Douluo first asked Tang Hao to build an axe

Chapter 27 Triangle made of gold and iron?

The soldier captain who was in charge of checking the warrant showed a slight smile when he saw Sauron's appearance.After a short inspection, they let Wu Tian and the others go.

When Wu Tian entered the forest, the hustle and bustle of the market seemed to have disappeared, the air became very fresh, and a breath of nature spread across the surface.

After entering the forest, Sauron did not move forward in a hurry. He turned back to Xiao Meier and said, "No matter what kind of danger you encounter, Teacher Xiao, your first priority is to protect Wu Tian."

Xiao Meier nodded. She had long regarded Wu Tian as more important than anything else. If she encountered danger, she would definitely protect Wu Tian with all her strength, even willing to sacrifice her life for it.

And as the master who came with him, he released his farting beast, Luo Sanpao, at the first time.

Wu Tian felt disgusted by the special effects of Luo Sanpao's appearance. With a "poof~" sound, a light purple mist rose on the ground, and a dog as fat as a pig appeared on the ground. This dog was over 100 meters tall. He is 1.5 meters tall, and his waist must be about 1.5 meters tall. He looks like a ball.

Its appearance is very confusing, because it has a pair of big dark blue eyes, and it is very gentle when looking at people, showing a very cute appearance, but Wu Tian knows that this is a beast that farts at every turn!

So Wu Tian directly pulled Xiao Meier away, afraid of being polluted by Luo Sanpao, and Wu Tian still sniffed Xiao Meier, afraid that he just smelled Luo Sanpao. .

Wu Tian's performance caught the master's attention, what does he mean by this?Does he know that my spirit is farting?How else could he be so far away?

No, no, how could that blacksmith be so powerful as to know my martial spirit? The soul masters who know my martial spirit are all from the Shangsan Sect, so how could that blacksmith be that person!

As a friend of the master, Sauron saw the master's martial soul for the first time. He was very puzzled and asked the master: "Master, why is your martial soul like this? Is your martial soul a beast or a weapon?" Soul?"

The master clasped his hands behind his back and said proudly: "Dean Sauron, my martial spirit is a beast martial spirit, and I am the first to release a beast martial spirit in the mainland. You should have heard of my former name. I am exactly The corner of wisdom in the Golden Triangle!”

"The first wild beast spirit? The horn of wisdom!" This is the first time Sauron has heard the name of the wild beast spirit. It sounds awesome!

The golden iron triangle has a great reputation, because their strength is comparable to that of the title Douluo. It can be said that this name is very famous in the Douluo continent, and his friend is actually a corner of the golden iron triangle. It's really awesome, it seems a bit honored that such an awesome person eats and drinks in his academy!

Wu Tian curiously asked Xiao Meier from the side: "Golden iron triangle? In addition to the ones made of gauze and string, sister Meier also has briefs made of gold and iron..."

Xiao Mei'er didn't wait for Wu Tianquan to say anything, so she hurriedly covered Wu Tian's mouth with her hand. Her face turned red and she lowered her head and thought: Xiao Tian is so annoying~ He actually put last night...

Although Wu Tian didn't say all of what he said, Sauron and the master understood what he meant instantly, and Sauron was immediately made to laugh.

The master on the side looked as slumped as a donkey. This was the first time he heard that his name, the Golden Iron Triangle, was a triangular thing!

Xiao Meier let go of Wu Tian's mouth, and whispered in his ear: "Xiao Tian, ​​don't talk about that, you will shame me to death!"

In order to accept Wu Tian as an apprentice, the master had no choice but to squeeze a smile out of his donkey face, and he explained: "The strength of our golden iron triangle is terrifying, and the martial soul fusion skills of the three of us can defeat Contra of!"

"Wow~ So strong! Master, you are so powerful!" Wu Tian said with admiration with stars in his eyes.

"That is, that is!" The master said proudly with his hands behind his back.

Wu Tian asked the master like a curious baby: "Master, you are so strong, why is your soul power level still a great soul master? What are the soul power levels of the other two corners?"

The master's complacency just now was shaken back to his original state. Can't Wu Tian grasp the key point? The point I am talking about is that I am awesome, not for you to pay attention to my soul power level and their soul power level!

"The other two corners are naturally stronger than me. Their soul power levels are all soul saints in the seventies, but they can't use martial soul fusion skills because I can release martial souls externally." Luo Sanpao is the hub of the martial soul fusion skills of the three of us. Without Luo Sanpao we can't release the martial soul fusion skills." What the master said this time was particularly secretive, he just wanted Wu Tian to pick out the thorn again .

Wu Tian nodded, patted his head and said: "I understand, you mean that you are the weakest of the three of you, and they are the two of you who usually protect you, right! You can only use it at critical times You puppet."

Puppet, puppet, puppet...

These two words echoed in the master's head. Is this what people say?Is the puppet like me?

The master felt as if something was blocked in his chest. He knew it should be a mouthful of pus and blood, and he tried his best to swallow the mouthful of blood.

He didn't refute Wu Tian's words anymore, because he didn't have anything else to say, what Wu Tian said seemed to be correct, who made his soul power level inferior to Flender and Liu Erlong!He was caught in the memory, if he was strong, he would not be kicked out by the family.Weakness is the original sin, but why haven't any of my plans over the years succeeded?

He wanted to use Bibi Dong to control the Wuhun Temple, but was destroyed by Chihiro Ji, and he was kicked out when he wanted to use Liu Erlong to become the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now he can only find a powerful apprentice to realize it. He took great revenge.After waiting for so many years, he finally got the genius he dreamed of, but this genius seemed to look down on him, but it didn't matter, he believed that as long as he worked hard enough, an iron rod could be ground into tiny needles.

"Master, I'm sorry! I seem to have brought up your sadness! Don't worry, I won't mention you as a puppet again!" Wu Tian comforted.

The master felt that the pus and blood he had just swallowed were lifted up again, he smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, Sanpao, let's open the way ahead."

"Hey!" Luo Sanpao was walking in front, shaking his head, looking very much like a wild boar.

"Principal Sauron, you and I will walk in front. If there are soul beasts, you and I will fight together. Teacher Xiao, you will be responsible for protecting Xiaotian." The master arranged it like this.

His current position directly compares to Sauron, the dean, and Zoro didn't say much, because the corner of wisdom of the golden iron triangle also has another ability, which is the ability to command. Of course, there is no need for him to command when there is a master. Well, he is more comfortable being a thug.

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