headphones and threw them to the ground.

Gu Qijue and Xia Cha looked at each other, and at the same time they saw something unfinished in each other's eyes.

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