One Piece Navy Glory

Chapter 3: Obsession not to kill

After putting away Artelius's information in his hand, Sengoku once again pulled out a document from the thick file behind him.

On the side of the title page of the document, there is a name written on it, Rocinante.

Compared to Artelius's introduction, which only had a few lines on one page, Rosinandi undoubtedly had more information.

Name: Rocinante.

Parents: Confirmed dead.

Birthplace: Holy Land Marie Gioia

Age: 10

Physical fitness: inferior

It is recommended to strengthen physical fitness training. In the future, you can be assigned to branches or serve as intelligence processing personnel of the headquarters.

Looking at the report in his hand, Zeng Guo frowned slightly.

There was no way, Luo Nandi's physical fitness was too ordinary. Compared with his brother who had already made a certain reputation in Beihai, the gap was so big that it made people wonder if they were biological brothers.

"It doesn't make sense. Even if the physical fitness is not excellent, at least the physical fitness evaluation is average."

Looking at Rosinandi who was still sleeping soundly, Warring States frowned tightly, shook his head and murmured softly.

The Navy will conduct a systematic assessment of many orphans who join for various reasons to determine their future development direction, and then formulate corresponding training plans, just like Artelius, which is to develop in the direction of combatants. , and if someone like Rosinandi has outstanding other talents such as navigation or overall awareness, he will be trained in the corresponding direction of navigator or staff officer.

"I hope this sea can return to calm soon."

Warring States said this to himself, slowly stood up and walked to the window.

It was already early morning, the darkness in the room had gradually faded, and a touch of golden warmth penetrated outside the window.

The rising sun appeared on the distant sea, and the bright sunshine dispersed all the fog on the sea. The strong sea breeze seemed to announce the arrival of a new day, roaring from the distant horizon. The waves swept past, causing countless snow-white seagull flags to whistle.

Looking at the young man Sengoku dragging his body back not far away, his face showed contemplation. Maybe he should ask Garp to teach that kid?

As if he had noticed something, Warring States had a smile on his face, turned around and said, "Xiaomi Guo is awake. Are you hungry? I'll take you to the cafeteria for breakfast."


Sitting on the makeshift bed, Rosinandi's eyes covered by golden bangs looked at the smiling face and nodded gently.

At the Naval Academy not far from the Naval Headquarters building, there was also a person standing in front of the window of the Naval Academy office building, extinguishing the cigar in his hand.

Put on the navy cape that represents your identity, and pick up the black sunglasses on the table.

Before opening the door,

Habitually looking back,

On the desk, an old photo is lying quietly in a frame on the desk.

The figures above seemed to have become a little blurry with the passage of time, but when he saw the three people in the photo, Zefa still had two faces that he would never forget in his life.

In the photo on the table, a person looks solemn and solemn. It seems that his smile is a little reserved because of the two closest people around him, but the joy that overflows on his face cannot be blocked.

Next to the purple-haired man is the figure of a young woman, holding a cute baby in her arms with unstoppable happiness on her face.


With a sigh, Zefa's eyes were slightly red under his sunglasses. He couldn't remember how many days he hadn't slept well. How desperate she must have been when he was not by her side.

hate it?

Of course I hate it.But so what, the group of pirates who dared to attack the family of the Navy Admiral were directly killed by the Navy Marshal, Warring States Lieutenant General Garp and a group of headquarters Lieutenant Generals in less than three days, and even went to Impel There is no chance of being re-education through labor.

He asks himself that he has never made any mistakes since he became a navy. He has mercy on the weak, is brave, just, and merciful.

Even when facing the most ferocious pirates on the sea, he would stick to his bottom line and not kill him.

But it is ironic that the last general who claimed not to kill had his wife and children killed by pirates who had escaped from him. If he had not upheld the belief of not killing at that time and used his own strength, all of the pirates would have died. Can't leave.

Zefa took a deep breath to shake off the thoughts in his mind and took a big step forward.

At this time, he was not only an unfortunate person who lost his family, but also the top instructor of the Naval Academy, the black-armed Zefa.

He needs to teach his students not to make the same stupid mistakes as himself.

Returning to the place where he lived, Artelius took out the key from under the wall with ease, opened the door and entered the room.

After a simple wash, Artelius put on new clothes. Looking at the body in the mirror that was clearly far ahead of his peers, Artelius was quite satisfied, because adequate exercise can improve physical fitness.

"I don't know what happened to that old man. He probably won't survive. After all, I was so far away from the gas tank that I collapsed until the pirates came. He probably wouldn't be able to survive. It’s all together.”

But that brother is indeed unlucky. His first love is Bai Jie, his ex-wife is Wang Jing, his current wife is Su Qing, and he has a brother named Hou Longtao. It seems that he just came back from abroad some time ago and heard that he is doing well and has a distant relative. His name is Abin, and he lives in his house recently. Abin also has a classmate named Li Piaopiao, and they often play together. The gatekeeper of the community, whose surname is Qin, is usually very nice to others.Just because I didn't work overtime one day, I came home a little early, and my mentality exploded.He grabbed the gas tank and planned to die with those people.

He was on leave from the army at the time and could he ignore this situation?Su Yan decisively planned to stabilize the old man's mood first, but who knew that the old man would start a fire before he got close. In the end, all Su Yan heard was the old man's hearty laughter and a room full of white and frightened faces.

Artelius put the old man's matter out of his mind and began to plan the next path.After all, I probably won't see him again in this lifetime, and I probably won't have a chance to scold that old man. The most important thing now is to find a way to survive in a world where unknown AoE may come at any time.

The protagonists and important supporting characters of some Japanese anime and novels are often set as the descendants of famous celebrities. It is probably because a common problem with this type of subject is that they like to greatly improve the strength of new enemies after changing dungeons, in order to pursue refreshment and impact. I wish that all the soldiers in the new dungeon would be stronger than the previous BOSS (definitely not talking about the God of Death). In this case, let the readers and the audience accept that the protagonist can continue to make progress in this mode, and arrange for the protagonist A good father is obviously the most convenient method, and the potential of the protagonist is justified.

This is a very annoying thing for time travellers. In the previous life of the earth, no matter how big the gap in physical fitness between ordinary people was, it was not exaggerated to the point where they were almost no longer the same species. Are you afraid of digging mountains with bare hands?Are you afraid of killing a thousand-meter-long behemoth with one punch?Are you afraid of directly shattering the sea?Artreus was also worried that if he worked hard and worked hard, even if he squeezed out every cell in his body and squeezed out all his potential, limited by his ordinary qualifications and physical fitness, he would still be nothing more than an experience baby who gave Wang Luffy more experience in the One Piece comics. Then I can basically just lie back and enjoy it. After all, in this world where even the navy headquarters will be attacked, I might die from an unknown AOE at some point.

Fortunately, this body seemed to have the potential to travel through souls, giving Artelius the ability to attack the top of the sea.

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