Douluo's Steady Douluo

Chapter 3 Sauce-flavored Pork Rib Noodles

Walking around the outskirts of the Hunting Soul Forest, most of the soul beasts I met were century-old soul beasts. Although there were some types that were more suitable, they were naturally not considered if they were not old enough.

After walking a little deeper, a bird call came. Just a hundred meters in front of the group of people, a golden bird hovered in the sky. After spotting the few people in front of it, it let out a sharp bird call.

All the birds, birds and soul beasts around flew away in fright, and large leaves suddenly fell in the forest.

"The Amber Black Bird is the overlord among birds. Its dark purple eyes mean that it is a thousand-year-old soul beast. Judging from its body, it should be around 1,600 years old." Ju Douluo made a judgment.

Xie Chun looked through the notes he made yesterday, and quickly found the corresponding records of this kind of soul beast.

"The attack method is single, but the speed is extremely fast. Various nutrients are stored in the amber above the head, and the energy in it can be consumed to further increase its speed."

"The soul ring of the amber black bird is suitable for Xiaoxue to absorb, and the age is also just right, so let it be."

Qian Renxue nodded, and took a few steps forward slightly, as if preparing to strike.

After Ju Douluo was confirmed, he raised his hand and slapped the amber black bird hovering in the sky, knocking it down to the ground and dying.

"Angel Assault."

Qian Renxue's right fist emitted a sacred light, forming a golden light shield when it was swung out, and finally landed on the Amber Black Bird. The Black Bird struggled for a few times and then calmed down.

A faint purple light appeared on the body of the Amber Black Bird. Compared with the century-old soul ring that Xie Chun had absorbed before, this purple soul ring undoubtedly contained more powerful energy.

Qian Renxue gathered her soul power with a heavy expression, and accompanied by a golden halo, the purple amber black bird soul ring flew towards her.

The rest of the people around him silently guarded without saying a word, Qian Renxue sat cross-legged on the spot, feeling the pressure brought by the spirit ring of the amber black bird.

Not long after, the purple halo came to the top of Qian Renxue's head, and finally fell on the seraph martial soul. Under the light, the angel's wings gradually changed.

The originally pure white wings were dyed with a layer of golden brilliance, and the patterns on the body of the amber black bird appeared, and finally disappeared.

Qian Renxue withdrew her martial spirit, stood up slowly, and returned to the center of the team without making a sound.

"How do you feel?" Xie Chun opened the system panel and found that her soul power jumped from level 30 to level 32. The effect of the thousand-year soul ring is so good?

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult to absorb a spirit ring of this level."

"Then is it convenient to show off your new soul skill?"

Qian Renxue summoned the Seraphim again, and two yellow and one purple soul rings rose up one after another. The third soul ring lit up instantly, and several light feathers surrounded her body.

"Body protection skills?" Ju Douluo narrowed his eyes, as if he saw something incredible.

Qian Renxue shook her head and pointed her index finger at the bamboo forest not far away. The light feathers surrounding her were aimed in that direction and launched in that direction. In an instant, a large piece of bamboo was cut off. Countless green bamboo leaves fell from the air and turned into several ten-year souls. ring.

"My third spirit ring skill is called Angel Light Feather. The effect is to summon light feathers to surround me. These light feathers can be controlled by my will, and can be used for offense or defense."

"Are you good at attacking and defending?" Ju Douluo smiled, "It's a very practical skill, take a break and let's find the next soul beast."

Xie Chun stared at Qian Renxue, who was practicing with her eyes closed, and thought for a while, and recorded the changes in the Seraphim's martial soul just now in his notes. This kind of first-hand information is much more reliable than the dead things in the library.

Twenty minutes later, the group walked towards the depths of the Soul Hunting Forest. Xie Chun guided Ju Douluo to walk as close to the water as possible, and soon found the target of his trip - the Heavy Water Black Turtle.

This is a green turtle with a huge body. It exudes an unshakable aura. The three and a half horizontal stripes on the turtle shell mark that this heavy water black turtle has about 1,800 years of cultivation. .

"Elder Ju, please take action."

Chrysanthemum Douluo frowned: "The age of this soul beast has exceeded the absorption limit of the third soul ring, do you want to find another one that is not close?"

The upper limit of the absorption period of the third soul ring is one thousand seven hundred years. Xie Chun naturally knows this, but this kind of thing is not a problem for him.

"I can do it, but it's just a little bit beyond the upper limit. I can survive it with perseverance. There are not many heavy water turtles. It is very difficult to find another one that is just right." Xie Chun explained for a while, Ju Dou Luo quickly agreed with him.

With the surging soul power circulating, Ju Douluo grabbed it with his big hand, and the Heavy Water Black Turtle not far away fell heavily to the ground, with only his last breath left.

Xie Chun took out the dagger he had prepared earlier from his bag, stepped forward to end its life, and a purple light emerged.

Xie Chun sat cross-legged on the ground, did not dare to absorb too quickly, but counted down in his mind according to the time Qian Renxue had just spent, and calculated that the time was almost up, before inhaling the spirit ring into the spirit.

After taking a long breath, a green light appeared on Xie Chun's body, and three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, rose from his feet. This was regarded as a successful breakthrough to the great soul master and officially entered the soul master realm.

After adjusting his soul power to level 32, Xie Chun nodded to Ju Douluo, indicating that everything was going well.

"What is your new soul skill?"

Xie Chun unleashed his Instant Noodles Wuhun, recited the formula silently, and a bucket of pork rib noodles with sauce emerged from the palm of his right hand.

"After eating, it can increase the resistance of all attributes by 50%, including ice, fire, light and dark poison."

"It's still very practical in some special cases." Ju Douluo commented.

The main task was completed, and the group was about to go back home. Ju Douluo used the secret method of the Wuhun Palace to call back the three Xieyue who were wandering in the forest—Ghost Douluo followed the three people to prevent problems.

It was already evening when we returned to Wuhun Hall, Xie Chun had a simple meal of braised beef noodles, and sat at the table to continue studying the Tiandou invasion plan.

He has changed everything that can be changed, but it is only on paper. The specific implementation still depends on the on-site performance. It is best to have him conduct an on-site inspection in advance and refine the problematic steps.

It's a pity that this one is not realistic, and we can only be cautious and cautious when the time comes.

Changing out the Soul Yuan Fruit from the system store, Xie Chun looked at the delicate fruit in front of him, hesitated for a moment and chose to put it away.

Opening the panel casually, the only task border in the system task bar showed a faint red color, which meant that the task deadline was about to expire. Looking at the 100 days written on the deadline bar, Xie Chun sighed.

Putting away the flawless schedule on the table, Xie Chun stared at the night outside the window, unable to talk to himself for a long time.

Tiandou Royal Academy......

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