That night, Brother Dalong couldn't sleep all night.

As the absolute main force in the frontal attack in the team, when he thought that he had become the last one among several people, and even the four people in the rotation finished before him, Yu Tianxin already had the hilarious scene of Dugu Yan in his mind.

"Watch me work secretly for a month and upgrade to Silver Fighting Spirit to scare you to death!" Brother Dalong gritted his teeth.

The next day, Yu Tianxin came to class with two dark circles under her eyes.

When the good old man Qin Ming saw this, he thought that Yu Tianxin had been severely hit, and comforted him gently: "Yu Tianxin, you don't have to worry. The time limit for the first stage is one month, and you still have a long time. And the members who have already completed The training content will not be adjusted, and I will still go to the Soul Fighting Arena with you this month."

Yu Tianxin suddenly changed color.

Are they still going? Is this okay? ! What should I do if I meet Michael again?

Seeing Yu Tianxin's uncertain expression, Michael roughly guessed what the other party was thinking. In fact, for Michael, there is no challenge or training effect for the opponent of the Fighting Soul Master. For Ye Lingling's safety, he would not show off his strength in two-on-two, but no one could stop him one-on-one.

In the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, you can take the initiative to apply to challenge opponents with one more soul ring. Michael has this intention.

He stepped forward and hammered Yu Tianxin on the chest, and then asked Qin Ming: "Teacher Qin, I want to challenge opponents at the level of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect in the spirit fighting arena in the future."

Qin Ming originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought that it would be difficult for him to deal with this kid one-on-one, the Soul Sect seemed to have no problem and nodded in agreement.

While Yu Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief, she became arrogant again: "Humph, who are you looking down on?"


Michael felt that Brother Long was getting more and more arrogant now, and pointed to the playground: "How about we practice? Zi-Long-?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Yu Tianxin's face turned red from being choked, and she waved her hands quickly, "No, no, I'll let you go today!"

Qin Ming looked at the excitement but suddenly said: "I really have such an arrangement. You must admit that Michael is much stronger than the others now. His abilities are very balanced and not mediocre. You can't fight alone." will be his opponent."

"Therefore, several long-term contents will be added to future training. First, freely assign two-person teams within the team and compete against each other. The purpose is to allow you to better understand your teammates and prepare for the seven-person team battle. Basics. Second, you form a team of two to four people and fight against Michael respectively. I can guarantee that his current combat power exceeds all the opponents you will encounter in the spirit fighting field. Fighting against him will be precious to you. experience."

Qin Ming looked at Ye Lingling specifically and said, "Including you, Ye Lingling!"

"Since you went to the Soul Fighting Field yesterday to fight and need rest, today you will each go to the Mimic Training Field to practice and adjust. These contents will start from the next class!"

After the disbandment, Michael and Ye Lingling came to their exclusive mimicry training ground to practice. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Michael started charging again. Feeling the new power accumulated in his body that was a fusion of holy light and natural energy, Michael couldn't help but recall the arbitration strike from the last test.

The reason why I was injured last time was ultimately because my current physical condition was not up to standard. Although this problem can definitely be solved in the future, that is, by making the body strong enough, this energy is only used for cultivation now. The more abundant natural energy is, the faster it will be replenished. It cannot be completely absorbed and can only be slowly transformed, and the part that escapes during the transformation is a complete waste.

Michael frowned and thought, there were several ways to treat the symptoms.

The first method is to avoid direct contact, explode energy in advance, and hit the opponent from the air. The second method is to spread the concentrated burst into multiple bursts, each burst reaching the limit of what it can bear.

Erupting in the air is a bit unrealistic. My previous experience was that this new energy cannot be controlled very well. After being stimulated on the fist surface, it will disperse in all directions, unable to produce the ideal attack effect.

As for the second type, Michael could only think of the two styles of Shenge Fist for the time being. One is an upgraded version of the jab punch - the Broken Fist, which releases energy in high-speed continuous jabs, dividing one burst into more than a dozen or even twenty times.

The second move is to truly reach your limit, hit three punches with extreme power, and finally hit the punch to explode. This is the divine fist that the Blue Fist Holy Envoy learned when he first awakened - the Divine Strike of Devastation!

Both moves require more detailed control of this energy, which can only be achieved through repeated practice! Michael's eyes grew brighter and brighter.

bring it on! As long as you can't practice to death, practice to death!

However, this kind of extreme practice will definitely lead to injuries, so Ye Lingling needs to be vaccinated first. Michael was just about to interrupt Ye Lingling, but found that she didn't seem to be practicing either. She was holding her chin in a daze, feeling a little strange: "Lingling, aren't you practicing?"

"Yes." Ye Lingling nodded, looking a little happy, "I have experienced it. In this environment, it seems that I can cultivate automatically when I am around you."

She pointed in the air. The floating Nine Heart Begonia was shining with a faint green light. Although the movement was much smaller than that of the Nine Treasure Begonia beside it, it was absorbing natural energy visibly to the naked eye.

"Jiuxin Haitang is absorbing the surrounding energy and converting it into my soul power, at about twice the speed of my independent cultivation. Unfortunately, I can't seem to speed up anymore."

Good guy!

If you have gold nails, one person will infect two people?

"Then I will practice the new moves next to you." Seeing that it would not affect her, Michael also started to discuss, "The new moves are the perfection of the last Arbitration Fury Strike. Once completed, it will be very powerful and not easy to use." You will hurt yourself, but you will inevitably get hurt during the cultivation process."

Ye Lingling pouted. Michael couldn't persuade him at this time, so she could only agree reluctantly.

This mimicry training ground is of high standard and is equipped with a place for practicing soul skills. Michael comes here to practice.

The practice of Broken Fist is relatively safe and surprisingly simple. Michael found that he could control this energy very easily. He could simply release it with jabs and punches. It only took a few dozen minutes to complete. The upgraded jab, also known as the Breaking Hammer, has three times more attack power than before.

After completing the practice, Michael slapped his forehead and felt that he was too rigid.

yes! In fact, it's not just jabs and punches. Can't any Shenge Fist moves add varying amounts of energy when punching?

After another try, this small number of bursts was easily completed. The Shenge Fist once again had a new look. The blue light on the target fist would become even brighter every time it hit the target, and even faintly glowed with gold. It's just not easy to detect. The power of each move is increased to varying degrees, ranging from two to three times.

After completing the upgrade of the Divine Fist, Michael began to practice the Divine Strike of Annihilation again. The first thing is to test the limit of what you can currently bear!




Continuous boxing explosions echoed in the training ground. To be on the safe side, Michael was not impatient and slowly increased the injection of energy, approaching the limit little by little. The explosions gradually intensified. Ye Lingling watched with fear.

"Boom!" After another explosion, the skin and flesh of Michael's fist burst open. It was finally beyond the endurance range. Ye Lingling did not blame it and just used the treatment silently. She could see how powerful this move was, so she Even the wall used for practicing soul skills is marked with white marks. This is a wall that can withstand the attack of the Soul Emperor!


Michael grasped the limit. He found that one punch used about one-fifth of the energy, and three punches would use up more than half. I can't withstand this kind of explosion too many times in a short period of time, and the limit is four times at most!

After the treatment, I sat cross-legged and recharged the battery. After I felt that I was in good condition, I punched again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three punches went without incident, but for the fourth punch, Michael found that except for the softened arms that could retain a little momentum, the accumulated punches leaked out from all parts of the body and dissipated, and he was completely unable to hold it back. !

"Future soul rings must be able to soften the whole body to a certain extent, otherwise this move will not be able to be performed." After Michael tried a few more times, he found that the problem could not be solved, and he stopped worrying. The power of the first three punches is already amazing enough, even without the more powerful finish at the end, it is still powerful enough. Determined to find a soul beast that can soften the body for the fourth soul ring.

The practice was so smooth that it only took most of a day to complete. Michael was in a good mood and pinched Ye Lingling's face to announce the good news: "Success!"

"Hmph!" Ye Lingling gave him a nice look and slapped his hand away, "Don't expect me to treat you if you do this next time!"

"This time we should be able to break through Teacher Qin's fire protection without incident." Michael thought about it and stopped thinking about it, concentrating on coaxing Ye Lingling.


Going to the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena again, Michael applied to the staff for his next opponent to be at the Soul Sect level. After easily winning three consecutive victories, Michael met the last opponent of the day - Hu Yanlu.

Hu Yanlu is a member of the Elephant Armor Sect, with a diamond mammoth martial soul and a soul power of level 47. A physical defense soul master, his attack methods are simple and crude, and there is nothing he can do except head-on collision. Before the game started, Michael had already called Ye Lingling to the sidelines. Since he could only fight head-on, he didn't want anything to happen to his opponent.

The game has begun, and Hu Yanlu uses martial arts possession to rampage as usual. Looking at the surging opponents, Michael did not choose to dodge. He deliberately found a place to replenish his energy before the game. He wanted to test the newly acquired semi-finished God of Annihilation with this defensive spirit master who was rare in the spirit fighting field. hit.

Energy converged on the fist body, and the blue fist burst into golden light. Michael stepped on his feet and stood firm, and punched out.


Just one punch! Although the Diamond Mammoth possessed by the martial spirit was a giant, the collision was stopped abruptly by this punch.



Another two punches! Three consecutive loud noises overwhelmed the noise of the auditorium. After three punches, Hu Yanlu and even his martial spirit possession were dispelled. The diamond mammoth disappeared, revealing Hu Yanlu's pale face, with blood from his mouth and nose. He staggered for two steps before falling straight to the ground.

"Blue Fist! Blue Fist! Blue Fist!" This was the first time Michael had shown such toughness in the spirit fight. Contrary to his usual tendency to be cautious when confronting the enemy, the whole audience could see the dazzling light when his fist power exploded. The loud shouts made Michael's blood boil.

Ye Lingling had already taken the initiative to treat his opponent. Michael had not withdrawn his martial spirit yet. He raised his fists high in response to the cheers.

Why do you say you look down on Dui Bo? In fact, you are obviously super strong but you are too cautious?

This continent is full of passion. You need to be cautious when facing opponents that are stronger than you. You need to be cautious when protecting your teammates. But is it too much to use tactics when dealing with some rotten fish and shrimps alone?

I still don't believe you enough!

Michael clenched his fists. Dodge was a means, not an end. To the best of his ability, he should break through all obstacles with one punch!

I am the fearless Blue Fist Holy Envoy on Douluo Continent!

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