The beholder is clear.

Meng Shenji on the sidelines could clearly see the five people's responses, and finally understood how extraordinary Zhilin's evaluation of these students was.

Seeing Qin Ming fall into a trap without checking, he couldn't help but praise: "It's really extraordinary!"

Seeing that Oslo and Yu Tianxin successfully encircled Ye Lingling, and that Ye Lingling was safe for a while, Michael felt relieved and prepared to follow up. The thunderbolt released by Yu Tianxin at this time was not only blessed by the wrath of the thunder god, but also within 20 meters of the totem, enjoying 70% of the full attribute bonus of Michael's body, which was almost three times more powerful than the normal state, even farther away The fourth soul skill that surpasses Qin Ming.

Qin Ming naturally felt it, but he couldn't avoid it and made a prompt decision. The fifth black soul ring on his body flashed a little white light.

"The fifth soul skill, fire protection!" I can only resist with the fifth soul skill! The temperature of Qin Ming's body rose sharply, and fierce flames spurted out, faintly glowing with green light. The green and red flames gathered around to form a fire cover, and the figure appeared a little distorted by the hot air around him. This fire protection move releases a large amount of soul power at once. In addition to absorbing damage, it can also burn enemies around it. It can be said to be a combination of offense and defense.

The raid should have ended at this point. Although the calculation was in place, the Soul Emperor was not easy to deal with.

Foreboding the impending explosion, Michael was not greedy for quick success and shouted: "Retreat!" The shrinking encirclement could only be opened, and everyone prepared their own defenses. Jin Yan dispersed the iron rope and turned into a piece of iron again. The wall provides defense for Ye Lingling and himself.

There was a roar of thunder and fire, and the entire assessment site trembled. The three education committee members were forced to form a barrier around the battle circle. Thick smoke billowed in the venue, and the barrier also rippled under the aftermath of the energy collision.

Everyone in the field couldn't see each other clearly, and they all carefully stayed in place and did not dare to act rashly to avoid being discovered by Qin Ming. It took a while for the thick smoke to dissipate, and Qin Ming stood in the field calmly. His clothes were intact, except for some wrinkles, and his hair was slightly disheveled. He didn't seem to be injured, but the blue-red fire cover around his body became dim and was just barely maintained.

The impact caused by the collision of souls was too violent. Although Yu Tianxin and Osluo were not seriously injured, they were already disgraced. However, Jin Yan, who had the lowest soul power level, was too reluctant to provide defense for the two of them, and Wuhun suffered heavy losses. Although he successfully protected Ye Lingling, he fell to his knees with his mouth covered, and the blood he coughed up flowed out from between his fingers.

Qin Ming did not make any move. The situation of the battle was far beyond his expectation. He was very satisfied with these people. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been seriously injured.

Zhilin on the sidelines was already anxious. When Qin Ming was about to signal to stop, he had already issued an instruction: "Caleb! Full power!"

Oslo watched Jin Yan being hurt, with only the last trace of sanity left, her eyes blood red, and she forcibly controlled herself not to step forward to deliver the food. Hearing this, he immediately stared at Michael.

Michael had already thought of some countermeasures through the thick smoke. Seeing that most of Qin Ming's flame shield had been shattered and still not recovered, he immediately understood the weakness of this soul skill and loudly commanded: "Long-range attack!"

"Thunder Dragon Claw!" Yu Tianxin took action without saying anything. It was so fast that Qin Ming couldn't react, so he had to eat another dragon claw on the spot. Oslo followed quickly,

"Ghosts are impermanent!"

Qin Ming's whole body was like a furnace at this moment, but Oslo didn't care. He endured the scorching high temperature and kept moving around and waving his leopard claws to strike.

"Lingling, treat Xiaoyan!" Michael held no hand anymore, spread his white wings and soared into the sky, quickly approaching Qin Ming amidst the astonished eyes of everyone, waving his wings and sending out several wind blades directed at Qin Ming.

"External soul bone?!" Meng Shenji and Bai Baoshan couldn't help but stare, not to mention the goose-eating crowd.

Continuous explosions raised billowing dust around Qin Ming. The combined power of the long-range bombing by several people was no less powerful than the previous thunder. If expected, Qin Ming's fire protection had completely collapsed!

Qin Ming was in the thick smoke, and felt a little bad in his heart. How come the soul power of these students is so high? Each move is comparable to the Soul Sect, right? The effect of his fire protection was extraordinary, but it consumed nearly 40% of his soul power. Counting the consumption since the beginning, only half of his soul power was left at this time.

Michael did not give Qin Ming a chance to think. He had already recorded Qin Ming's position in his mind. Although the opponent was covered by thick smoke, the approximate position was correct. He immediately signaled Yu Tianxin and Osluo to be alert.

"Phantom incarnation!"

Michael's figure blurred for a while, and he swooped down with two dark phantoms, aiming his fist at the ground in his memory.

"The Broken Hammer!"

The Broken Hammer used with the help of a dive was even more powerful than a direct punch. There was no direct hit, but the attack was too sudden and too powerful. Qin Ming was shocked for the first time and tried his best to control himself. He barely managed to stay in the air, but he staggered back again and again.

The fierce wind of the fist blew away some of the smoke and dust around Michael, and in this moment, Qin Ming's retreating feet were seen. Aiming in the direction, he punched out with his left arm. Feeling the heavy feeling when closing the arm, he twisted his right wrist several times in succession.

"Uzumaki Punch!"

Qin Ming was hit one after another at this moment, but he didn't even see Michael's shadow. He only saw a punch stretched out among the flying dust, and his body was pulled uncontrollably, and his chest was pressed against the fist.

The high-speed spiraling and flowing soul power kept hitting his chest. Even with his Soul Emperor-level soul power, he felt paralyzed, not to mention the pain from the impact. Fortunately, this strange method lasted only a short time. When he finally When he was able to land firmly and eliminate the paralysis in his body, Michael, who grabbed his position, punched again - the holy combination punch!

Two swinging punches hit the side. With his arms firmly raised in front of his body, he was lucky enough to block the final straight punch.

However, the continuous attacks are far from over. When Qin Ming was knocked backward by the straight punch, Michael took a step forward and dived instantly, followed by a diving straight punch that almost sent him flying backwards.

However, a quick punch pulled him back again at this moment, followed by a jab and a fierce attack, hitting the flesh with a swift attack!

Qin Ming felt that the opponent's physique was clearly inferior to his own, but why was his fist so heavy? This real beating and beating had already caused injuries all over his body. The most terrifying thing is that he doesn't know where his soul power should be directed and where to set up defenses. A lot of his soul power is wasted in vain with punch after punch.

Qin Ming's sleeves were torn to pieces by the wind-attributed soul power carried by his fists, and his arms were cut with bloody marks. Michael didn't deliberately control his soul power when he used the whirlpool punch, otherwise Qin Ming's injuries would be more than that.

The wind of the fist surged, and the smoke and dust were completely blown away. Michael's offensive was exhausted, and he quickly retreated, putting on a defensive posture and recovering for a while. The consumption of physical and soul power in the phantom incarnation state almost doubled, even he had already Too exhausted, he was unable to continue attacking for a while, so he forced himself to block Qin Ming's way. If Qin Ming had the energy to counterattack at this moment, he might be in trouble.

Fortunately, Yu Tianxin and Osluo on both sides continued their offensive in time. Each of them swung out a claw attack, and each of them also exerted force with their feet and rushed forward at the same time.

"Stop!" Qin Ming reluctantly raised his arms and used his remaining soul power to block two claw attacks. At this time, his shirt was basically turned into rags, there were a few blood stains on his arms, his face was a little pale, and his chest was heaving.

After seeing the five people putting away their martial spirits for a truce, he also put away his martial spirits. Then his body shook for a while and his steps were a little shaky. His chest was focused on by Michael. At this time, he was also having trouble breathing. He could only touch his chest and cough. .

Qin Ming looked at a few people with complicated eyes.

He is considered a genius after all, and these students are also extremely talented.

A gifted teacher plus a gifted student is obviously twice as happy. Why is this so?

This Michael came up and punched him more than 800 times, beating himself until he was completely naked. If he hadn't stopped in time, would he have suffered a blow to the teacher-student relationship?

Thinking about this, his face couldn't help but feel a little bitter. With his gentle personality, he will naturally not hold grudges against his students. His only headache is how to teach these students in the future. Can he still teach them?

Forget it, seeing as you are all mature students, you should be able to practice, right?

Qin Ming's mood improved again, he showed a gentle smile and said: "You performed very well, I give you full marks."

When Michael grabbed Qin Ming and gave him a hammer, Jin Yan had already been cured by Ye Lingling. Hearing what Qin Ming said, everyone breathed out a sigh of relief, including Michael.

It's finally over. If the fight continues, I won't have the energy to protect Ye Lingling.

Seeing Qin Ming's slightly miserable look at this time, Michael gave Ye Lingling a hidden look. Ye Lingling immediately understood and started to treat Qin Ming. Qin Ming was just too exhausted and did not suffer any serious injuries. He recovered as before after a while.

Li Tianhan, who was watching the whole scene from the sidelines, was already dumbfounded. How could he be a hammer? Michael's operation in the smoke and dust actually lasted only about ten seconds. Under the cover of the thick smoke, the onlookers did not know what Qin Ming had suffered. They only heard the sound of a punch. He had looked calm before. The windy Qin Ming became ragged and shouted stop. For a moment, these people looked at Michael in confusion.

Qin Ming has officially invited the three Michaels to join his team, and all three of them nodded in agreement. After getting off the field, Zhilin grabbed Jin Yan and began to check her injuries. He asked everyone to wait for a while. After a while, specialized personnel would take them to select a suitable mimicry training ground.

Yu Tianheng looked at the few people with an unkind expression. He could feel the resentment even from a distance, while Dugu Yan snickered maliciously from the side. Oslo recalled how Jin Yan was injured and coughed up blood just now. He felt a little heavy, clenched his fists, and his expression was not as bright as usual.

Michael patted him on the shoulder to express comfort, but there was nothing he could say. He could only rely on himself for future cultivation, so he gave him a helpless look. Ye Lingling basically didn't have any ideas of her own when there were many people, so she obediently held Michael's arm as a pendant.

Only Brother Dalong and Brother Xiaolong looked at each other to confirm that they were the ones who wanted to take action. Except for consuming some soul power, Yu Tianxin had done little else. It was obvious that she was not enjoying herself. Seeing that someone wanted to fight, she could not hold back and shook her head to the side of the field to signal.

The corner of Yu Tianheng's mouth twitched, "My desire to do something is different from your desire to do something. What's the point of us fighting like looking in the mirror?" Pretending not to notice, he tilted his head and started talking to Dugu Yan.

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere did not last long. After a while, someone came to take the three people who had just finished the examination to see the mimicry training ground. Yu Tianheng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed...

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