The Lawyer of Reason is in Douluo

Chapter 20 Titan Giant Ape

"Everyone will rest here, the girls are responsible for cooking, and the boys are responsible for setting up tents. Oscar, you go to the girls' side." After arriving at the place, Dai Mubai began to divide the work and directly assigned Oscar to the girls' side.

"Why?" "Use everything to its full potential"! Ma Hongjun said while holding the wood. "Tsk, young master, I don't have the same experience as you." Oscar came to our side cursing. "Hey Oscar, how is your third soul skill? Do you want to add another dish?" Xiao Wu said with a carrot in her mouth.

"Are you sure you want to eat"! When Oscar heard this, he grabbed Xiao Wu excitedly. "Hey~ If it's weird, forget it." "Don't say that, watch carefully, I have a mushroom..." Before Oscar could finish reciting the soul curse, a huge figure appeared in front of Oscar.

"Is this... Oscar, is this your soul skill?" Everyone looked at the huge figure blankly, and it stepped towards us with one foot. With a bang, a deep pit appeared in the ground.

"Damn it, are you stupid? Can't you run away?" Zhao Wuji's soul skills pulled 8 of us out, and we quickly ran away in shock. "Roar"! ! ! The huge figure roared, and we could see its appearance clearly under the moonlight. "Damn! How could such a thing appear outside the forest?" "This is! The overlord of the Star Dou Forest, the -year-old soul beast Titan Giant Ape"!

It watched us flee with a mocking expression on its face, and stepped in front of Zhao Wuji. Zhao Wuji swallowed his saliva. "Dai Mubai, I have something to do later. You take them away first and protect them while I am away. Dear King of the Forest, we have no ill intentions. If we have violated your territory, we are willing to leave immediately." .

"Boom! The Titan ape smashed his hand into the open space next to him and looked at Zhao Wuji mockingly." This guy wants to play me to death! "Damn! I won't be tricked by a monkey even if I die!" Zhao Wuji immediately possessed his martial soul and rushed forward.

"White Tiger King Kong Transformation"! Dai Mubai, who was below, also followed up and knocked away a huge boulder with one blow. "Dai Mubai, didn't I ask you to take them and retreat first?" "Haha, I won't do that kind of stupid thing. I'll leave that disgusting job to Tang San." "Haha, I'm sorry, Boss Dai, your errand is also disgusting to us." Tang San directly used Bluesilver Grass to drag a big tree towards the Titan Ape.

"You little bastards, write me a review when you get home!" "Then we'll talk about it when we get back"! The Titan Ape seemed to be annoyed by these messy things and let out a roar. Everyone was stunned for a second, and Xiao Wu was also caught in the Titan Ape's hand.

"Xiao Wu"! Tang San's eyes were wide open when he saw this, and he simply did not hide any hidden weapons and flew towards the Titan Ape's eyes and mouth. "Roar"! Zhao Wuji activated his seventh soul skill, and a giant bear that was as tall as the Titan Ape appeared out of thin air and punched the Titan Ape in the face. At this time, I have been watching from the side, flying in the air in an extremely hidden place. Next, the Titan Giant Ape should take Xiao Wu away.

Things were just as I expected. The Titan Giant Ape was not injured at all by Zhao Wuji's martial soul avatar. His martial soul avatar was broken with a roar. However, the Titan Giant Ape did not leave immediately. Instead, he grabbed Zhao Wuji. Xiao Wu punched the ground, knocking Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others away, and then walked towards Zhao Wuji.

"What's going on? Why didn't the Titan Ape leave?" I watched in disbelief as the Titan Ape walked towards Zhao Wuji step by step. "This guy wants to kill Zhao Wuji! How could this happen? No, no, absolutely not! Reload Little Rabbit, help me open the God's Key arsenal"!

drop! No, Master, you can’t touch the God Key yet! "There is no other way, hurry up and open the God Key Arsenal"! drop! The arsenal of God's Keys has been opened. Please note that any use of the God's Keys by the owner's current body will cause irreversible and unknown consequences! "Tsk, the consequences are unknown. I can only choose the key of God that is most suitable for solving the problem at hand. Well, I found it, the blueprint of everything. Start copying and forming weapons!"

drop! The Eighth God's Key Yu Duchen has been successfully copied! drop! Unable to complete the formation of weapons and lack of soul power, a low-end version of Yu Duchen's true shadow has been formed.

"Forget what the real shadow is, don't care"! I directly threw the feather dust I formed at the Titan Ape. The Titan Ape seemed to feel something and turned around, only to see a few pieces of red feathers floating over and touching it but then disappearing. It looked around in confusion, and then looked at it. On my eyes that have turned scarlet.

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