Douluo Zhi ran to the wrong set

Chapter 42 Fighting Soul

It’s okay if you don’t want to dismantle it!

Zhuang Sheng said no, that would be unreasonable at all. If the control system and the power attack system are allocated together, how will the support and agility attack be used?

Also, he, the big cat, cannot go on stage to fight souls with Dai Mubai.

Therefore, Zhuang Sheng arranged the combinations, Xiao Wu and Da Mao were in the group, Dai Mubai was in the fierce girl group, Ma Hongjun was in the Oscar group, and Ma Hongjun and Tang San were in the group.Four combinations in total.

The combination of Xiao Wu and Big Cat can create a more unique combination of play.The positioning and coordination can be more flexible, you can harass, you can cooperate with two people to attack, and you can also roam and contain.It can also separate the opponent's combination, and then use the speed advantage to focus the attack.It's a speed advantage.

The combination of Dai Mubai and Han Mei is much more formal, capable of resisting and fighting, and also has auxiliary enhancements.As long as Dai Mubai is not greedy for success and rushes into this combination, it will be difficult to lose.

As for why the fat man should be given more Oscars?It’s just to exercise the fat man’s ability to be independent!Without his teammates, he still has to protect and assist.This is difficult, and of course Zhuang Sheng never thought about letting them win.

Fatty's strong attack system is different from other strong attack systems. He does not have strong resistance to attacks. His biggest advantage is long-range output.Fighting without the protection of teammates requires relatively strong and sustained firepower output, which consumes a lot of soul power.And we have to protect Oscar, who is from the auxiliary department, so that the fat man can learn to think.Otherwise, he always lets his teammates create opportunities for him, and he just waits to steal the kill?How to grow?Just follow the team and pick up the missing pieces to become a god?I'm afraid I'm not kidding!

Of course, the martial soul characteristics are there! So Zhuang Sheng didn't expect them to win many matches.

And why should a fat man be paired with an Oscar instead of a hot girl?

First of all, although the fierce girl is tough, her self-esteem is not to mention how strong she is.Following the Fat Man Group, she would probably go crazy if she lost eight or nine out of ten games.But Oscar is different. He has a strong endurance and is not easily hit.At the same time, his recovery sausage is the battery life guarantee of Fatty's fire suppression, and can play a complementary role.

There is also the combination of Tang San and Fatty, this combination is more particular. It stands to reason that Fatty's Fire is very restrained by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass. If it's not well controlled, it's easy for one's own people to beat one's own.

But Zhuang Sheng was still very confident in Tang San's control, not to mention his timing.After controlling the opponent, Fatty can strike hard, even if the Bluesilver Grass is burned out, it doesn't matter. After all, Bluesilver Grass doesn't eat much blue.

Of course, this was very demanding for both Tang San and Fatty.

The last thing I want to say is to regain some confidence for Fatty. It’s hard for anyone to lose all the time.

A group of ten people came to the reception desk. Zhuang Sheng said: "I have assigned the combination to you. You can name yourself and the combination! Don't worry, the college will pay for your registration."

Everyone went to the front desk to pick up the registration form and fill it out carefully.

When it was time to register to form a team, Xiaowu Na Na came to Zhuang Sheng and whispered: "Brother Sheng, look, can you assign me to a team with Third Brother?"

Zhuang Sheng gave her a stern look and turned away, not even bothering to say anything, letting her experience it herself.

Xiao Wu punched and kicked Zhuang Sheng on the back of the head, but he couldn't reach it.

Moreover, her movements were clearly seen by Zhuang Sheng who happened to turn around.

Zhuang Sheng said playfully: "Do you really want to fight me?"

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile that was uglier than crying and said: "No, Teacher Zhuang Sheng. This is not about a soul fight. Warm up in advance! Haha!"

true and false!

Soon, everyone was registered. The combination of Xiao Wu and Big Cat, as expected, is called the combination of Mao Wu, the combination of Dai Mubai and Liuli White Tiger, the fat man Oscar is interestingly called the Fire Phoenix Sausage, and the fat man Tang San is called the three fat combination.

Everyone first signed up for the single-player match. The most number of soul masters signed up were the Great Soul Master Soul Master, so the competition was divided into many soul fighting arenas.

Not all at the same time, but it definitely takes a lot of time to go back and forth.So everyone moved separately. Flanders led Xiao Wu, Zhao Wuji led Tang San, and Zhuang Sheng led Da Mao to compete in the corresponding spirit fighting arenas.It is agreed that after the game, we will meet at the front desk and register two-on-two.

As for Oscar and Han Mei, they expressed that they wanted to leave with Zhuang Sheng, which made the two deans feel that they had no status, and Zhuang Sheng had stolen all the limelight.

Zhuang Sheng brought Big Cat to the No. 24 Soul Fighting Arena and asked, "Is this your first time fighting souls in the Soul Fighting Arena?"

The big cat nodded.

"Will you be nervous?"

The big cat shook his head.

"Then come on! If you give it your best, there is basically no opponent."

The big cat nodded.

The two people following behind looked at each other, expressing what a strange conversation they had!

Soon, the big cat went to the preparation area to wait.The opponent is a great soul master of the power attack system, and his martial soul is an iron lock.

Judging from the characteristics of the martial soul, Iron Lock can be developed into an attack type or a control type.Both growth directions have advantages and disadvantages. If you develop the power attack system, the attacks of this martial spirit will be unpredictable and difficult to guard against.However, the requirements for the soul master himself are relatively high, and the martial soul must be controlled well to achieve the desired effect.Otherwise, if you strike out with an iron-locked whip, your opponent will seize the opportunity to grab the middle of the whip, and the soul master will find that the iron-locked whip actually turns around to hit him.What an embarrassment.

Let’s talk about the development direction of the control system, which is relatively powerful. Because the iron lock is inherently hard, it is difficult to break free once it is controlled, and the weight and hardness of the iron lock can be used to cause damage. Of course, because the iron lock is heavier, it is much slower than other control spirits. However, relatively speaking, the development of martial souls is very variable. Maybe when you absorb a soul ring, you will find that your martial soul iron chain has become thinner. This will be much faster. Or practice soul power control to the point where you can control the thickness of the iron lock at will.

Zhuang Sheng was paying attention to the situation below while analyzing the situation for Han Mei and the two of them.

Although they are not combat-type soul masters, they can take precautions when encountering them if they learn more about them.

In the spirit fighting arena, after the referee introduced the players from both sides, he summoned martial spirits or something.

It didn't take long for the competition to start. The big cat did not rush forward to fight with the opponent.Because this is unwise, choosing to wander around to find out the flaws will give you a chance of winning.Because you don't know the opponent well, and you don't know how much the opponent knows about martial arts, so attacking hastily will not only easily lead to the opponent catching a flaw, but it is unlikely that you will achieve any good military exploits.

Big Cat didn't rush to attack, and his opponent didn't rush into launching his soul skills. He walked slowly, holding the martial soul iron lock in his hands and swinging it, and chose to remain unchanged in the face of ever-changing changes.

This will test the patience of both parties.

Zhuang Sheng was curious about what the two guys next to him would think.Because they are auxiliaries, although they do not directly participate in combat, they still need to have an overview of the whole scene.This can prevent opponents from raiding them, or give teammates a reminder.

Zhuang Sheng turned around and asked, "Which one of them do you think will be the first to take action?"

The fierce girl thought for a while and said, "That must be the one with the iron lock! His iron lock is already heavy, and the attack must consume a lot of soul power and physical strength. If you choose to fight for a long time, you will definitely lose."

Zhuang Sheng nodded and looked at Oscar, who said, "I think Zhu Zhuqing will take action first."

Zhuang Sheng was a little surprised and asked, "Oh? Why?"

"Because his martial soul is an iron chain, his attacks are very changeable and extremely heavy. He can do a lot of damage even without using soul skills. Judging from his size, he must have gone through a lot of physical training. With enough physical strength, he can do a lot of damage." We can make full use of the advantage of Iron Lock. Therefore, I think he won’t be too worried if the battle lasts for a long time.”

"But Zhu Zhuqing is different. She doesn't know how well the opponent controls the spirit. If she doesn't attack, she will be under great pressure. So I think she will attack first."

Zhuang Sheng nodded, Oscar's observation was quite careful.But Hanmei’s analysis is not wrong either.It just depends on who has a more comprehensive analysis. The more comprehensive the analysis, the more information you know about your opponent, and the greater your chance of winning.

Zhuang Sheng explained to them a little, and then said: "Zhu Qing will take action, but it should only be a test, using a feint to test."

Sure enough, Zhu Zhuqing moved just after Zhuang Sheng finished speaking.I didn't use the dashing skill Nether Thrust or Nether White Claw, so I couldn't hit him from such a distance.She just made a move to rush towards the opponent.

The opponent was obviously not a novice, and he was very calm. Even when Zhu Zhuqing came into the attack range, he was not in a hurry to take action. It wasn't until he was within three meters that he raised the iron lock and pulled it out. It's not a slap from top to bottom, but a sweep towards Zhu Zhuqing's lower plate to limit his speed and movement.

Obviously, the other party's familiarity with martial arts is not bad.

Zhu Zhuqing dodged the sweep with a slight side jump, but his opponent smiled softly, and the other end of the iron lock in his hand suddenly lengthened, and struck Zhu Zhuqing from top to bottom.

This is the variability of this iron chain attack. You think the attack is over, but you don't expect it to be just the beginning.

According to the expectations of the Iron Lock Martial Spirit contestants, if Zhu Zhuqing chooses to take the whip forcefully, then there will be endless Iron Lock attacks.

However, will Zhu Zhuqing give him this opportunity?Definitely not!

She stamped her foot on the ground, and then her soul power exploded. She did not use soul skills, but just controlled the soul power to explode under her feet to achieve the effect of acceleration.

So where is she going to rush to? In front of the opponent? no. She sprinted forward diagonally, and instantly reached the iron lock that had swept across her earlier. She grabbed the iron lock with one hand. The iron lock had great inertia, and its tail end immediately changed direction and was thrown straight towards the opponent.

If you get hit, the game is basically over.The opponent was obviously trained to deal with such emergencies. Although he was surprised, he did not panic.

Taking advantage of the situation, he wanted to pull Zhu Zhuqing and Tie Suo in front of him, and then use his soul skills to kill the opponent.

However, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be waiting for the opponent to pull. Instead of resisting, he rushed forward to close the distance again and launched a Nether Thrust, hitting the opponent's chest before he could react.Then a Netherworld White Claw.The battle is over.The opponent didn't even use a soul skill and it was over.

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