The Lawyer of Reason is in Douluo

Chapter 18 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake

"Everyone is resting where you are now." We walked to an open space to rest, and while we were resting, there was a rustling sound.

"Be careful, something is approaching!" Zhao Wuji immediately stood up cautiously. "Zhu Zhuqing, can you go up and investigate?" "Okay"! After saying that, she climbed to the top of the tree in a few steps. "How can you see it?" "You can see it, flying quickly at a height of 3 to 4 meters above the ground."

"Is it a bird spirit beast?" "No, it's a long strip, the leaves are too dense... Wait, it looks like a snake, about 6 to 8 meters long, with light red wings and a red head. "! Zhu Zhuqing confirmed again carefully. "It's not a red head, but a red comb on its head"!

"That's right, that's it! The thousand-year-old spirit beast Phoenix Tail Cockscomb"! Tang San said with certainty. "According to the characteristics described by Zhuqing, this soul beast is probably from around 1300 to 1800, which is very suitable for Oscar."

"Haha, congratulations, boy, this thing is quite rare nowadays"! Zhao Wuji patted Oscar on the shoulder. “Just sort it out yourselves.” "good". Tang San immediately agreed. "Wait for classmate Xia Ma to suppress it with your Phoenix Spirit to make it fearful. Then I will tie it up with blue silver grass and let classmate Oscar kill it to get the soul ring."

"Wait, I have a question, you mean as long as it can't move". "Well, that's right, Xiaoya, do you have any questions?" "I want to say that it would be much easier if it was just like this. Tang San, can you help me control that guy for three seconds?" "Three seconds... problem". Tang San thought about it carefully and said confidently.

"Come on, let's get started, reload Bunny, and open the anti-entropy arsenal." Immediately, my martial soul floated into the air, and the heavily armored rabbit appeared behind me.

drop! The counter-entropy weapon library has been opened, searching for Jiyinzi Cannon Type 09. Vientiane blueprint, copy. Armed formation! A blue-black laser cannon suddenly formed on the heavily armored rabbit's shoulder. "Zero Drive"! The thousand-year soul ring appeared, and mysterious energy covered the barrel. Blue current suddenly appeared all over the laser cannon, and dark blue light gathered at the muzzle.

The development code is de09, developed by Cocolia, a subsidiary of Anti-Entropy. It can separate the anion particles in the air, condense the anion ions into a beam and emit it. It has a probability of paralyzing the target when it hits the target. However, after my third soul skill has been strengthened, the probability of being paralyzed has been greatly increased. Paralyzing a snake should be a no-brainer.

"Tang San, help me control him for three seconds, I need to aim." Without saying a word, Tang San jumped over on the ghostly shadow, and tied up the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb in just a few strokes of the blue silver grass.

"I let you run! Re-armed little rabbit, fire!" The blue beam of light burst out from the muzzle and hit the cockscomb that was lying on the ground struggling. The attack quickly dissipated, and it lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, its body stretched out and motionless. "I can feel paralyzed for up to ten minutes, Oscar, you better hurry up." I waved my hand and told Oscar.

"oh oh". He quickly ran over and took out the dagger he had prepared, and was about to stab it into its brain.

"stop"! A thin red ribbon hit Oscar, who quickly stepped aside when he saw it. "Damn, who is it?" "That snake is mine." At this time, a girl came out from behind the tree, holding a snake-headed walking stick.

"Oh, tell me, why?" Zhao Wuji directly revealed his seven soul rings. "Hello, respected Soul Saint." Another person walked out of the grass nearby. The six soul rings floating behind her showed her strength.

"Ahem, you are the "Snake Woman" in the legendary soul master group Unparalleled Dragon Snake, Senior Chao Tianxiang, Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji is polite." Zhao Wuji immediately put away his soul ring. "Haha, I don't dare to take it seriously. Thanks to the love of my friends on the road, I gave him the title of Snake Woman." She smiled and talked to Zhao Wuji.

"Hey Boss Dai, is this guy famous? Why does Teacher Zhao feel so cowardly?" Xiao Wu asked Dai Mubai curiously. "Long Gong, Meng Shu, She Po, and Chao Tianxiang are legends in the soul master world. The martial soul fusion skills they use make even Titled Douluo fearful. Oscar, I'm afraid your soul beast can't be saved." . "Boss Dai, don't tease me..."

"My granddaughter is already level 30. This snake is very important to her, and we discovered it first. There are still scars on its abdomen from our attack." After saying that, she pointed at the snake's belly, and sure enough, there were three scars.

"Ahem, my student is also level 30 and needs that snake very much." "Then let's just follow the rules of the soul master world and let my granddaughter duel with your student." "But..." Zhao Wuji was about to say no, but Tang San patted him on the shoulder.

"Teacher Zhao, let me do it."

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