After dealing with a few naughty children, Michael was mentally prepared.

After all, today is the first day of taking office, and in the following lessons, each class will probably have to be beaten one by one.

The practical classes in the first grade are really easy. Everyone, including himself, had no soul rings. Most of them could only use martial souls to attack, and the battle basically relied on the king's eight punches. Therefore, this course is still aimed at strengthening the body for the time being.

Fortunately, the battle between the auxiliary soul masters was not under his control, otherwise he would have really had a headache. He really couldn't do anything to Ye Lingling, so he could only attack with his eyes.

After taking a look at the course content, it seemed quite scientific, so Michael stopped interfering and went to practice. The first class ended quickly, and he did not forget to say goodbye to Ye Lingling before leaving.

"The courses in the lower grades are too easy. From now on, I'll just come here and be a supervisor to bask in the sun and practice on my own."

Just as I was thinking about it, the class scheduled for the second period had already arrived.

Class 1, fifth grade.

Due to the staff changes at the end of each semester in the college, there are only 12 people left in this class. One pair of boys and girls stands out in particular.

The young man is over 1.6 meters tall, much taller than Michael. Wearing a simple blue suit, the emblem of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is embroidered on the chest. His black hair is slightly long but not messy, and his appearance is barely handsome, but his face is expressionless and a bit stiff, but it does not affect his calm and heavy feeling.

Next to him is a pretty girl. The girl's face is too charming for her age. She had short dark purple hair and green eyes that looked extremely enchanting. She tilted her head slightly as she walked, her eyes gazing lovingly at the boy in blue beside her. He seemed to be about to speak, but his fingers were intertwined with each other, but he looked a little shy. Michael could clearly see that the girl's nails were a green color from the root, which must be caused by martial arts.

These two people are Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan.

After the group finished lining up, Teacher Shi Heng, who was in charge of the practical class for Class 1 of fifth grade, introduced to everyone: "Starting from today this semester, the practical class will be assigned an additional teaching assistant, which is the one beside me. He is the new student this year. Michael, the classmate who has entered the school, is also Master Zhilin’s direct disciple.”

The teachers in the college basically understand Michael's situation. Although they support the idea of ​​having an additional teaching assistant for practical classes, they can't help but feel tempted. Shi Heng also deliberately pointed out the identity of Michael Zhilin's disciple and wanted to examine him.

"What? Master Zhilin's disciple?!" Yu Tianheng in the team's eyes flashed, a rare look of shock appeared on his stiff face. Yu Tianheng was born in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, one of the three sects. Because of his amazing talent, he was appointed as the young sect master at a young age. Because the sect had good relations with the imperial family, he was sent to the Tiandou royal family early. Academy study.

Although the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect still has a titled Douluo, Zhilin's strength may not impress him. But as the third seat with a special status in the academy, Zhilin, who has always been resistant to accepting disciples, will actually accept a kid who has just entered school as his direct disciple this time. What is this kid's ability?

Dugu Yan on the side was obviously unconvinced. She is the granddaughter of the famous Titled Douluo - Poison Douluo Dugu Bo. Dugu Bo's children have all left him due to the backlash of his cultivation. Dugu Yan is his only relative, so he has been doted on since he was a child. As a control soul master, she was once recommended to Zhilin by her grandfather, hoping that he would accept her as his disciple, but Zhilin refused because he did not want to set a precedent.

Why? Why would Master Zhilin make an exception for him? !

Michael is also familiar with the twists and turns in the middle.

It doesn't matter, just give him a beating if he is not convinced and he will be honest.

He had no intention of pretending to be a coward in front of these novices. He took two steps forward and said directly: "I am Michael from Class 1, Grade of this year. I have a martial soul totem. I am born with full soul power. I am still able to There is no soul ring. During the entrance examination, I defeated the examination teacher who was a great soul master."

"The college has appointed me as a teaching assistant in the actual combat class. The purpose is to improve your tactical level in battle. I know that you don't know me well, so I allow you to challenge me in the first class today."

Upon hearing that Michael had defeated the great soul master, the students in Class 1, Grade , all started whispering, and even Dugu Yan's eyes flickered. Only Yu Tianheng’s eyes were firm, with blazing fire in his eyes.

"Yu Tianheng, a level 21 powerful attack spirit master with a martial spirit blue electric tyrannosaur, challenges you!" He walked into the arena with an excited tone. Carrying the glory of his sect, he doesn't despise being the first in his class. He only cares about how strong he is.


Michael caught a big fish and nodded with satisfaction, ready to challenge.

"Come on Tianheng!" Dugu Yan cheered sweetly while waving his fists in the audience, immediately attracting envious glances.

Shi Heng had already started to clear the field, and he was also very interested in this competition. As a Soul Sect member, he often accepts Yu Tianheng's challenges after school. After Yu Tianheng broke through the great soul master, as he became more proficient in fighting, Shi Heng already needed more strength to deal with him.


Seeing both sides raising their hands, Shi Heng also issued an order.

"Possessed by the martial spirit!" A dazzling blue light suddenly flashed from the center of Yu Tianheng's eyebrows, and then the light spread to the whole body, mixed with flashing electric light!

It only took a short moment for the possession of the martial soul to be completed. A lightning symbol appeared between Yu Tianheng's eyebrows. His right arm instantly became thicker, with traces of electric current beating on his arm, and his fingertips were raised like dragon claws. The soul ring surrounds his right arm in the air, not like other soul masters do.

Michael simply raised his fists and stood with his legs slightly staggered forward and backward. There was not a single flaw in his body. With his understanding of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit, Yu Tianheng's moves must be powerful and heavy, and the attack will also revolve around his right claw. Instead of rushing forward to fight head-on, it is better to set up a good posture and lure the enemy deep into the enemy to wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

As a qualified young man, Yu Tianheng was indeed fooled. He rushed forward quickly, and when the distance was right, he raised his right paw high over his shoulder, exerted force in a deep voice, and whizzed down with a crackling electric light to hit Michael's head directly.

Michael didn't intend to move or dodge, he just moved his right foot one step to the right, and then retreated with his left foot. He exerted force on his waist and twisted his whole body to the left, first avoiding the path of the claw strike. While twisting his body, he punched out his right fist, hitting the side of Yu Tianheng's clawed wrist.

Yu Tianheng had nowhere to draw on, unable to stop his forward momentum, he was already leaning forward. Michael subconsciously stretched out his legs and swept away. Yu Tianheng was hit hard and was knocked to the ground after just one encounter.

Michael stepped forward, leaned down, and punched again to end the fight. Yu Tianheng actually used his strength to roll to the side, barely dodging the punch, and then stood up quickly.

Although Yu Tianheng fell into a disadvantage in one round, he did not suffer much blow. At this moment, the look in his eyes that looked at Michael was not only solemn, but also full of doubts. He was born with the soul power of thunder. When it collides with the opponent's limbs, the soul power will also paralyze the opponent. Michael is only a tenth-level soul warrior, so why can he not be affected?

Coincidentally, Michael thought the same way. Why do you, Yu Tianheng, act like a normal person?

Shi Heng outside the court could see it most clearly among all the people. Michael's fighting talent was so terrifying that it actually made Yu Tianheng feel like he was unable to use his strength.

Fighting again on the field, Yu Tianheng was much more cautious and did not dare to get close rashly. After a little distance and maneuvering, the first soul ring above the dragon's claws lit up.

"The first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw!" A blue-purple electric claw flashed out in the air as the dragon claw waved. Although the speed of lightning is so fast that it is difficult to avoid it, Michael has already judged the trajectory of the electric claw through the waving movements of the dragon's claw.

This is the flaw!

Michael raised the corner of his mouth, and while the opponent was still waving his claws, he moved forward and sideways, avoiding the thunder dragon claws while directly bullying Yu Tianheng, and swung a right fist.

Yu Tianheng's body was not stable, and he hurriedly raised his untransformed left arm to resist, causing his whole body to tilt to the right. Michael was unyielding and swung out another high left fist, targeting the opponent's head. Yu Tianheng had no choice but to raise his right arm with the Dragon Claw to block again.

The door is open!

Two consecutive punches are exactly the method of the sacred combination punch!

"Second soul skill, thunderous!" At the critical moment, Yu Tianheng's second soul ring lit up, and the surge of soul power amplified into countless snake lightnings that circled around the body and shot forward.

Michael remained unmoved. At this time, he had already gathered his momentum, and finally unleashed a straight punch to face the thunder and lightning that was coming straight at him. The thunder and lightning continued to shatter like paper, and the power of the punch continued unabated. Yu Tianheng was knocked down with one punch on his chest.


Yu Tianheng has used all means, but there is no hope of winning from beginning to end.

The students who were watching could only scream and marvel at Michael's power. Only Shi Heng's eyes flashed.

As expected of Master Zhilin's valued disciple, this kind of fighting is truly commendable.

Yu Tianheng's soul power had been exhausted in a battle, and the soul skills he used in a hurry were unable to do their best. After falling into a disadvantage at the beginning, he fell into the fear of being dominated by Michael at close range, and then he was helpless and could only barely block.

Even Shi Heng himself couldn't help but admire him.

Dugu Yan, who was off the field, had already run into the field and helped Yu Tianheng up, looking at Michael with an unkind expression. Although it could be seen that Yu Tianheng was not seriously injured, he was worried that he would be hit by losing to an opponent who did not have a soul ring.

Michael looked at Yu Tianheng's face losing its luster, sighed, farted a rainbow against his will, and drank chicken soup: "I started practicing boxing when I was 3 years old, and it has been more than three years since today. You are sparring with soul masters and even great soul masters. Your battle relies too much on the power of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, and you underestimate the role of tactics."

"In the opening scene, if you choose to sweep instead of swinging forward, you will definitely not expose such a big flaw and be knocked down directly."

"The Thunder Dragon Claw can indeed prevent me from getting close, but your distance is still not wide enough, and your movements are too big and I can judge the trajectory. Not only does it fail to cause damage, but it exposes flaws."

"Thunder is extremely powerful, but because you despised me, you didn't use it until the last moment when your soul power was exhausted. Have you ever thought about whether you could defeat me directly if you used it with all your strength in the first moment of our fight?"

"You must remember that I am a teaching assistant and your teacher in this class. It is not shameful to lose to me, and you have not tried your best. The purpose of my coming is not to prove who is stronger among us, but to Learn the techniques to fight against soul masters with various martial souls, and guide you to make you stronger."

"So you don't have to be discouraged. How can a truly strong person not be able to withstand this blow? You will definitely become stronger!"

Seeing the expression on Yu Tianheng's face that he thought he was okay again, Michael let out a long sigh of relief, as he had finally coaxed the child.

"Thank you for your advice! I will learn more from you in the future!" Yu Tianheng thanked him sincerely. Dugu Yan on the side also felt relieved and looked at Michael with friendly eyes.


During his several days of teaching assistant career, in addition to the students in each class, he would also apply to the teachers of each class's practical class for a battle after class. The day after he finished guiding Yu Tianheng, he challenged Shi Heng on a whim, and then got beaten. . He currently has no way to deal with the level 42 Soul Sect. The opponent's body is too strong. Even if he avoids the edge, he can feel huge pressure with just a slight contact.

At the same time, Michael also understands that the world is unfair. He can feel the difference in strength and talent among students. "Genius" is only a gift from God to a very small number of people. He is not a very compassionate person. After all, most of the students are just tools he needs to improve himself, and only a handful of people can be recognized by him.

Ye Lingling, Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan, and Osluo are all members of the Tiandou Royal Team in the future. As the saying goes, people are divided into groups. Since they are all outstanding, why not get in touch with each other more now and form small groups?

"Interest group?" Thinking of this idea, Michael laughed out loud.

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