"Man-eating wolf thieves? Could it be that the villagers captured by them..."

Yesuo looked at me with a complicated expression. I nodded but shook my head:

"Not necessarily. Those villagers should have been captured not long ago. Let's sneak in and see if there is a chance to rescue some of them."

"Well, that's fine, but how do we sneak in?"

Ye Suo looked at me doubtfully, but I looked at him with a half-smile, and then he realized:

"You don't want me to be the bait, do you?"

"Bingo! That's right!"

I smiled and snapped my fingers, then pushed Yesuo out before he could react.

"What the hell are you...?"

Ye Suo looked at the two wolf thieves who were looking at him with tears in his eyes, and waved to them awkwardly:

"Honey, have you eaten?"


As soon as Ye Suo finished speaking, two wolf thieves from across the street rushed towards him.

"Oh my god! It seems you haven't eaten yet!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Suo ran away, and the two wolf thieves immediately chased after him. The empty cave was without guards in an instant. I saw the opportunity and rushed in. At this time, Ye Suo's ears also rang. my voice:

"Yesuo, wolf thieves are cruel by nature, and according to my observation, the combat effectiveness of the wolf thieves here is at least equivalent to the human soul sect level, and they all come in groups. If there are two here, it means there are hundreds more around. There may even be thousands of them, so remember not to fight too hard and be more careful.”

"Sandy duck? Is that you?"

Ye Suo touched his ears in confusion, and then discovered that there was an earphone in his ear at some point. It seemed that Ban Ya had put it on him when he pushed him out.

"Well, it's me. If you're in danger, just leave first. Don't worry about me. If you can't run away, just crush the earphones and I'll go over and save you."

After saying this, I closed the communication, took a deep breath and walked towards the depths of the cave. At this time, I had already put on my night vision goggles and followed the thermal imaging scan to explore inside. Soon I arrived. In front of a stone wall, and the thermal imaging showed a bunch of red dots behind the door.

"Phew, this is it."

I clenched my fists, and a rocket launcher appeared on Ciel's shoulder. If there were wolf thieves inside, I would completely bury them here.

After being prepared to deal with emergencies, Charles raised his iron fist, and then the stone wall was instantly smashed into pieces. What came into my eyes was purgatory... No, it can't be considered purgatory anymore... ...

I saw one human being captured by a wolf thief from a cage containing a bunch of people, and then the wolf thief skillfully disemboweled him, took out his entrails, and hung them on a railing. There were hundreds of human beings placed on the railing. There were corpses, including men and women, old people and children, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they were all disemboweled and their internal organs were thrown away and hung on the railings, just like dried bacon... ..

"Ugh...cough cough cough..."

Even though I'm almost used to killing people, I still couldn't help but bend down and cover my mouth while retching. The smell of rotting internal organs fermented in this small space. It was so smokey that I almost vomited out the bile, and those wolf thieves At this time, they also noticed the movement here and rushed towards me with their knives raised.

"Qi! Die, you bastard!"

I emerged from the black abyss full of murderous intent, and cut a wolf thief who rushed up into two pieces with one sword. Then with a few more sword strikes, these wolf robbers who looked like they were old, weak, sick and disabled were slaughtered by me. Almost exhausted.


I shook off the blood on the black abyss in disgust, and then turned my attention to those who were still alive. Their eyes stared at me, their eyes full of fire:

"Miss! Please save my lady! I can give you money! Please take me out of this hellish place!"

"Help, little girl! Help us get out! Those wolf thieves are too scary!"

"Ugh mom...I want to find mom!"

The hope of life suddenly brought these people back to life. They begged and wanted to escape, but I didn't mean to embarrass them, and cut open the cage with a sword:

"Let's go. Not far from here is Guhua Village. If you have no place to go for the time being, you can take refuge first."

I pointed to the road I came from, and the group of people quickly thanked each other and scrambled to escape. When the last person escaped, I turned to look at the corpses hanging on the railings and shook my head. He sighed helplessly:

"Oh, you are really unlucky enough to have become the wolf bandits' winter food reserve. I will be a good person and do my best to give you a ride in the end."

After that, I took out a few barrels of gasoline and a lighter, and soon the fire filled the entire cave. I sighed again, and then walked out. After all, I still have one thing left to do... ....

Kill all the wolf thieves here.

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