The Lawyer of Reason is in Douluo

Chapter 16 It's Really You!

Early the next morning, I looked at the empty bed next to me, shook my head helplessly, washed my face hastily, and walked to the cafeteria to have breakfast. The breakfast is very rich, including eggs, milk, and various fruits and vegetables. Since I mentioned it to Flanders last time, he also followed it with dignity.

After dinner, we gathered together at the square. Before we arrived, we saw Ning Rongrong still kneeling there with red eyes. "She didn't go back to sleep last night." I explained it to them quietly. Flanders also arrived at this time, glanced at Ning Rongrong, and said nothing. "Where's Oscar? Why hasn't he come yet?" "When I woke up, I saw that he was still practicing," Tang San explained.

"No, I can't attend today's class without him. Tang San, go and call him." "yes". Tang San was about to leave when he saw a figure running over excitedly. "I'm coming"! Oscar ran over excitedly.

"You bastard! You're so slow! You might as well tell Ultra to be slow!" Dai Mubai grabbed his collar and roared. "Oh, okay, okay, I'm frustrated in love, why don't I let her sleep more?" Ma Hongjun booed while eating steamed buns.

"That's enough! Class! Oscar, make your sausage come out." Sausage I stared at Oscar carefully, and the more I looked at him, the more he looked like a person I had met a few days ago. "House...dean...this is not good." Oscar was sweating profusely and looked at Flanders, glancing at me from time to time.

"What's wrong? Don't you usually like this time very much? Come on, don't waste time"! "I...I have a big sausage." Oscar shouted out the soul curse as if he was resigned to his fate. "Holy shit! It's really you! I can't even recognize you after shaving!" I pretended to be angry, and Oscar was so frightened that he immediately retreated behind Flanders.

"Okay, today's lesson is that each of you has to eat Oscar's sausage. If you can't do it, go home." Flanders touched the mustache on his chin and said.

Ning Rongrong looked at Flanders unwillingly, who wants to go home! "I come"! After saying that, he stood up, picked up the sausage and stuffed it directly into his mouth. This sausage... After eating it, Ning Rongrong felt the soul power replenished by the sausage and took a formal look at Oscar for the first time.

Then I walked up and picked up a sausage, smeared it with garlic chili sauce, and ate it while everyone looked at it in disbelief. " did you..." Xiao Wu looked at me in surprise. What's wrong with the soul curse? Just don't listen to it. It's not poisonous anyway and tastes good. I elegantly took out a handkerchief and wiped my mouth.

"Then you beat him that day." After speaking, Xiao Wu pointed at Oscar. "Yes, but he sold it to me without telling me. I hate it when others lie to me." I glanced at Oscar sullenly, immediately frightening him to the point where his hair was trembling.

"Why do we have to take this kind of class every year?" Everyone had a sausage in their hand and, despite their reluctance, they all finished it. "Haha, although Oscar's soul spell is not very good, his martial soul is of the highest quality to replenish his soul power." Flanders also ate one, and he immediately looked at Oscar in surprise. "The soul power replenished by this sausage, Oscar, you are level 30"!

"Yes, I just practiced this morning. I wanted to tell you but I didn't have the chance." He smiled and touched his head. "14-year-old food-related soul master...genius"! "You can do it, kid. Congratulations!" Dai Mubai and Fatty immediately rushed over to celebrate Oscar's breakthrough to level 30.

"I have decided that tomorrow you will go on a mission together to obtain the third soul ring for Oscar. The location is in the Star Forest!" "Star Forest" Tang San was surprised. "What's wrong, Third Brother?" "No, it's nothing. I heard the teacher talk about it before. It is the holy land of soul masters. No matter what level you are, you can find a soul ring that suits you there. It is said that there are ten soul rings deep in the Star Dou Forest." Thousand-year soul beast..." Xiao Wu trembled when she said this. "What's wrong, Xiao Wu?" "It's okay, it's just a bit cold. Is there really a hundred thousand year soul beast in Third Brother's place?" "I don't know, I just heard the teacher mention it, I don't know the rest."

"Okay, you guys have a good rest today. A teacher will pick you up when you arrive at your destination tomorrow. Dismiss..."

We set off early the next morning. Along the way, Oscar was in charge of food supplies, Zhu Zhuqing was in charge of reconnaissance, and Dai Mubai was in charge of opening the way. We cooperated very well, and finally arrived at our destination in the evening, a small village on the edge of the Star Forest. town.

"Didn't the dean say that there is a teacher to take care of him? Why didn't he see it?" Xiao Wu looked around.

"Humph, you're late and still talking so much." A voice sounded behind us, and we looked behind us. A man who looked like Zao Wuji was standing there. Why do you say they look similar? Because his body is bruised and bruised, and his face is covered with scars.

"You are Teacher Zhao! Teacher Zhao, what happened to you? You were beaten." Dai Mubai looked at him in surprise. "What nonsense are you talking about, little bastard! Hurry up and find an inn, or we will sleep on the street today!" After saying that, he cursed and left. Tsk tsk, Tang San’s father was really cruel. Seeing Zhao Wuji's tragic situation, I even sympathized with him a little bit, but I didn't know that the injuries on his body were caused by my father's handiwork.

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