Chapter 1406

After that little episode, Xia Cha hurried back to the room, but when she got back to bed, she still tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. As a result, her eyes were swollen like walnuts the next morning, but the other client was Mentally as if nothing happened.

Xia Cha opened the door to a room with two dark circles under her eyes. The tangy fragrance instantly woke her up. Although she could cook, her kitchen had been abandoned for many years because of her busy work. Who is cooking for her?Snail girl?

"Are you awake? I cooked the porridge and I don't know if it tastes like yours. Come and have breakfast after washing up quickly!"

Gu Qijue stuck his head out from the kitchen, looked at Xia Cha with a smile and said, and Xia Cha saw at a glance that Gu Qijue was wearing her bear apron and holding a spatula naturally.

She couldn't adapt to Gu Qijue like this for a while. No, there was no way to adapt at all, okay?In the past, Gu Qijue was the school boy, the boy in the white shirt on the basketball court, and a legend in the e-sports circle, but now.

Xia Cha stared at Gu Qijue with wide eyes, wearing the same wrinkled white shirt as yesterday, arranging plates and pouring milk very seriously. Although his appearance was still the same as before, it was as if he had changed.

"What are you doing standing there? If you don't wash up, your food will get cold!"

Gu Qijue deliberately threatened her in a joking way, and then smiled at her again. The smile was still so bright and sunny, making Xia Cha feel like she had returned to the past for a moment.

"Oh, right now."

Xia Cha just walked towards the bathroom in a daze, while Gu Qijue stared at her back behind her and narrowed his eyes slightly. He actually didn't sleep at all last night, but the Gu family's handsome genes made him not sleep at all. Not shown.

That night, he thought a lot and then came up with a plan.

When Xia Cha walked out of the bathroom, Gu Qijue had already filled a bowl of porridge for her.

"Have a taste of my craft."

Gu Qijue sat opposite her, looking at her with wide eyes. Although he didn't say a single extra word, his eyes looked expectant like a husky's, clearly waiting for Xia Cha to praise him.

Xia Cha really tasted it carefully. She thought that the food cooked by a man would be edible at most, but this time she was completely slapped in the face. The food cooked by Gu Qijue was really delicious!

"good to eat!"

Xia Cha gave a decisive thumbs up!

"If it tastes good, you should eat more. I see that you don't have any ingredients in the refrigerator. It seems that you don't cook often, right? Do you always eat poorly?"

Xia Cha didn't want to talk more about her own affairs, so she mumbled and changed the subject.

"What about you? You are obviously a young man from a rich family, why are you so good at cooking?"

"Can't the rich second generation learn to cook? But because Aci likes a dish made by her mother, but after her mother left, no one can cook her mother's taste. In order to prevent her from being so sad, I learned it by the way. one time.

But this is also good. In the future, when performing tasks in prison or in the wild, I won't starve to death. "

When Gu Qijue reached the second half of his speech, he could even say such words in a half-joking tone, but Xia Cha felt as if she had been stung by something.

She decisively changed the subject.

"Aci is so lucky to have a brother like you."

Gu Qijue's eyes immediately brightened up, and he took advantage of the donkey path down the slope.

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