Douluo first asked Tang Hao to build an axe

Chapter 45 The hunt is successful and the soul ring is absorbed

Cruel Kiss Luoteng shrinks its body into a big ball again, preparing for the next big move, but these soul beasts don't know why Cruel Kiss Luoteng retracted it suddenly.

They all approached the body of Can Kiss Luoteng quickly, and the screaming chicken got a chance to fly to Can Kiss Luoteng quickly, it opened its eagle beak to peck at Can Kiss Luoteng's vine.

It is worth mentioning that the screaming chicken's pointed beak is not afraid of the poison of the kissing vines. As long as it does not swallow these vines, it will not be eroded by the poison.

And just when the Screaming Chicken was about to peck Can Kiss Luo Teng's body, the vines on Can Kiss Luo Teng's body suddenly opened, which whipped all the surrounding spirit beasts like countless long whips.

If there weren't so many soul beasts around, the three hundred-year-old soul beasts would indeed have used their speed to dodge the blow, but now there are all soul beasts around, and the attack of Cankiss Falling Vine was still whipped down from top to bottom , Screaming chicken can fly but can't walk on the road.

The vines of the Cankissing Falling Vine were like woven spider webs, shrouding them and the soul beasts. These vines were also highly poisonous. If they were really to be shrouded by these vines, they would be annihilated in an instant.

But it was obvious that after the three century-old soul beasts found that they could not escape, they chose the simplest and rude method, which was to directly attack the body of Cruel Kiss Luoteng.

The body of the Cruel Kiss Falling Vine is the root, as long as they uproot the Crumb Kiss Falling Vine or break the vines at the root, then the Cruel Kiss Falling Vine's attack will naturally break without attack.

The screaming chicken, the colorful cat, and the skinny dog, the three hundred-year-old soul beasts attacked the Cruel Kiss Luoteng at the same time, and they attacked the Crumb Kiss Luoteng in their unique ways.

Cats are scratched, dogs are scratched, chickens are beaten!Bah, it's for biting!

Cankiss Luoteng felt these three hundred-year-old soul beasts quickly approaching its body, and it released its ultimate move in an instant. We don't know what its ultimate move is called, but it should be called Cankissing Luoteng!

In just a split second, all the branches and leaves on the vine of the Crumbly Kiss Falling Vine shot out suddenly, the effect was naturally extremely terrifying. These half-shaped branches and leaves were like small ultra-fast blades, and the branches and leaves that looked like blades burst out in an instant After all, the criss-crossing branches and leaves turned this space into a static picture, and the torso of the fallen vine without branches and leaves was also still in the air.

In this 20-meter radius space, it was completely still. Whether it was a ten-year spirit beast, two hundred-year-old spirit beasts, the colorful cat and the skinny dog, or a three-hundred-year-old spirit beast that was as powerful as a screaming chicken, they all changed in this instant. Gotta be still.

And in the next instant, this quiet and peaceful still space suddenly turned into the appearance of hell, and the soul beasts became fragmented under the gust of breeze, even the three hundred-year-old soul beasts were the same.

The same is true for the torso including the vine kissing the falling vines. This is the so-called move that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred. If it wants to kill all the soul beasts, it also has to pay a heavy price. It will also dissipate.

Most of the body of this fallen vine has dissipated, and only the roots that remain in place are still there, proving that it is not dead. As long as it waits for a heavy rain, its vines will sprout and grow quickly. big.

But it was obvious that it had no chance of sprouting anymore. As Wu Tian, ​​who had been sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers, with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, he took action.

His body rushed towards Can Kiss Luoteng quickly, he had to hurry up because there was not much time left for him.

Wu Tian quickly released his sky-shaking axe, his sky-shaking axe. Although his sky-shaking axe was unattractive, it was extremely handy for him now, much more handy than the Seven Star Sword he took from the master. He took the Seven Star Sword so that he could explain how he killed the Cruel Kiss Luoteng when he went back.

Wu Tian came to the remnant body of Remnant Kiss Falling Vine, the remnant of the remnant body was really miserable, only the roots that were level with the ground were left, and the roots were not as thick as imagined, but very thin, about It's only twenty centimeters thick.

For Wu Tian, ​​the thickness is like his family's chopping wood. He raised the sky-shaking ax with full strength, and used the method the old man taught him to upload it to the waist with his calf, and then to his arms, while grasping it firmly and firmly. The three essences used all their strength to chop at the body of the vine kissing Luoteng.

With the ax in his hand, the root of the vine was instantly split in two by Wu Tian's chop. Although it was buried deep in the soil, Wu Tian's ax used all his soul. The moment he raised the sky-shaking axe, all the soul power in his body was urging the sky-shaking axe, and only by urging the sky-shaking ax with all his strength could he be sure to kill the cruel kiss falling vine.After all, there is not much time left for him, and the soul beasts attracted by this fan of summoning beasts are not just that.

And as the root of the vine kissed and fell into two halves, a faint yellow light spot gathered above it. In addition to the difference in soul power of a hundred years, there is also a gap in the level of soul beasts.

This yellow halo is exuding terrifying energy, this energy makes Wu Tian very happy, he has no time to think about it, he quickly raised his right hand, resisting the feeling of emptiness from the full release of soul power just now, touching this Yellow soul ring.

Wu Tian is now particularly looking forward to what kind of soul skills his first soul ring will bring him. The lovesickness red color suddenly appeared in his hand. As the lovesickness red color appeared in his hand, Wu Tian felt that his soul power was actually in his hand. Slow recovery, is this the auxiliary ability of Acacia Broken Heart Red? It can actually help the master recover his soul power faster when his soul power is lacking.

And as the lovesickness heartbroken red appeared in Wu Tian's hand, the yellow soul ring on Can Kiss Luo Teng's body also floated to his head.

Wu Tian knew that now was not the time to be nervous. He sat cross-legged and focused on the lovesick red martial soul that appeared in his right hand. As the five-hundred-year-old soul ring approached, Wu Tian felt a huge pressure enveloped him. on his head.

Before Wu Tian had time to react, the spirit ring quickly shrank and changed to the size of a bracelet, which was directly placed on the Acacia Heartbroken Red Martial Spirit in his hand.

Wu Tian felt that the Acacia Heartbroken Red in his hand had a scorching energy. This energy instantly entered his body. This heat made Wu Tian feel very uncomfortable. His insides were on fire, his heart was on fire, and his body couldn't help but feel a burst of heat. Trembling violently, this trembling feeling made Wu Tian moan in a different way.


And as he groaned, he felt that there was a particularly domineering force in his body. This force was particularly powerful, and with the support of this powerful energy, the look of the lovesickness in his hand actually changed slightly. .

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