Douluo's Silver Moon Shahua

Chapter 2 Confession

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Nine months passed in a flash, and the young man's consciousness slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

But after waking up, he felt that the mother's body that gave birth to him was in a state of high tension and exhaustion. He didn't pay attention to it and just regarded it as the nervousness of the impending birth.

Two days later, he could feel that the baby conceived next to him had been born from the mother's body, just as he was getting ready to face a new life.

Suddenly he felt that the vitality of the mother body that gave birth to him, the Blue Silver Empress, was rapidly passing away. The Blue Silver Empress' true body was the Blue Silver Emperor, and its characteristic was that it was endless and endless. Her soul power was inexhaustible. The Blue Silver Emperor's inexhaustible soul power represents vitality.

Even a titled Douluo can't kill a mature Blue Silver Emperor. The only thing that can make the Blue Silver Emperor's vitality drain away quickly is sacrifice. This makes the young man very confused. The Blue Silver Emperor is dead and he was not conceived. Death will also follow.

In order to save the life of the Blue Silver Emperor, the young man replaced the Blue Silver Emperor's cultivation with his own one hundred thousand years of cultivation (it was already less than one hundred thousand years, part of which was used to give birth).

I found that this was far from enough. The sacrifice was the life and soul of the sacrifice, and the cultivation level was just a small part of it. Just replacing the cultivation level could not solve the problem at all.

The young man got angry and sacrificed the emotion of love. His intuition told him that only the price of love was enough to save the Blue Silver Emperor. He used his own blood as a guide to reverse life and death. After doing this, the Blue Silver Emperor was killed by a huge white Manzhu. The sahua wraps up to form a bud.

Reversing life and death is his own ability, but now that he is still pregnant, it is impossible to use it normally. The price is indispensable.

The baby transformed by the boy fell into a deep sleep again and at the same time felt the crazy and grief-stricken emotions of a man outside, and thought, this is my father! Such sad emotions must be due to the fact that I love the Blue Silver Emperor very much, that is, my mother.

like? Love is such a good feeling, it’s time to lose it. Then he fell asleep again.

It had been three months since he woke up again, and he could feel that he was already pregnant.


But because of his behavior three months ago, he was born with some defects, such as damaged blood. . .

But there's nothing he can do about it. If not, he wouldn't be here anymore, and he obviously feels like he's missing an emotion.

It is an emotion like love. At the cost of love, he reversed life and death and saved the life of the Blue Silver Emperor, his own mother. Thinking about it, it was not a loss.

Then his eyes were dazzled by the light outside, and he wanted to speak, but he only cried!

Then he saw a middle-aged man holding a baby in his arms and looking at him nervously.

He saw another beautiful woman with beautiful blue hair like blue silver grass. Her eyes seemed to contain the entire forest. Her facial features were delicate and beautiful. She was leaning on the bed with a tired look on her face, looking at him with a gentle expression.

I reached out my hand unconsciously, and the woman smiled and was very happy. She hugged me and kissed my forehead. I felt very happy too, with a feeling of blood connection. I just felt warm and warm in my heart.

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Three years is just a blink of an eye, and time always flies by in happy times.

In three years, the newborn baby had turned into a pink, tender, delicate and cute little shot that made everyone want to hold him and kiss him.

But today, this young lady frowned, as if she had made some huge decision. Finally, she sighed and turned around to enter an ordinary but happy little house behind her.

After entering the house, he walked up to a couple, his parents, and looked at them awkwardly, opened his mouth, and made no sound for a long time.

His mother, Ah Yin, the original Blue Silver Emperor, gently touched his little head and asked, "What's wrong? Why is my lovely little Rin looking so sad today? Is there something wrong?"

Although the man next to him didn't speak, the favor in his eyes overflowed unconsciously, expressing the same meaning.

The little boy looked at their gentle and doting expressions, and became even more embarrassed. He was a little scared, afraid that if he said what he wanted to say, these tenderness and doting would disappear.

In three years, this little boy who had transformed into the 100,000-year-old soul beast Manzhushahua indulged in family love. He had never felt family love before and felt that everything was so happy and beautiful that he did not want to lose it.

But he also understood that this was impossible. In that incident three years ago, his mother, who was the Blue Silver Emperor, and his father, who was a titled Douluo, definitely knew what happened.

The boy struggled for a while, and finally looked at his parents with firm eyes and said, "I...I am actually not your child. Mother...mother should know my identity."

When the boy said this, his body trembled unconsciously, as if he was worried.

The boy lowered his head, looked at his toes, and clenched his clothes tightly with his fingers. He waited for a long time without hearing the voices of his parents, thinking that they were angry and wanted to leave him.

He raised his head and laughed at himself, but he didn't see the disgust and indifference on his parents' faces. Instead, they became more gentle.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and asked in a slightly uneasy voice: "Dad...Dad, mom, don't you hate me? I'm not your child..."

They looked at each other and laughed. A Yin said: "Xiao Lin has been struggling with this matter for several months! It's really cute."

As he said that, he picked up the little boy and sat on his lap. Come and tell me what kind of transformation you are. You can't even see the body of a soul beast at all, and you can save me from being sacrificed. But It's not something that ordinary soul beasts can do, and there's no such thing as a soul beast in my memory.

The boy was a little shy, but still whispered: "I am the reincarnation flower, which is also the incarnation of Manzhushahua..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ah Yin's expression of shock and shouted out unconsciously: "What, the Samsara Flower, how can it be the Samsara Flower? It's wrong, it can only be the Samsara Flower."

"I'm sorry, Xiao Rin, I was so surprised. I didn't expect you to be the Reincarnation Flower."

The man next to him, Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, who is known as the youngest titled Douluo in the mainland, saw his wife being so surprised and asked in confusion: "Ah Yin, what is the Reincarnation Flower? How come I have never heard of it."

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