Douluo Zhiwu's martial soul and soul ring can be cultivated by himself

Chapter 469 Fate is wrong, preparations for the God Realm, go!

"Why did the goddess of life say such a thing?"

In the Temple of the God Realm Committee, God Shura and other god kings couldn't help but frown and asked about the goddess of life's words.

"Didn't you notice? At the beginning, the God of Prophecy only predicted that the God Realm might be destroyed in the future, but he did not say that we gods would also be buried with him."

"But soon after we intervened in the Douluo Continent, the prophecy became that not only the divine world would be destroyed, but we gods would also fall together."

"It can be seen that only the God Realm is doomed to be destroyed. Originally, our gods would not be buried with the God Realm."

"It is precisely because we interfered with the Douluo Continent that our gods are now the target of revenge on the Douluo Continent, and will suffer the end of falling in the future."

The Goddess of Life couldn't help sighing and replied.

After hearing the answer from the goddess of life, all the god kings couldn't help but fell silent.

The words of the goddess of life do have some truth.

But the God Realm is too important to gods like them, and it is impossible for them to do nothing in the face of the possible destruction of the God Realm in the future.

It's just that they didn't expect that the monster named Bai Yu would appear in the mere mortal world, and it would kill all the incarnations of their descended gods with ease.

"Okay, it's too late to say this now. According to your predictions, the God of Prophecy and the Goddess of Life, it seems that the people from Douluo Continent are finally going to take action against our God Realm."

"But this is not beyond my expectation."

"In the Douluo Continent, a human named Bai Yu used some means to create a space similar to our God Realm, and even started to create gods by himself."

"And the improvement of gods' strength requires faith."

"Although the Douluo Plane is the universe and has many life planets, our God Realm controls many mortal worlds, which will definitely arouse the covetousness of the Douluo Continent."

"So don't say whether we did something wrong or not. This cannot be avoided whether we did something wrong or not. As long as our God Realm still controls many mortal worlds, the war with Douluo Continent will be inevitable."

"So everyone, don't shirk your responsibilities anymore. In order to protect our God Realm and avoid our fall, the only thing we can do now is to fully prepare for the upcoming war!"

In the silence, the God of Evil, who was the most qualified in the God Realm, suddenly spoke.

"I understand. I will inform the gods under me and let them prepare for the war with all their strength. Then I will also inform the previous generation Shura God who has left the God Realm and ask him to come back."

Hearing the words of the God of Evil, God Shura couldn't help but took a deep breath and said.

"I will also have my gods ready."

After the God of Shura, the God of Kindness, the God of Destruction, and the Goddess of Life also expressed their views.

After speaking, the meeting ended urgently.

The five god kings rushed back to their respective temples and began to summon the gods under their command to prepare for the war predicted by the God of Prophecy and the Goddess of Life with the gods of the immortal world of Douluo Continent.

And a day or two passed in a flash.

But God Realm has passed for a day or two.

But because the flow of time in the God Realm is different from that in the mortal world like Douluo Dalu, a day in the God Realm is equivalent to a year in the mortal world.

Therefore, one or two days in the God Realm is equivalent to one or two years in the Douluo Continent.

And even though Bai Yu was about to start a war with the God Realm, the God Realm knew about it in advance.

But due to the speed of time, the God Realm only prepared for a day or two. Bai Yu had already summoned many gods from the Douluo Universe and Immortal Realm to prepare for a war against the God Realm.

"Are you all ready?"

At this time, in the Douluo Universe, in the fairy world, which is also shrouded in clouds and mists, and where the fairy spirit is fluttering, Bai Yuxu is stepping in the sky, with the magnificent boundless mountains and rivers under his feet.

In front of Bai Yu, there are many gods in the fairy world.

Among them, the ones at the top must be those who had become gods before Bai Yu opened up the fairy world. These are Bai Yu's old acquaintances.

Among them, in addition to Zhu Zhuqing, Hu Liena, Qian Renxue, Ning Rongrong and Xue Ke and other girls, there are also people of the same age like Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun and Huo Wushuang.

And then there were Bai Yu's seniors like Tang Hao, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo Chen Xin, Bone Douluo Gu Rong and Bibi Dong.

At this time, most of these soul masters who stood at the highest level in Douluo Continent have basically become gods.

In the past thousand years, soul masters with great power and talent such as Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi, and Sword Douluo Chenxin have emerged.

Because under Bai Yu's guidance, they have created very good god positions.

Over the course of a thousand years, as the Douluo civilization grew, they all became god-king-level gods comparable to the God of Destruction, God Shura and other gods in the divine world.

Among them, the god Bibi Dong chose was the God of Death, who controls death and the soul.

And Ning Fengzhi chose the God of Commerce.

Originally Ning Fengzhi wanted to choose the God of Support, but Bai Yu seemed to have too low potential for this priesthood, not as good as the God of Commerce, so in the end Bai Yu let Ning Fengzhi choose the God of Commerce to cast his position.

Of course, when it comes to business, wealth may include more things than the concept of business.

But for good things, Bai Yu would of course leave them to those closest to him, so of course Bai Yu gave the throne of wealth to Ning Rongrong in the end.

As for Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, he chose the position of Sword God.

Perhaps because the priesthood of the sword contains relatively few things conceptually, the supernatural powers of Sword Douluo Chenxin are not many, but in terms of combat power, Sword Douluo Chenxin ranks in the forefront.

"We're all ready!"

In the fairy world, following Bai Yu's inquiry, all the gods in the fairy world couldn't help but replied loudly and with passion in their hearts.

Regarding the God Realm, all the gods in the Immortal Realm are aware of its existence, and they also covet the many mortal worlds that the God Realm has.

In the past, because the Douluo civilization was still discovering new life planets around them, they had no time to provoke the God Realm for the time being, but with the Douluo civilization, the surrounding life planets in the galaxy have been developed.

If they want to go to other galaxies to continue searching for new life planets, they don't know how many years they will have to wait, which makes them naturally think of the God Realm.

If they can conquer the God Realm and obtain many mortal worlds mastered by the God Realm, then they can continue to gain more territory, grab more beliefs, and improve their strength!

"Since everything is ready, I will now open the space channel leading to the God Realm!"

Hearing the answers from the gods under him, Bai Yu couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu looked at the space in front of him, activated the divine power of creation and waved it casually.

With Bai Yu's waving, under the divine power of creation capable of creating all things, the void instantly shattered, revealing a dark space door.

After that, Bai Yu took the lead and got into the door of space in an instant, and came to a new void.

And walking in the dark void here, Bai Yu could clearly see that not far away, there was a vast space shrouded in a layer of space barriers shining with seven-colored divine light.

In this vast space, the scenery inside is also majestic mountains and rivers, misty clouds, sacred mountains towering, and towering and gorgeous palaces on them.

This is obviously the goal of Bai Yu's trip, the God Realm!

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