Douluo Zhiwu's martial soul and soul ring can be cultivated by himself

Chapter 70 Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, Ma Hongjun asks for a combination! (Update 3) (All kinds

Chapter 70: Soto Soul Fighting Arena, Ma Hongjun asks for a combination! (Third update) (All kinds of requests!)

"What is this place, it's so beautiful!"

At night, from Shrek Academy all the way to Suotuo's Great Spirit Arena, Xiao Wu couldn't help being amazed at the magnificent architectural style and brightly lit Great Spirit Arena in front of him.

On the other hand, Dai Mubai couldn't help hesitantly saying that the first lesson that Flender said in the morning was actually to take everyone to the Great Soul Arena.

"Dean, they have just entered school, isn't it too early to bring them here so early?"

"What the hell! Monsters have to be trained like monsters, and you thought it was the same as before!"

"In the past, there were few people in the academy, so we could play against you, but now that there are so many people, we don't have so much time to practice with you!"

Glancing at Dai Mubai, Flender pushed the black-rimmed crystal glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said calmly.

After finishing speaking, Flender cleared his throat again, looked at the other people around, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Let me tell you something, the first class I'm going to give you tonight is in this big spirit arena."

"I have said before that each of you has different martial souls and different cultivation methods. In this regard, the academy cannot teach you anything."

"The academy can only do its best to help you obtain better spirit rings and teach you some cultivation experience."

"But for a soul master, cultivation is one aspect, and actual combat experience is another aspect."

"Spirit masters of the same level are fighting against each other. If one side has actual combat experience and the other does not, then the side with actual combat experience must have a greater chance of winning."

"Practical combat experience determines your combat power to a large extent, and sometimes it is even more important than your cultivation level."

"And I brought you to the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena to train you in actual combat experience!"

"Next, come in with me!"

After finishing speaking, Flender immediately took Zhao Wuji, and the two of them walked towards the magnificent big spirit fighting field in front of them together.

Behind him, Bai Yu and everyone quickly followed.

"Dean, where exactly is this great spirit fighting field?"

As he walked towards the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, Tang San couldn't help but asked with confusion.

Because he grew up in Notting City, and as a small city, Notting City didn't have such a place as the Great Spirit Arena, so Tang San heard of the Great Spirit Arena for the first time.

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena?"

Flender smiled faintly, and then said slowly.

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena was jointly established by the seven most prestigious soul master families on the mainland. It is a place where many soul masters on the mainland can conduct open battles, improve their combat capabilities, and allow soul masters to gain honors. Generally, Generally speaking, only cities at the main city level can be established."

"I said before that the strength of a soul master depends not only on your cultivation, but also on your actual combat ability."

"But actual combat ability is difficult to train. You must have enough opponents to fight to improve. If you let the soul master find opponents to fight by yourself, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome, so there is this big soul fighting field."

"In the big soul fighting field, soul masters of any level can come here to sign up, and they will all be represented by fighting souls."

"After signing up, the Great Soul Fighting Arena will issue a badge. After that, every time you win in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, you can get corresponding points, and the points can be used to upgrade your badge level."

“There are eight levels of badges in the Grand Soul Arena, namely copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby ​​and diamond. For each level of badge, the reward you can get after winning the game will be doubled. "

"And the higher the level of the soul master, the stronger the strength of the soul master, so this is where we get honor."

"However, as soul masters, we will let ordinary people watch us fight in this big soul fighting arena, and of course we will get paid."

"That's why we can earn money by fighting souls in the Great Soul Arena. This is another main source of income for our soul masters besides subsidies for soul masters."

Flender said slowly.

"So it is!"

After listening to Flender's words, Tang San was thoughtful.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that the academy has one more requirement for you, that is, you must get the silver fighting spirit badge before graduation, otherwise you won't be able to graduate, understand?"

As if he thought of something, Flanders added another sentence.

"Silver Fighting Soul? This seems to be the second of eight levels, so it should be very simple!"

Hearing Flender's words, Xiao Wu thought for a while, and couldn't help but giggled.

"Simple? This is not simple at all!"

On the side, Dai Mubai couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"When Dean Flanders told you, he didn't tell you that in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, you can indeed get some points if you win a game, but if you lose, some points will be deducted."

"I have fought fifty-six battles in the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena, but my results are only mixed. I only have two points!"

Dai Mubai sighed.

"Is it so difficult?"

Dai Mubai's words made Tang San stunned.

He has fought against Dai Mubai before, so he knows Dai Mubai's strength.

Unexpectedly, with Dai Mubai's strength, he failed to achieve a good result in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

"Why? With your strength, there shouldn't be many people at the same level who can be your opponent, right?"

Tang San couldn't help asking.

Hearing Tang San's words, Dai Mubai couldn't help laughing wryly.

"Who told you that opponents in the Great Soul Arena are matched according to the same level?"

"In the Great Soul Arena, we match opponents according to the same realm."

"In other words, if a thirty-level soul master is unlucky, he might be matched with a thirty-fifth or forty-level soul master."

"Moreover, in order to win and get rewards for victory, many people will deliberately stick to their level to participate in the soul fighting."

"When I was a great soul master, I still won consecutive battles, but when I broke through to level 30, my performance plummeted all the way to what it is now."

I go!Isn't this a card bug?

On the side, Bai Yu was a little shocked when he heard Dai Mubai's explanation.

Although he knew that the matching mechanism of the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena was based on the same realm, but he really didn't know that someone would intentionally lower their level to participate in the soul fighting.

These guys are definitely old fritters!

Along the way, I learned about the Soto Spirit Arena from Flanders and Dai Mubai.

Bai Yu finally followed the crowd into the Soto Great Soul Arena.

As soon as they entered the Soto Great Spirit Arena, everyone immediately entered an extremely spacious and luxurious hall.

Above the head is a gorgeous soul chandelier, lighting up the hall.

The hall is divided into two areas, one on the left and one on the right.

On the left is the ticket purchase area for the audience, with several counters.

Behind the counter, there is a beautiful lady in uniform sitting upright.

The layout on the right is the same as that on the left, but it is an area for soul masters to register for soul fighting and sign up to participate in soul fighting.

And in the middle is a stone tablet, engraved with densely packed names.

These are the names of soul masters who died in the soul fight.

"Now you can go to register for the fighting spirit. Where is the place to register for the fighting spirit? For those of you who have not registered before, go and register."

"Except for Xiao Ao and Ning Rongrong, the two of them are auxiliary system soul masters and have no combat ability. They don't need to participate in the soul fight, just watch the battle."

After entering the hall, Dai Mubai pointed to the counter for registering fighting spirits and asked everyone to register for fighting spirits.

However, because Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have already registered, Oscar and Ning Rongrong do not need to register for the time being.

So actually only Bai Yu, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing need to register.

Because the registration process is very simple, just pay the registration fee first, then fill in the form information, and finally test the soul power and verify the information.

So Bai Yu quickly registered.

Not long after, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Tang San also came back together.

"By the way! Everyone, it seems that two people can form a team together here, and participate in some 2v2 combination fighting spirit! My third brother and I have already registered a combination, do you want to try it too!"

After bouncing back, Xiao Wu said happily.

"For this class, although my purpose is to allow you to participate in an actual battle of souls, so you can participate in 1v1 soul fighting."

"However, my request to you is that you must obtain the silver fighting spirit badge before graduation. Participating in 2v2 fighting spirit can increase the speed at which you earn points. You'd better give it a try."

Regarding Xiao Wu's words, Flanders on the side also pushed up the black-rimmed crystal glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

"Zhuqing, who are you planning to team up with?"

Hearing Flender's words, Xiao Wu immediately looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and asked with a giggle.

But before Zhu Zhuqing could reply, Ma Hongjun's eyes suddenly lit up, he quickly raised his hands and said with great joy.

"Sister Zhuqing, choose me! Choose me! Form a team with me!"

"I am very strong, and I have experience in fighting souls. I will definitely help you win!"

??Recommend a book from a friend: Douluo: Signing in with the Goddess will make you stronger

?An old author, anti-Tang Sanliu.

?If you are interested, please feel free to contact me!




(End of this chapter)

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