One Piece Navy Glory

Chapter 6: Cut off the seats

After finishing today's sword practice in advance, Artelius greeted a few acquaintances on the training ground and walked towards the navy canteen.

Now that Kuzan and Karp's warships have returned, it proves that Sakaski and Porusalino must have also returned.

Artelius decided that he must eat more today, lest his body would not be able to replenish enough energy when he was beaten.

I don't know if it was because I felt Artelius's tragic mood, but there was also a continuous rain falling in the sky above Malinfando.

From a distance, the entire naval family town seemed to be covered with a thin veil, and the streets and buildings that were originally bustling with people became much quieter.

When Artelius returned to the house, he found Sakaski and Porusalino drinking tea there.

"Uncle Sakaski, Uncle Porusalino."

Artelius said respectfully to the two people. After all, these two people could be said to be his saviors to a certain extent.

"Hey, kid is back. On the way back, I heard the Warring States General saying that you are very good. You can make the Warring States General praise you. It seems that your performance is very good, kid."

Porusalino sat on a chair, crossed his legs, picked up a cup of hot tea, blew on it, and took a sip.

"How have you been practicing your swordsmanship and physical skills recently?"

Sakaski put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Artelius and said expressionlessly.

"Ah, Sakaski, you need to change your personality. Putting on a bad face all day long will affect your impression in the eyes of others. That boy Zhan Momomaru is secretly afraid of you."

Porusalino looked at Sakaski with a serious face and said with a smile.

Sakaski did not answer Polusali's words, but just stared at Artelius.

"In terms of swordsmanship, I have mastered the sword moves that Uncle Sakaski taught me, and recently I have vaguely felt a strange feeling when practicing swordsmanship. It seems that I can feel that the bamboo sword in my hand can cut everything, but really After cutting out, the bamboo knife often explodes, which is an indescribable feeling.

As for physical skills and body, last time I received a hundred kilograms of weight from the Navy logistics department due to the instruction of the Warring States General, and I have been wearing it now..."

When Artelius talked about the feeling of being able to cut through everything while practicing swordsmanship, Porusalino's eyes flashed, and Sakaski's expression was also a little surprised, and the two immediately looked at each other. The two of them did not listen carefully to what Artelius said next.

"You mean that when you were practicing swordsmanship, you felt the feeling of being able to cut through everything?"

Porusalino asked in a rare serious tone.

Artelius also nodded, acquiescing.

"Sakaski, it seems like what the Warring States General said, you have picked up an amazing person."

Porusalino smiled at Sakaski and said.

Sakaski didn't say anything to this, but stood up from his seat.

"Go to the sword dojo."

After saying that, he picked up the cloak of justice hanging on the wall, put it on and walked outside.

When Artelius saw this, he quickly followed.

"Hey, there's no need to be in such a hurry."

Looking at the two people who had already stepped into the rain, Porusalino shouted twice and followed directly.After all, he also wanted to see Artelius's performance. If it was true as Artelius said, then the Navy would most likely have a great swordsman in the future!

Because there are many people studying kendo in the navy, there are many people practicing kendo in the kendo field at this time.

However, when Sakaski and Porusalino appeared, it still caused quite a stir.

Needless to say, Porusalino was a monster-level figure in the naval training camp, and Sakaski, who was also a monster-level figure, was not only a monster-level figure in other aspects, but also a great swordsman-level figure in the way of swordsmanship. monster.

Soon the staff of the sword dojo appeared in front of the three people.

"Lieutenant General Porusalino, Lieutenant General Sakaski don't know what you two need."

"Lieutenant General?"

Hearing the words of the sword dojo staff, Artreus looked at the two of them in confusion.

"Kid, what's that look in your eyes? Isn't it normal among me?"

Porusalino looked at Artelius and said dissatisfiedly.

"It's not me, it's him who's doing the kendo test."

Sakaski didn't seem to be entangled, pointed at Artelius behind him and said.

As a navy, there is naturally a systematic assessment, just like the Daoli in CP9. Although it cannot judge a person's complete strength, it can still estimate the general strength.

Soon, led by the person in charge of the sword dojo, the three of them arrived at the large practice room of the sword dojo.

"Then let's start with cutting the seats."

The swordsmanship assessment in One Piece is not as complicated as the swordsmanship assessment in rb. It also requires basic examinations such as kiai, zanshin, etc., which is directly to the top of the sword.

Soon, under the arrangements of the sword dojo staff, several navy officers in charge of logistics moved four straw mat pillars of different thicknesses and inserted them on special racks.

Looking at the bamboo mat in front of him, Artreus picked up a sword from the side without anyone else saying anything. He first pulled out the sword and looked at it, then put the two fingers of his left hand together and lightly scratched the blade. However, when others tested the sword in this way, they pressed their fingers on the side of the sword blade and lightly scratched it, but Artelius directly pressed two fingers on the blade and lightly scratched it.

The staff at the sword dojo next to him were startled at first, and then saw that there was no blood flowing out of his fingers. Then they looked at Artelius in confusion, wondering if he was out of his mind and touched the sword blade with his fingers. , you must know that the swords provided by the sword dojo are not very good swords, but after all, they are specially supplied by the Navy Logistics Department, and the quality is completely acceptable.

But the meaning of this scene in the eyes of Sakaski and Porusalino who were standing next to him was different. It meant that the kid was communicating with the knife in his hand.

Although it sounds incredible, in fact, swordsmen who can step into the realm of swordsmen can feel the breath of the sword to a certain extent.

Slowly moving forward, Artelius walked to the bamboo mat sword target on the far right, and a sword flashed away.Artreus then walked towards the second sword target, and the first sword target stood there unchanged.And when he walked past the second sword target, the rhythm of his footsteps did not change at all. The onlookers only saw another sword flash beside him as he passed by, and the second sword target Still standing there steadily, Artelius still walked towards the third sword target unhurriedly, as if nothing had happened.

In front of the fourth sword target, which was the thickest one among them, Artreus held the katana in his hands with both hands and made a regular cassock slash, then stepped forward and slashed with the sword.The soundless light of the sword passed by, and he stood up with his sword sheathed.

Then with a soft sound, the upper half of the thick sword target slid down the inclined plane and fell to the ground.

"Okay, let's get ready for actual combat. Porusalino is sorry for your trouble."

Sakaski said to Porusalino.

"Oh, yeah, it's really troublesome, but I can't help it. I won't show mercy to you kid."

Porusalino put his hands into his ears and said nonchalantly.

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